Rick Salutin
Sep 25 2015 | There's something touching about Thomas Mulcair's attempt to become the Tony Blair of Canada: it comes 20 years late.
Matthew Behrens
Sep 25 2015 | Those bemoaning the "cost" of bringing Syrian refugees to Canada should ask how much it costs to needlessly destroy the lives of refugees who are already here.
Celia Chandler
Sep 24 2015 | September 23 to 30 marks Canada's "National Week of Action on Housing." If you care about the state of affordable housing in Canada, this is the time to let your political candidate know.
Murray Dobbin
Sep 24 2015 | The Green Party is supposed to be the party responding genuinely to the enthusiasm of young people, the party of principle. In this election, it is dishing up cynicism and dirty tricks.
Amy Goodman
Sep 24 2015 | Jorge Mario Bergoglio, the 78-year-old Argentinian known to the world as Pope Francis, made his first trip to the United States this week, bringing his uniquely progressive papal perspective.
Wayne MacPhail
Sep 23 2015 | New content-blocking technology in iOS 9 allows users to block ads, trackers and other pieces of code at an operating system level. With that, Apple is now the Stark Industries of web advertising.
Jim Stanford
Sep 23 2015 | Trans-Pacific Partnership talks have jumped right into the deep end of NAFTA: undertaking a wholesale renegotiation of what is by far Canada's most important trade relationship. Why?
Duncan Cameron
Sep 22 2015 | The subtext of election 2015 is that the NDP could win the most seats in the next parliament, and the other contenders have turned against them.
Rick Salutin
Sep 22 2015 | In elections, like in sports, you're pulling for your team, not just in the sense of party or leader, but in the sense of humanity, and its long-term potential for progress.
Ole Hendrickson
Sep 21 2015 | With the economy, health and the environment so closely intertwined, Canadians want to know where the major parties stand on the environment. Ole Hendrickson looks at how party platforms stack up.
Ralph Surette
Sep 21 2015 | Are you sure you can vote this election? The centrepiece of the Harper government's assault on democratic process, the Fair Elections Act, may stand in your way.
Murray Dobbin
Sep 18 2015 | The refugee crisis is shining an extremely unwelcome light on one of the dirty little secrets of the Conservatives' old Reform Party political base.
Amy Goodman
Sep 17 2015 | New York City Police Officer James Frascatore and his co-conspirators should not just be fired. They should be arrested for police brutality and excessive force after a pattern of racist violence.
Wayne MacPhail
Sep 16 2015 | Cloud-based services, inexpensive hardware and a vastly improved Microsoft OS are all making it harder to justify the Apple tax you pay for elegance and ease-of-use.
Naomi Klein
Sep 16 2015 | It is possible for Canada to fight against climate change in a way that changes our country for the better. That's the message in the Leap Manifesto, launched yesterday.