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Archive for April, 2008

Joe MacAnthony

“The point about a free press as presided over by O’Reilly’s INM is that editorial content is a matter for journalists, not proprietors.”
So says Eamon Dunphy in his April 12th Irish Times article about battle between Denis O’Brien and Tony O’Reilly for the ownership of Independent News and Media. The article has raised the […]

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The Simpsons prides itself on its stated ambition to offend everyone in the World. The Brazilians gave out about how their country was depicted a couple of years ago and news comes to us that Argentina are a bit fecked off that it suggested in a recent episode that the legacy of ‘disappearing’ people […]

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Well Remembered Dreams

In the depths of an excellent review of Gordon Burn’s Born Yesterday: The News As A Novel Mark of K-punk, having already suggested how the political existence of Gordon Brown and modern political life have been anticipated by Philip K. Dick, supplies this quote from John Newsinger’s Brown’s Journey from Reformism to Neoliberalism:
Brown told the […]

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Patrick Cockburn who has recently published Muqtada Al-Sadr and the Fall of Iraq being interviewed by Pepe Escobar on the Real News Network.

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Thanks to my friend Armando for this one.
(Very) roughly translated, the bits at the start read:
“Learn English with the Generalisimo! An easy and efficient method.
Read out loud the subtitles, along with the caudillo .
The centre for the study of “Unfortunate Humans” guarantees you that, at the end of this video, you will enjoy […]

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Smith on Smith

How the flip did I miss this?
Come the mid-70s, I was sharing a flat in Prestwich’s Kingswood Road with my girlfriend, Una Baines. I wasn’t in love with her, but you’re stuck when you’re on the dole - nowhere to go. We lived at the back of the mental hospital where Una worked. Biggest mental […]

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(Photo by Graham Keogh.)
A lot has been written about Jinx Lennon. All positive, and all well-deserved. A true original voice. He’s been the subject of RTE’s Arts Lives, clips from which are available on YouTube here.
From his website biog:
Jinx takes the word singer songwriter,douses it liberally with petrol lights it up and then takes a […]

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Laugh, you Bastards

That stinking Spanish fascist Manuel Estimulo of Manuel Stimulation is talking about the fact that the new Spanish cabinet is made up mostly of women. He doesn’t like this, as you can imagine.
But you can read it yourselves on the Irish Left Review. You should also read his other pieces of obnoxious crap […]

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Following on from EWI’s info as given to WorldbyStorm on Cedars, about certain leaflets beings handed out at the recent IFA march in Dublin, I find it very strange that those handing out Anti-Lisbon Treaty leaflets, which come ultimately from Youth Defense, should also be handing out leaflets for the upcoming Guth Gafa Festival Documentary […]

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Just a quick note for those who were interested in the recent Media Bite debate on War Reporting at DIT Aungier Street, which I mentioned before and who, like me, were unable to make it, can now see the full debate over on the RTE website.
It’s a very interesting and wide ranging discussion […]

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