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Home » Archives by category » World News » Europe » Greece

Syriza split creates Popular Unity

By Dave Stockton 14 September 2015 When Syriza’s Alexis Tsipras resigned as Prime Minister, on August 20, he triggered a new general election, which will take place on 20 September.…

Greece: meet unconditional surrender with unconditional resistance

By KD Tait Monday 13 July After a 17 hour final session in Brussels, Germany’s “Iron Chancellor”, Angela Merkel, and her finance minister Wolfgang Schäuble finally accepted the complete capitulation…

Syriza surrenders – without a fight

By KD Tait 11 July 2015 Alexis Tsipras and the leadership of Syriza have betrayed the mandate given to them twice by the Greek people. Scarcely a week after 61…

Leaflet on Greece after the Oxi referendum

Leaflet to the July Greece solidarity demonstrations…


Monday 6 July, 2015 By KD Tait   No to blackmail. No to humiliation. No to austerity. The determination of the Greek workers and youth to end austerity has been…

Greece: oxi means no – reject EU ultimatum and fight for workers’ power

29 June, 2015 All eyes are on Greece as its citizens prepare to vote in a referendum on the Troika austerity ‘offer’ that will dramatically shape the course of the…

Let Greece breathe: workers’ solidarity to counter bosses’ blackmail

25 March 2015 Despite the election of a government pledged to ease the intolerable burden of paying interest on Greece’s €320bn foreign debt and to renegotiate the terms imposed by…

Syriza’s negotiated surrender

By KD Tait 5 March 2015 Syriza’s failure to secure concessions on Greece’s loan repayments shows the weakness of a strategy based on exploiting divisions within Europe’s ruling class. The…

Greece: Victory marred by coalition with Right

International Secretariat, League for the Fifth International – Wed, 28/01/2015 The elections of 25 January in Greece represent a historic moment in Europe. A left party, which defies the central…

Syriza’s modest proposal

By Tobi Hansen and KD Tait 19 January 2015 A snap general election in Greece looks set to end in victory for radical left wing party Syriza, ending a six-year…

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