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Despite bust in mining boom, WA's wages higher than national median: Census

WA's love affair with McMansions continues to grow compared with other states around the country, according to the figures from the latest national Census.

The 2016 census, released by Australian Bureau of Statistics on Tuesday, showed that 44 per cent of people in WA claim to have a home with four or more bedrooms compared to a national average of 32 per cent.

And it appears West Aussies enjoy a "bit of space" as well, because on average less than three people are living in these palatial homes.

WA's population grows 11 per cent 

The population of greater Perth is 1,943,858 up from 12.4 per cent from 2011, while WA has grown slightly from 2,474, 410 up from 2011 2,239,169 in the last five years.

WA can lay claim to having the fastest growing region in the country with the population in the Serpentine-Jarrahdale increasing from 18,000 people in the 2011 Census, up to 27,000 people.


The much-maligned suburb of Kwinana is WA 's second fastest growing region with the population increasing from 29,000 in 2011 up to 39,000.

More people are looking for a "tree change" with population in the south-west region of WA (Augusta, Margaret River, Busselton) up 21 per cent, while Bunbury (7.8 per cent) and Albany (6.9 per cent) are also 

West Aussies still take home higher pay

Despite the end of the mining boom in WA, the state's median weekly wage of $724 per week is higher than the national median income ($662 per week).

Not surprising, the people of Pilbara bring home the state's best pay packet, earning $2,381 per week.

Given the nations capital Canberra is home to thousands of public servants, it's no surprise the ACT tops the weekly wage at around $1000, followed by the Northern Territory on $871.

Workers in the Apple Isle bring home the worse pay, with Tasmanians earning an average of $573 a week.

More than a third of the Western Australians (32 per cent) claimed to be born overseas, up from 31 per cent in 2011 and the state's indigenous population continues to grow with 75,978 claiming to be of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander origin, an increase of 9.1 per cent from 2011.

More than a third of Perth people claim to have no faith (804,268) while Catholicism is still the dominate religion with 21.4 per cent (530,361) seeing themselves as Catholics.

The population in Australia has increased by almost two million to 23,401, 892, up from 21, 507, 719.

NSW still holds the crown as Australia's most populous state with 7.5 million people, but Melbourne is slowly becoming Australia's most populous city.

In August, 4,485,211 Melburnians filled out census forms online and on paper, 4,823,991 did the same in Sydney, while 600,000 Australians were overseas.

But that gap is being cut down by the week. Since 2011, 1656 new people called Sydney home every seven days as 1859 arrived in Melbourne.

Of all Australia's states and territories, the ACT had the largest population growth, adding more than 40,000 new residents in the past five years, an increase of 11 per cent.

Australians appear to be losing their faith with people claiming to have no religion (6,933, 708) overtaking Catholics (5,291, 834).

There are now 46,000 same sex couples in Australia after the number of people declaring themselves in a same sex relationship surged by 39 per cent since 2011.

Among all couples, 45 per cent of families have children, while 37.8 per cent of couples have no children.

More than 1.3 million have moved to Australia since 2011, with England remaining the dominant single source of expatriates.

But, for the first time, the majority of people born overseas are from Asia, not Europe.

Australian statistician David W. Kalisch said Census data provided a "detailed, accurate and fascinating picture of Australia".

"The Independent Assurance Panel I established to provide extra assurance and transparency of Census data quality concluded that the 2016 Census data can be used with confidence," he said.
"The 2016 Census had a response rate of 95.1 per cent and a net undercount of 1.0 per cent. This is a quality result, comparable to both previous Australian Censuses and Censuses in other countries, such as New Zealand, Canada, and the United Kingdom.
"Furthermore, 63 per cent of people completed the Census online, embracing the digital-first approach and contributing to faster data processing and data quality improvements.

With Eryk Bagshaw