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Home » Archives by category » Newspaper » 2011 » Issue 356: July/August 2011

30 June: It’s right to strike!

Next step – general strike to bring down the Tories…

Editorial: Stop the cuts – save the planet

IN PREVIOUS editorials we have argued for a strategy to beat the cuts, centring on the need to win the unions to an all out general strike to smash the…

Our battle plan to beat the Tories

THEâ€?TORIES are preparing for a wave of strike action – they are starting to reveal key elements of their plan to break our unions’ resistance to the cuts, writes Richard…

What would a rank and file movement look like today?

Union activists often come up against their own leaders even before they can take on the bosses. Marxists advocate a militant grassroots movement to solve this problem. But, asks Jeremy…

Greek debt crisis leaves Europe on the brink of financial collapse

With Greece on the verge of default the crisis is set to deepen, writes Simon Hardy and Richard Brenner. The Eurozone is in serious trouble with Spain and Italy sinking…

Greece on the verge of revolution – but can the workers win?

Greece is in a prolonged pre-revolutionary crisis. Dave Stockton points to how it can be resolved…

The Revolutionary Party

The resistance today, from Tunisia and Egypt to Wisconsin and London, has brought a fundamental question back into focus. What forms of organisation and what type of politics should we…

1848 When revolution swept Europe

By Simon Hardy The year 2011 is a year of revolution. Uprisings sweep across the Middle East as rebellion against kings and dictators move from one country to another. And…

Sri Lanka massacre exposed

A recent TV documentary has exposed the massacre of Tamil civilians by the Sri Lankan army during the last days of the civil war. By Sean Ambler…

Lowkey – rap and revolution

Rapper Lowkey is hugely popular for his radical political message and activism. He is profiled by Matt Chew…

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