New Research

Benchmarking Reports 2017

The latest WTTC Benchmarking, sponsored by American Express, compares the economic contribution of Travel and Tourism to that of eight other industries. It shows that the sector is a key employer with a high multiplier impact.


New Research

Economic Impact Research 2017

WTTC has released the annual Economic Impact Research, showing Travel & Tourism’s contribution to world GDP outpaced the global economy for the sixth consecutive year in 2016, rising to a total of 10.2% of world GDP (US$7.6 trillion).

Official Launch

WTTC's Declaration

The World Travel & Tourism Council officially launches its declaration for the International Year of Sustainable Tourism for Development.

Welcome to

The World Travel & Tourism Council

The World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) is the only global body that brings together all major players in the Travel & Tourism sector, enabling them to speak with One Voice to governments and international bodies. WTTC works to raise awareness of Travel & Tourism as one of the world's largest economic sectors, supporting 292 million jobs and generating 10.2% of global GDP.

The World Travel & Tourism Council
Our Campaigns

Our Campaigns

The World Travel & Tourism’s advocacy work and messaging is channeled into three strategic campaigns called Freedom to Travel, Policies for Growth, and Tourism for Tomorrow. Read more about them here.

Global Travel Association Coalition

Global Travel Association Coalition

GTAC is a coordinated effort between the leading global private sector and government organisations from the Travel & Tourism sector, allowing them to speak with One Voice.

Economic Impact Research

Economic Impact Research

The World Travel & Tourism Council conducts research on the economic benefit of Travel & Tourism as a sector in 184 countries and 24 regions. Delve into the research here.