National Sections of the L5I:

Revolutionary Party

Why we need a Revolutionary Party

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In February 1917 the workers, soldiers, sailors and peasants of Russia revolted against the slaughter of the First World War and the tyrannical regime of Tsar Nicholas II. The workers, soldiers and sailors in the main cities organised themselves, spontaneously, in workers’ councils (soviets). Read more...

France: Macron smashes the left

As was expected, Emmanuel Macron's party, La République en Marche, The Republic on the Move, won an absolute majority in the second round of elections to the French National Assembly on June 18. Read more...

Brazil in turmoil: The Temer tapes

On May 17, a political bomb exploded in the capital city of Brazil, Brasilia. Read more...

Macron’s victory: no gain for French workers

Emmanuel Macron, former investment banker and economy minister, easily won the second round of France's presidential elections; by 66.1 percent to Marine Le Pen’s 33.9. Read more...

France: A choice between the Plague and Cholera

In the end it wasn’t only in France that adherents of the two winners of the first round of the country’s presidential elections were celebrating but their equivalents right across Europe. Read more...

Lenin's April Theses: The renewal of Bolshevism

Lenin’s April Theses, at 479 words one of the shortest of his major works, represented a qualitative advance in his strategic thinking, effected a transformation of the Bolshevik Party’s programme and Read more...

France: Presidential elections in a climate of crisis, Part 2

The Far Left

The Political Crisis in Spain

AFTER TEN months of political wrangling and two inconclusive elections, Mariano Rajoy’s Popular Party (PP) has secured the support of the Spanish Socialist Workers’ Party (PSOE) to form a minority gov Read more...

La crisis política en España y su dinámica

España terminó 2015 con elecciones parlamentarias en que el sistema de dos partidos, que duró décadas, sufrió un golpe histórico. Read more...

The political crisis in Spain and its dynamics

Spain ended 2015 with parliamentary elections in which the two-party system that had lasted for decades took a historic hammering. Read more...