Blog June 25
David J. Climenhaga | With the potential rise of another party offering conservatism with a human face, one wonders if this will change the political calculus of union-minded Wildrosers and PCs.
Blog June 22
Maya Bhullar | GREDA and the Activist Toolkit provide a list of active far right groups in Quebec.
Blog June 23
Image: Flickr/Province of British Columbia
Sarah Miller | After the B.C. Liberals' bizarre throne speech yesterday -- which consisted of mostly ideas stolen from the NDP platform -- let's look at a few possible explanations for this sudden change of heart.
Blog June 23
Premier Brad Wall. Image: Flickr/University of Saskatchewan
David J. Climenhaga | Wednesday was the longest day of the year, and Standard & Poor's chose the summer solstice to downgrade Saskatchewan's credit rating from AA+ to AA.
Columnists June 23
Governor General David Johnston. Image: Flickr/Nick Matthews
Rick Salutin | This goes well beyond a slip; it's a conceit with a useful history in disparaging Indigenous claims.
News June 23
Photo of Jagmeet Singh by Mitchel Raphael (via Olivia Chow/flickr)
Meagan Gillmore | NDP leadership candidates reinforced their commitment to workers and the labour movement at a debate hosted by the United Steelworkers in Toronto on Thursday night.
Blog June 23
"Marea Blanca" protest against health privatization in Spain. Photo: Adolfo Lujan/flickr
David A. McDonald | Privatization has been given ample chance to succeed and has come up short. Evidence is building that people are able to reclaim public services and usher in a new generation of public ownership.
Blog June 22
Penney Kome | Liberals release reports on four major Acts; recommendations please some, irk others.
Blog June 23
Image: Flickr/UN Women
David Climenhaga | The Trudeau government's Bill C-4, which repeals the Harper government's anti-union legislation, received Royal Assent on Monday.
News June 23
Photo: Adam Scotti/PMO
Karl Nerenberg | Is the Trudeau government merely Harper-lite or is it a beacon of democratic, humanistic internationalism? Based on its record this past year, and at the mid point in its mandate, it is neither.
Blog June 23
Image: Wikimedia Commons/Ryan Hodnett
Yves Engler | Media commentators who complain about Russia ignore clear-cut Canadian meddling elsewhere and the history of US interference in other countries’ elections, including in Canada
Columnists June 22
Image: Flickr/
Amy Goodman, Denis Moynihan | As Trumpcare versus Obamacare dominates the cable news, the unreported movement for single-payer health care grows. As with all great shifts in history, when the people lead, the leaders follow.