Monthly Archives: March 2009


Yasukuni is 11, 950 tons. Do not yet know, but from the vibrations[2] judge that she is a motor-ship. Apart from the bridge, only 3 decks above water-level. Cabins and other appointments pretty good, but certain difficulties in that entire[3] … Continue reading

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On board ss. Yasukunimaru (N.Y.K) in bay° of Biscay. The following was written in Marrakech on 21.3.39 to be written into diary when the latter was unpacked:- Until this afternoon, the last 3 or 4 days astonishingly cold. Two days … Continue reading

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Yesterday the Sultan made an official visit and drove through the town, which had been previously decorated  with flags etc. and several thousand troops to line the streets. Obviously this was intended partly as a loyalty-parade in connection with the … Continue reading

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Yesterday not quite so hot, overcast & clouds of dust. Ditto today, probably presaging rain. Other wildflowers here: a small kind of scabius°, several vetches, one of them very pretty, with a flower about the size of that of a … Continue reading

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VILLA SIMONT, 12.3.39 [1]

Troops[2]  returning from manoeuvres[3]  passed the house a few days back, to the number of about 5000 men, more than half of[4]  these Senegalese. The spahis look pretty good, general physique better than the average of the population. Horses about … Continue reading

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Yesterday I found a dead snake, about 2’ long, the first seen in Morocco. Very hot. It is said that this year there has been more rain than usual, so it should be a good year. Another flower now common … Continue reading

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Quite hot, but today cloudy. Most of our nasturtiums in flower & everything else growing rapidly. Mosquitoes rather bad. M. Simont uses blood, in considerable quantities (which he can get as he is a butcher) for manuring the orange trees.

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