New location


I know.

Things look a lot different here. I am undertaking a new project and it no longer includes or wordpress. Things are going to look very sparse and be even infrequently updated for a while. I hope you'll bear with me while I go through this transition.

Thing is ... I've not been blogging a whole lot lately. In fact, when I looked over the blog while I was beginning this new project, I noticed that last update was in September of 2016. That's almost a full year between the last update and the start of this new project. That's pretty bad. I've not been feeling the urge to write for several reasons.

The most important one is that what I have to say is controversial and potentially aggravating in some circles. Well, maybe it's not the most important reason ... that I would have to lay at the feet of school. Some of you may remember that I enrolled in graduate school last May. When you have to write 10 page academic papers of masters level quality, you don't really want to write much of anything else. Besides ... these days, most of what I have to write is rants about the state of the world and the U.S. in particular. I don't think anyone needs to hear any more about that ... not now. And certainly not the things I have to say.

Another reason is a sudden feeling of overexposure. I don't feel ... *safe* anymore writing out loud and on the web. While I am not the most visible writer online out there, the people who do know me don't expect me to be outspoken about certain topics that I have felt even more compelled to write about lately. I am content, for the moment, to just share links to articles that others have written on Facebook. That may change, but in the meanwhile ... there is this project.

This project is simply creating my own little blogging platform on my little VPS. Call it de-stressing. I miss my tech days and this is how I am going to keep my tinkering yearnings alive. Tinkering in php and HTML and web servers.

So ... until such time ... thanks for reading.