Toddler Development

Toddler Guide

This quarterly guide to your toddler's second year contains information, tips and useful contacts on your toddler's development between one and two years.

Got questions? Head over to the Essential Baby forums to chat with other parents and carers about anything to do with your toddler, including toilet training, food for babies and toddlers, allergies and intollerances and play & activities.



Stuttering: the facts

Up to 4 per cent of children go through a phase of repeating or prolonging sounds or words, or getting “stuck” trying to talk. No one knows what causes a stutter, but some therapies - and time - can help.

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When terrible twos become threenagers

Amity wonders why two-year-olds get such a bad rap, when it's the three-year-olds who can give teenagers a run for their money in the attitude stakes.

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"She often uses her pretend pals for taking the focus - and in some cases the heat - off herself" ... Matt Calman

Nini, Commel and Pea: My daughter's imaginary friends

The height of the imaginary friend stage was when my daughter was about two and a half and we had them over for dinner. I got little notice apart from a shouted, "Daddy, my friends are at the door! And they're here for dinner!"

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Kasey Edwards


Let's talk about body parts

Sometimes it takes a (very curious) child to show you’re not as sexually liberated as you think.

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Vinnie Macris

Toddler's art amazes experts

His work is described as art in its purest form, representative of what is important and beautiful. And he's only two.

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"Families with one child on the autism spectrum have a high chance (almost 20 per cent) of having another child with ...

The red flags of ASD

An estimated one in every 100 children in Australia have autism spectrum disorder - but in America, that figure is as high as one in every 54 boys. Learn what to look for and read one family's story.

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"Clearly a toddler has no idea about stealing in terms of legal matters; in their mind, possession is nine-tenths of the ...

Light-fingered little people

Her son began - and hopefully ended - his life of crime with a shoplifted chocolate bar. Kylie Orr shares her experiences with sticky-fingered kids - and how to deal with them.

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Humans have evolved to find prosocial behaviour rewarding, studies find.

Toddlers happier when giving

Think toddlers are selfish? A new study has shown that young kids are happy to give to others - even when it involves personal sacrifice.

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"I'll miss watching them play together and seeing how much they love each other" ... Amity Dry (photo posed by models)

What I'll miss

As Amity plans for a fortnight away from her kids, she's counting the things she won't miss about being a stay-at-home mum ... and things she'll miss terribly about them, too.

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