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Essay: Inside a War Cabinet

Essay: Inside a War Cabinet Categories: Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Middle East, Syria     Author: Yaakov Lozowick

The security cabinet of 1967 appears in these never-published transcripts as a group of serious, professional and responsible decision-makers. While the ministers brought their worldviews to the table, they often didn't vote on party lines, often did listen to one another, and generally managed to m

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Statement on Jordanian-sponsored UN Security Council vote to set a deadline for Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 lines

Statement on Jordanian-sponsored UN Security Council vote to set a deadline for Israeli withdrawal to the 1967 lines Categories: Australasia, Israel, Jordan, Media Releases, Palestinians, United Nations     Author: Colin Rubenstein

AIJAC very much welcomes Australia's vote against the proposed Jordanian-sponsored UN Security Council resolution last week because that proposal was a clear step backward for the the long-standing bipartisan Australian policy goal of a negotiated two-state Israeli-Palestinian peace...

Rewriting history

Rewriting history Categories: Israel, Jordan, Media/ Academia, Palestinians, Updates     Author: Ahron Shapiro

Pro-Palestinian propagandists often allege that measures such as checkpoints and the Security Barrier are not necessary for security but are rather there merely to subjugate Palestinians. They also claim that Israel never seriously considered returning the land to Jordanian control or, alternatively

Whispered Compassion

Whispered Compassion Categories: Israel, Jordan, Syria     Author: Debra Kamin

Sultana is 23 years old and very hungry. She grew up in the suburbs east of Damascus, but when her house was firebombed by an airplane belonging to the Syrian regime, she fled the city in the night along with her husband and their five children. Together, the group trekked south toward safety acros

The Six Day War and the changing face of journalism: The view from Australia

The Six Day War and the changing face of journalism: The view from Australia Categories: Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Middle East, Palestinians, Reference, Syria, Updates     Author: Ahron Shapiro

The recent passing of the Associated Press' acclaimed journalist Hal McClure at the age of 92 coincides closely with the event that brought him his greatest fame - his coverage of the 1967 Six Day War, which began 46 years ago yesterday. His passing is yet another reminder of a bygone era when a jo

 Israel offers positive water policy example to the region - the Palestinians, sadly, offer the opposite

Israel offers positive water policy example to the region - the Palestinians, sadly, offer the opposite Categories: Israel, Jordan, Palestinians, Updates     Author: Or Avi-Guy

Through resource management, innovation and planning, the Israeli water authorities ... have now beaten the intense drought which has gripped the country for several years. Now, the Israeli example stands ready to help others in the region to do the same. Unfortunately, not everyone is ready to take

King Abdullah Wins a Round

King Abdullah Wins a Round Categories: Jordan     Author: Oded Eran

The parliamentary elections in Jordan on Jan. 23, 2013 failed to produce a clear answer as to the impact of the Arab uprisings on the Kingdom's real balance of power between the establishment, headed by King Abdullah, and the opposition, led by the Muslim Brotherhood. Both sides stayed deeply entren

Pew Survey of Middle East reveals complex and sometimes conflicted feelings about democracy

Pew Survey of Middle East reveals complex and sometimes conflicted feelings about democracy Categories: Afghanistan/ Pakistan, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Middle East, Tunisia, Turkey, Updates     Author: Andrea Nadel

The Pew Research Centre's Global Attitudes Project has just released the results of surveys it conducted throughout the Middle East in the wake of the "Arab Spring." The surveys reveal some interesting insights about attitudes in the Middle East in the wake of the recent uprisings, including how Mid

Declassified documents from '67 show Israel's willingness to trade land for peace

Declassified documents from '67 show Israel's willingness to trade land for peace Categories: Egypt, Jordan, Palestinians, Syria, United Nations, Updates     Author: Ahron Shapiro

Did Israel's government covet the land it captured as part of the defensive war of June 1967, which ended with Israeli forces in control of the Sinai Peninsula, Golan Heights, West Bank and Gaza? For the most part, not at all, according to 200 pages of newly declassified transcripts from cabinet an

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"Pro-Palestinian" in name only

"Pro-Palestinian" in name only Categories: Jordan, Palestinians, Updates     Author: Daniel Meyerowitz-Katz

Jerusalem Post Palestinian affairs correspondent Khaled Abu Toameh has recently been writing prolifically on the oppression of the Palestinian people. Unusually for an Arab writer broaching this subject matter, while he does have some criticisms of Israel, the Israelies are not the primary objects o

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