26 June 2017

Hundreds of thousands in UK face same fire risk as Grenfell Tower victims

By Robert Stevens, 26 June 2017

Of the UK’s 4,000 tower blocks, 600 have been selected for testing, due to the use of unsafe building materials.

Boris Johnson and the Grenfell Tower inferno

UK: Camden residents speak of ill treatment during tower block evacuation

By our reporters, 26 June 2017

WSWS reporters spoke to some of the thousands of Camden residents, who were evacuated because their tower blocks are unsafe.

German SPD conference: Schulz attacks Merkel from the right

By Johannes Stern, 26 June 2017

At its party congress in Dortmund, the SPD presented itself as the party of social cuts, militarism and the intelligence services.

Austrian Social Democrats open to coalition with right-wing extremist Freedom Party

By Markus Salzmann, 26 June 2017

The SPÖ governor of Carinthia, Peter Kaiser, declared: “We are in a situation where the wind is not blowing from the left, but coming from the right.”

Sanders promotes Democratic Party at rallies opposing Republican attack on health care

By Josh Varlin, 26 June 2017

Bernie Sanders is seeking to corral opposition to the Senate Republicans’ health care bill and channel it behind the Democratic Party.

“A lot of people are going to be left behind who can’t afford medical coverage”
Pittsburgh rally attendees discuss impact of health care cuts

By Samuel Davidson, 26 June 2017

Workers, students and health care providers discuss the impact of the destruction of health care on their communities.

Notes on police violence
Second mistrial for University of Cincinnati cop charged with murder

By our reporter, 26 June 2017

The mistrial of Ray Tensing follows the June acquittals of the officer who killed Sylville Smith in Milwaukee, and the officer who killed Philando Castile in Minnesota.

Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies kill teenager

Manitoba government leaves Churchill residents in limbo after flood cuts rail link

By Jeff Lusanne, 26 June 2017

A month after a railroad to remote Churchill, Manitoba was damaged by flooding, residents face skyrocketing prices.

Ex-CIA chief calls for “firm” Australian action against China

By Mike Head, 26 June 2017

David Petraeus’ appearance at the Liberal Party dinner was the latest intervention into Australian politics by visiting senior figures within the US military-intelligence complex.

Floods devastate Bangladesh and parts of India, killing more than 185

By Rohantha De Silva, 26 June 2017

Those most affected are the rural poor, low-wage workers and rickshaw pullers living in flood- and landslide-prone areas, where living costs are relatively low.

Australian government’s $70 million court settlement covers up crimes against refugees

By Max Newman, 26 June 2017

A lawsuit by Manus Island detainees was halted to prevent a detailed exposure of the abuses inflicted by successive governments.

New in Spanish

Las lecciones políticas de las elecciones en Francia

Por Alex Lantier, 26 junio 2017

La elección de Emmanuel Macron es el resultado de la política reaccionaria de las organizaciones que se denominan de izquierda y que rompieron con el trotskismo.

Tapadera de la CIA descubierta en Brasil, pero todavía segura en el New York Times

Por Bill Van Auken, 26 junio 2017

Cualquiera que sea la razón de la exposición pública del hombre superior de la CIA en Brasil, hubo un lugar en el que su secreto permaneció a salvo: las páginas del Times.

Trump frena los viajes y el comercio entre Estados Unidos y Cuba

Por Alexander Fangmann, 26 junio 2017

Las capas más voraces del imperialismo americano están convencidas de que, sin el apoyo de Venezuela, la economía cubana se derrumbará, permitiendo a las corporaciones norteamericanas reafirmar su dominio sobre la isla.

Abstención récord opaca la victoria de Macron en las elecciones legislativas francesas

Por Alex Lantier, 26 junio 2017

El Partido Socialista, que venía dominando lo que se considera "izquierda" desde su fundación en 1971, sufrió un colapso histórico.

Informe sobre el terreno de la India:
Obrero de Maruti Suzuki repudia veredicto “predeterminado”

Por Equipo de Redacción, 26 junio 2017

Jitendra Kumar, miembro del comité provisional del MSWU, habló con los periodistas del WSWS en la sede del sindicato en Manesar.

New in French

L’Arabie saoudite lance un ultimatum provocateur au Qatar

Par Peter Symonds, 26 juin 2017

Le Qatar a un délai de 10 jours pour accepter une longue liste de demandes qui le transformeraient en vassal politique de l’Arabie saoudite.

Le sommet de l’Union européenne entérine un renforcement militaire « historique »

Par Johannes Stern, 26 juin 2017

Au cœur du sommet de l’UE de la semaine dernière à Bruxelles figuraient des mesures de militarisation tant à l’intérieur qu’à l’étranger.

L’acquisition de Whole Foods par Amazon et la nécessité de la propriété publique

Par Eric London, 26 juin 2017

L’expansion de l’entreprise géante Amazon est un exemple de la concentration du pouvoir économique sans précédent parmi une poignée de sociétés qui dominent l’économie capitaliste mondiale.

Boris Johnson et le brasier de Grenfell Tower

Par Julie Hyland, 26 juin 2017

En tant que Maire de Londres, Johnson a imposé des coupes massives dans le budget de la Brigade de pompiers de Londres malgré des avertissements répétés selon lesquels elles coûteraient des vies.

Allemagne: le SPD s’inspire du ministre conservateur des finances, Schäuble

Par Peter Schwarz, 26 juin 2017

Le plan fiscal du SPD est inspiré des mesures d’austérité de l’actuel ministre chrétien-démocrate des Finances, Wolfgang Schäuble.

New in German

Das Gesundheitswesen und der Kampf für den Sozialismus

Von Barry Grey und Kate Randall, 26. Juni 2017

Die Wahl zwischen „Trumpcare“ und „Obamacare“ gleicht einer Wahl zwischen Pest und Cholera.

