SalonПідтверджений профіль


The original online source for news, politics, culture and entertainment. Since 1995.

Дата приєднання: жовтень 2008


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  1. Закріплений твіт
    6 годин тому
  2. 50 секунд тому

    Roman Polanski says his rape case is “over” as another accuser comes forward

  3. 31 хвилину тому

    Oxfam savages Trump on his “continued failure” to help Puerto Rico

  4. 1 годину тому

    Nikki Haley learns the hard way that retweets are endorsements

  5. 2 години тому

    Papyrus font creator speaks out after “SNL” skit

  6. 3 години тому

    Trump and Las Vegas: With no Muslims to blame, Twitter troll falls silent

  7. 3 години тому

    Here’s why Donald Trump won’t do anything to stop mass shootings

  8. 3 години тому

    Every year, millions try to navigate US courts without a lawyer

  9. 4 години тому

    A radical new approach to the immigration “problem”: Full human rights

  10. 4 години тому

    The Salon 5: How to win any argument

  11. 4 години тому

    How Maya Lin’s Vietnam War Memorial broke the competition’s biggest rule

  12. 5 годин тому

    How Harlem residents found a unique way to fight gentrification

  13. 5 годин тому

    ICYMI: Is Al Franken a "Giant of the Senate"? You can re-watch our live interview with him right here:

  14. ретвітнув(ла)
    5 годин тому

    Huge thanks to , and, of course, the audience (who now enjoy "fleeting eye contact" at the signing)

  15. ретвітнув(ла)
    5 годин тому

    "Some of the most upsetting remarks of this Presidency have been around N.Korea."-- on US diplomacy and security

  16. 5 годин тому

    Franken: Some of the most "upsetting" moments from Trump's presidency have been his North Korea remarks

  17. ретвітнув(ла)
    5 годин тому

    "I believe in people becoming advocates for things."-- answering the question, what do we do now?

  18. 5 годин тому

    Senator Al Franken on what Americans should do now: "I believe in people becoming advocates for things"

  19. ретвітнув(ла)
    5 годин тому

    "All our bumper stickers say: continued on the next bumper sticker."-- acknowledges a Dem messaging problem.

  20. 5 годин тому

    Franken gives his suggestion for a Democratic bumper sticker: "We all do better when we all do better"

  21. ретвітнув(ла)
    6 годин тому

    Welcome to P&P, and - it's a delight to have you with us. Thanks also to for making this happen.

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