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Archive for February, 2014

Irish Political Economy, Class 4: Debt from Conor McCabe

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Irish Political Economy, Class 3: the IFSC from Conor McCabe

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Irish Political Economy, Lecture Two: The Development of the Irish State from Conor McCabe

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Presentation given to a group of geography post-grads in UCD, 11 Feb 2014.

Financialization and Ireland - Some Observations from Conor McCabe

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Lecture 4 in UCD School of Social Justice module, Inequality in Irish Society, 10 Feb 2014.

Who Owns Ireland? UCD Lecture 10 February 2014 from Conor McCabe

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Slides for two-hr lecture, Wednesday in February and March, Mandate Office, Cavendish Row, Dublin 1.

Irish Political Economy, Lecture One: what is Political Economy? from Conor McCabe
Recommended reading:

Arrighi (2009) The Long Twentieth Century: Introduction from Conor McCabe

Jim Stanford, introduction to Economics for Everyone […]

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From the Live Register:
Why is the vast majority of Irish media dominated with an undoubting and uncritical attitude towards a single theory of the ‘crisis’? What role does it play in legitimising, rather than challenging, the structural causes of growing inequality? And what does this mean for radical interpretations of democracy, public space and the […]

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