Trump's Cabinet picks have more wealth than third of American households combined
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The 17 people filling President-elect Donald TrumpDonald TrumpDemocrats target Trump's border wall in defense bill debate Obama ethics czar: Trump fundraiser at his DC hotel ‘illegal’ Trump trolling of Comey — Not presidential MORE’s Cabinet and similar positions earn more money than a third of households in America combined, Quartz reported Thursday.

The amount of wealth possessed by the 17 picks, at least $9.5 billion, is greater than the 43 million least wealthy households in America.

Quartz included Vice President-elect Mike PenceMike (Michael) Richard PenceSenate Democrats: ObamaCare repeal fight isn't over yet Gingrich: Trump will be reelected, then Pence will win in 2024 Funeral for the filibuster: GOP will likely lay Senate tool to rest MORE and Reince Priebus, Trump’s chief of staff, on its list.

The wealthiest members of Trump’s Cabinet include Education pick Betsy DeVos, who is worth $5.1 billion, and Commerce pick Wilbur Ross, who is worth $2.9 billion.

Trump himself would be the wealthiest president in U.S. history, and his Cabinet appears set to be at least among the wealthiest. 

It is wealthier than the past two administrations.

The New York Daily News compared President Obama’s richest Cabinet members’ wealth compared with Trump’s picks, and all of them were still less wealthy than Trump’s choices for the same positions.

President George W. Bush’s entire first administration was worth $250 million — which is one-tenth of the wealth Ross possesses on his own, The Washington Post reported.