SPD-Parteitag: Schulz attackiert Merkel von rechts

Von Johannes Stern, 26. Juni 2017

Auf ihrem Parteitag in Dortmund präsentierte sich die SPD als Partei des Sozialabbaus, des Militarismus und der Geheimdienste.

Saudi-Arabien legt Katar provokatives Ultimatum vor

Von Peter Symonds, 26. Juni 2017

Katar soll innerhalb von zehn Tagen einem umfangreichen Forderungskatalog zustimmen, der es in einen saudischen Vasallenstaat verwandeln würde.

Kürzungspolitik der britischen Regierung führte zu Grenfell Tower Inferno

Von Julie Hyland, 26. Juni 2017

Das Inferno im Grenfell Tower macht klar, welche schrecklichen Folgen die rücksichtslose Kürzungspolitik für die Menschen in Großbritannien hat. Die Verantwortung dafür tragen Labour, Tories und Liberaldemokraten in gleicher Weise.

Other Languages


Middle East on brink of a wider war

26 June 2017

The Saudi-led ultimatum to Qatar contains demands deliberately designed to be rejected, providing the pretext for even tougher sanctions and military action.

Earlier Perspectives »

Mehring Books

Preface to the Turkish edition of The Heritage We Defend

By David North, 23 June 2017

A Turkish language edition of The Heritage We Defend by David North will be released next month by Mehring Yayıncılık, the publishing house of the Socialist Equality Group (Toplumsal Esitlik), the Trotskyist organization in Turkey working in political solidarity with the International Committee of the Fourth International. The Heritage We Defend was originally published in 1988. We are posting the preface for the Turkish edition written by David North.


Part 1: The reactionary origins of Britain’s incoming National Union of Students executive

By Stephen Alexander, 26 June 2017

The following is the first of a two-part series on the political issues behind the election of Labour’s Shakira Martin as NUS President.

Saudi Arabia issues provocative ultimatum to Qatar

By Peter Symonds, 24 June 2017

Palace coup in Saudi Arabia

By Jean Shaoul, 23 June 2017

Health care and the fight for socialism

By Barry Grey and Kate Randall, 24 June 2017

US Senate health care bill guts Medicaid, slashes taxes for the wealthy

UK: Conservatives seek toxic alliance with Democratic Unionist Party

By Steve James, 24 June 2017

Political lessons of the French elections

By Alex Lantier, 23 June 2017

Centenary of the Russian Revolution

This week in the Russian Revolution
June 26–July 2: Bolshevik slogans dominate at massive Petrograd demonstration

26 June 2017

As Russia’s Provisional Government launches a major new military offensive, the efforts of the Menshevik and Socialist Revolutionary leaders of the Petrograd Soviet to block the Bolsheviks from advancing their demands fail spectacularly.

From the archives of the Revolution
Declaration of the Bolshevik Faction at a session of the First All-Russian Congress of Soviets on the Question of the Offensive

By Leon Trotsky, 23 June 2017

Chronology of the Russian Revolution »

Workers Struggles

Support the strike by VW workers in Slovakia!

By Ulrich Rippert chairman of the SGP and SGP candidate in North Rhine Westphalia, 26 June 2017

The 8,000 striking Volkswagen workers in Slovakia deserve the support of VW and all autoworkers throughout Germany and the world.

Over 8,000 VW autoworkers launch unlimited strike in Slovakia

UK: Sheffield Jobcentre workers continue fight against job losses and relocation

By Danny Richardson, 24 June 2017

“Being an ‘independent contractor’ is just an illusion so they can pocket more money for themselves”
Striking Los Angeles-Long Beach port truck drivers speak

By our reporters, 23 June 2017

Socialist Equality Party

German Socialist Equality Party holds meeting on its election program

By our correspondents, 24 June 2017

Representatives of the SEP outlined their election manifesto against militarism and social inequality at a meeting in Berlin.


Megan Leavey: Oblivious to Iraqi suffering

By Joanne Laurier, 23 June 2017

Netflix drama strikes a nerve …
A spook comes out of the woodwork to attack Brad Pitt’s War Machine

By David Walsh, 21 June 2017

House of Cards, Season 5 and the “death of the Age of Reason”

By Hiram Lee, 20 June 2017

International Amazon Workers Voice

Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods and the case for public ownership

By Eric London, 22 June 2017

California Amazon worker speaks out:
“Amazon fired me because I complained about age discrimination”

By Evan Blake, 20 June 2017

Amazon’s monopoly swells with $13.7 billion offer to buy Whole Foods

By Evan Blake, 17 June 2017

Watch: How can Amazon workers fight back?

Share this video widely! Like and Follow the International Amazon Workers Voice on Facebook

Featured Comment

Palace coup or class struggle: The political crisis in Washington and the strategy of the working class

By Joseph Kishore and David North on behalf of the Socialist Equality Party Political Committee, 13 June 2017

The working class cannot remain a bystander in the fight between Trump and the Democrats. Rather, it must develop its struggle against Trump under its own banner and with its own program.

Free the Maruti Suzuki workers!

Sri Lankan free trade zone workers call for release of Maruti Suzuki workers

By our correspondents, 23 June 2017

On-the-Spot from New Delhi
Lawyer for Maruti Suzuki workers denounces frame-up

By our correspondents, 21 June 2017

On-the-spot report from India
Maruti Suzuki worker condemns court verdict as “pre-determined”

By our correspondents, 16 June 2017

Indian authorities seek to imprison more Maruti Suzuki workers on frame-up charges

By Shannon Jones, 13 June 2017

More on the frame-up of Maruti Suzuki workers »


On the death of former German Chancellor Helmut Kohl

By Peter Schwarz, 19 June 2017

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