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Corbyn in Camden: a new movement is born

By Jeremy Dewar On Monday 3 August the Jeremy Corby campaign came to London. After drawing crowds of 1,500 in Liverpool, 1,000 in Birmingham and hundreds upon hundreds in Luton,…

The murder of Jean Charles de Menezes: 10 years on

by KD Tait, 22 July 2015 Note: An edited version of this article was first published on the Left Unity website On 22 July 2005, Jean Charles de Menezes was…

London buses: 80 different rates – one solid strike

By Bernie McAdam 14 January On 13 January over 20,000 London striking bus drivers in Unite paralysed services. Pickets were held outside every bus garage in the capital. Boris Johnson’s…

30th anniversary: the Battle of Orgreave

Thirty years ago in the Yorkshire coalfield, thousands of striking miners and their supporters faced an army of riot police intent on smashing the union and demoralising the pickets. Chris…

Going all out to win at Lambeth College

By Jeremy Dewar Like many further education establishments, Lambeth College is facing devastating cuts. Unlike most, however, its workforce has come out fighting – in an all-out indefinite strike. Teachers…

Women’s Assembly: how not to organise

On 22 February around 200 women attended the Women’s Assembly in London. Joy Macready reports Tightly stage-managed by Socialist Action and Counterfire, the top-table speakers were predominantly Labour, Green Party…

Metropolitan Police roadshow crashes in Brixton

By Jeremy Dewar On a windswept, rainy Thursday night on 11 February, around 40-50 people gathered in front of Lambeth Town Hall to voice their opposition to the police. The…

Solidarity with Syria: let’s seize the moment

By KD Tait  We are now approaching the third anniversary of the Syrian people’s revolution for dignity and democratic rights, rights that every people in the world deserves. Syria In…

Tube workers to strike to defend jobs and safety

By Jeremy Dewar RMT members on the London Underground have voted by 77 per cent to strike against nearly 1,000 job cuts and the proposed closure of all 268 ticket…

We don’t want the crumbs, we want the bakery

  By James Copley A crucial victory was won this month in Wigan, with workers in bakers’ union BFAWU forcing bosses at the Hovis factory to employ workers on full…

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