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Archive for April, 2013

Thanks to Mick Healy for the link.
This is the story of veteran Republican Liam Sutcliffe who joined the IRA in 1954. Within a few months he was an IRA agent in Gough barracks Armagh during `operation Harvest’. Sutcliffe later left the IRA and operated with the breakaway Joe Christle group during the 1950s Border campaign.
In […]

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Laughed my ass off at this from the EU Commission, signed by Michael Noonan. The issue is NOT tax evasion. The issue is tax avoidance, and Noonan knows that.
The full letter is here.
And this is from the Guardian earlier this month:
…many of such structures were simply legal devices designed to conceal. The real beneficial […]

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The First 100 Days

My note board in the office.

And on 14 January, first day of the research.

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Just got word from the publisher of Sins of the Father. They want to go with a second edition. Updated and with a new chapter. Hopefully out by the end of the year.

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Ireland is one of the country’s that’s been hardest hit by Europe’s debt crisis.But amid the austerity, billions of dollars are still flowing in and out of the economy.The problem for Ireland is that it is not collecting much of a share of the money.Laurence Lee reports from Dublin.
Includes footage of the Anarchist bookfair walking […]

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Michael Roberts, Marxist economist has an interesting post on Keynesian economics and where it has got to of late. Like many I am still trying to piece these things together, but there is something in it that I find hard to reconcile. There is a very fast way to disparage the view of some one […]

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