Courtesy Tibor de Nagy Gallery, New York

Medrie MacPhee, “A Dream of Peace,” 2017


Reinventing, Downtown

By XICO GREENWALD, Special to the Sun
June 24, 2017

Abstract Expressionists Willem de Kooning, Jackson Pollock and Franz Kline urged a pair of friends to start an art gallery. Tibor de Nagy and John Bernard Myers followed their advice and, in 1950, on East 53rd Street, they opened the Tibor de Nagy…

Sing ‘Misty’ for All of Us:
Whatever We May Yet Do,
Hold Fast Artistic Dreams

By Special to the Sun
May 2, 2017

The following is adapted from the prepared text of remarks delivered April 22 at the annual dinner of the Signet Society at Harvard University by Seth Lipsky, editor of The New York Sun and founding editor of the Forward.

* * *

At the Signet’s musical reception, I enjoyed Julia Beidry’s fabulous rendition of “Misty.” I kept thinking of Colonel Bud Day. He was a U.S. Air Force officer who was shot down over North Vietnam and became the only prisoner ever to escape. Though Day had a broken arm and was barefoot and had been tortured, he made it across the Demilitarized Zone back to Free Vietnam — only to be recaptured and dragged back to the communist North.

One day he was leading a group of fellow POW’s in forbidden prayer, when guards burst in. One of them jammed the barrel of his rifle against Day’s forehead. There was a horrifying moment as everyone waited for the guard to pull the trigger. What did Day do? He started singing “The Star Spangled Banner.” Suddenly, all of the prisoners started singing our anthem. The guards backed down. America would eventually give Day the Medal of Honor. The reason I kept thinking of Colonel Day is that his trademark...

Cubist Art, Fresh Angles

By CAROL DIAMOND, Special to the Sun
April 28, 2017

Two gallery shows of contemporary art in Manhattan bring geometry and tactility together with vibrant results. New York–based artist Celia Gerard is exhibiting her signature large-scale mixed media drawings alongside relief sculptures in ceramic and…


Never-Trumpers Are Uneasy
As Trump Takes to Twitter
To Answer Left’s Defamations

By CONRAD BLACK, Special to the Sun
June 21, 2017

One of the straws in the wind that indicates that the Never-Trumpers are becoming uneasy, as they are cantilevered out over the Grand Canyon while they try to attach credence to bad fairy tales about collusion and obstruction and unctuously incite…

In Feud With Betsy Devos,
Connecticut Senator Murphy
Is Captured by Teachers

By CHRIS POWELL, Special to the Sun
June 20, 2017

Senator Murphy, the Connecticut Democrat, has become the foremost critic of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos ever since, while advocating a few weeks ago the transfer of federal money from public schools to charter schools, she used a weak anecdote to…

Round One Goes To Trump,
Even If More Tests
Await the New President

By CONRAD BLACK, Special to the Sun
June 19, 2017

It is easy to forget that the credibility battle between President Trump and James Comey is just the latest round in Donald Trump’s long struggle to overwhelm, single-handedly at first, the entire national political power structure. No one who…


Canadians, Loath To Boast,
Prepare To Celebrate
A Glorious Sesquicentenary

By CONRAD BLACK, Special to the Sun
June 30, 2017

The countries that are today the G-7 leading democratic economic powers all underwent radical political changes between 1865 and 1871. The United States abolished slavery and suppressed the southern insurrection, at a cost of a terrible war that left…

Roberts Court Is Emerging
As a Historic Champion
Of Freedom of Religion

By SETH LIPSKY, From the New York Post
June 28, 2017

‘God save the United States and this honorable court.” Even with all the cynicism in our politics, that prayer is still the traditional announcement of the opening of a session of the highest court in our land. And it’s starting to look like one good…

‘Death Party’ Is the Epithet
Democrats Use for the GOP
They Accuse of Abrasiveness

By IRA STOLL, Special to the Sun
June 26, 2017

So the Democrats, after opposing Donald Trump in the 2016 election partly out of what they claimed was concern about his incivility and coarseness, are now pursuing a debate about health care legislation in Washington by characterizing the Republicans…

Let Trump Seize the Lead
By Taking a Lesson
From ‘Give-’em Hell Harry’

By SETH LIPSKY, From the New York Post
June 21, 2017

President Trump, time to read up on Harry Truman. The president has mentioned Andrew Jackson as a role model, yet as Congress careers toward a recess it hasn’t earned, “Give ’em Hell Harry” might be the better history teacher. Truman, remember, got his back up and cut short Congress’ vacation at a crucial moment in 1948. What a move that would be for Mr. Trump.

Elizabeth Makes It Official:
The Queen Backs Brexit
And Era of Independence

By STEPHEN MacLEAN, Special to the Sun
June 21, 2017

“My government’s priority is to secure the best possible deal as the country leaves the European Union.” With these words Queen Elizabeth today officially opened the 57th Parliament. With the first session scheduled to last two years, it should give…


An Anthem in Miami

Editorial of The New York Sun
June 16, 2017

President Trump’s speech in Miami this afternoon will go down as one of the remarkable moments of his presidency. He — and a man with a violin — retrieved the cause of Free Cuba that had been abandoned by President Obama in a deal with the Castro regime. . .

Trump Cuba

Editorial of The New York Sun
June 16, 2017

President Trump is set to travel today to Miami to begin reversing President Obama’s moves toward normal relations with Cuba. This is already being denounced by the liberal press. The Boston Globe reckons there will be “no winners, only losers, if…

‘A Hill Worth Dying On’

Editorial of The New York Sun
June 8, 2017

“I wanted to know, was she going to authorize us to confirm we had an investigation? And she said, yes, but don’t call it that, call it a matter. And I said, why would I do that? And she said, just call it a matter. And, again, you look back in…


Independence Gets a Lift
From Britain’s Monarchy
As the Brexit Talks Begin

MacLean's Brexit Diary

By STEPHEN MacLEAN, Special to the Sun
June 19, 2017

“The world is your oyster.” So opined Britain’s former trade envoy, Prince Andrew, the Duke of York. Asked about UK firms’ attitude toward Brexit, the Duke spoke of their guarded optimism. “You can either look at it as a glass half-empty — which is…

With the Tories in Disarray
Editor George Osborne
Starts Feeling His Oats

MacLean's Brexit Diary

By STEPHEN MacLEAN, Special to the Sun
June 16, 2017

The editor of London’s Evening Standard is feeling his oats. George Osborne was Chancellor of the Exchequer until last June’s Brexit referendum, when prime minister David Cameron left office after his support for the “Remain” campaign. When Theresa…

Britain Appears To Be Ripe
For Collective Government
By ‘Ministry of All Talents’

By STEPHEN MacLEAN, Special to the Sun
June 12, 2017

Though Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn is one of the few major figures in British politics publically calling for Theresa May to stand down from her premiership, the sentiment is rampant in Conservative constituencies and Establishment enclaves across…

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