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General’s mutiny threat must be taken seriously

Scarcely a week after Jeremy Corbyn was elected leader of the Labour Party, the Sunday Times published a statement by an anonymous serving general threatening that the army high command would prevent…

Jeremy Corbyn’s programme – a revolutionary socialist assessment

By Dave Stockton 15 September 2015 Jeremy Corbyn’s programme for a future Labour government contrasts dramatically with the austerity-lite policies that lost Ed Miliband and Ed Balls the general election.…

Why we need to organise to defeat the anti-union laws

By Bernie McAdam 14 September 2015 Britain’s anti union laws are already the most repressive in the European Union. Thanks to the new Tory Trade Union Bill, they are now…

Syriza split creates Popular Unity

By Dave Stockton 14 September 2015 When Syriza’s Alexis Tsipras resigned as Prime Minister, on August 20, he triggered a new general election, which will take place on 20 September.…

No refuge for Cameron in asylum crisis

By Jeremy Dewar 13 September 2015 Over 100,000 people marched through the streets of London on Saturday 12 September under the slogan, “Refugees Welcome Here”. It was the biggest pro-migrant…

No more deaths – welcome refugees now

3 September 2015 The drowned body of three year old Aylan Kurdi washed up on a beach near Bodrum, Turkey on Wednesday 2nd. The photograph has concentrated the minds of…

Revolution and counter-revolution in Syria

By Marcus Halaby and Sam Copley 11 August 2015 A large part of the Western left and radical media have written off the struggle against the totalitarian Assad regime in…

Planet without a visa

By Jeremy Dewar 12 August 2015 There are more refugees in the world today than ever before. This year’s Global Trends Report, published by the United Nations High Commissioner for…

Corbyn in Camden: a new movement is born

By Jeremy Dewar On Monday 3 August the Jeremy Corby campaign came to London. After drawing crowds of 1,500 in Liverpool, 1,000 in Birmingham and hundreds upon hundreds in Luton,…

Do Black lives matter in the USA?

By Marcus Otono 6 August 2015 The slaughter of six Black women and three men by 21 year-old Dylann Roof at the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church on 17 June…

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