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Home » Archives by category » Newspaper » 2013 » Issue 372: Summer 2013

People’s Assembly: one step forward, two steps back

The People’s Assembly against Austerity succeeded in attracting large and enthusiastic crowds…

From New Labour to Blue Labour

Labour leader Ed Miliband’s has started to show his true colours, setting out what he would – and crucially would not – do if elected in 2015. Blue Labour is…

Ukip pushes British politics to the right

  The rightwing UK Independence Party (Ukip) leapt into the headlines after the May county council elections. Ukip stood in a record number of wards and polled 23 per cent…

Syria: the revolution needs arms!

By Marcus Halaby The Stop the War Coalition (StWC), led by Counterfire, the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND) and the Communist Party of Britain (CPB) called a protest in central…

Luxemburg or Lenin – how should revolutionaries organise?

Jeremy Dewar asks whether Rosa Luxemburg’s ideas on revolutionary organisation and working class spontaneity are a better guide than those of Lenin in building a new party of the left…

People’s Assembly: our best chance for unity

The 22 June People’s Assembly, with its trade union backing and its 3,000 registered participants, presents the most serious – and the last – opportunity to unite the anti-cuts struggles…

Can the Turkish Spring become a hot summer?

The movement which brought millions onto the streets now finds itself caught between the uncompromising violence of the state and the limitations of its tactics. KD Tait argues that now…

The logic of wealth inequality

Recent figures show workers in Britain have suffered an average six per cent cut in the real value of their wages. Since 2009 the cost of austerity has seen ordinary…

Left Unity: ducking decisions in Doncaster

Five weeks after Left Unity’s first national conference around 40 delegates attended its first National Coordinating Group (NCG) meeting in Doncaster. Ten had been elected at the national meeting on…

After Woolwich: self defence and working class unity against fascism

 By KD Tait With the killing of a soldier in Woolwich, the people of Britain were treated to a glimpse of the mundane brutality inflicted daily on the innocent civilians…

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