
Catching up on the Discource

A brief bit on how I reclaim a portion of my labour time.

Review: The anarchists of Casas Viejas

Aftermath of the Casas Viejas massacre

A review by "Anarcho" of the book The Anarchists of Casas Viejas, by Jerome R Mintz, the most detailed history of the unsuccessful anarchist uprising in 1933.

Fighting the fascists in Devon, 1930s

Blackshirts campaigning in Plymouth, 1930s

A review of Blackshirts in Devon, by Todd Gray, telling the story of resistance to fascism in Plymouth and Devon in the early 1930s.

Democracy inside out - Fedor Kapelusz

Ostrogorsky Democracy and the organization of political parties

'Demokratija naiznanku', Bolshevik 1927, No. 21: 96–102. Review of the Russian translation of Ostrogorski, Moisei 1902, Democracy and the organization of political parties Volume I: England, New York: Macmillan.

Review: Can neuroscience change our minds? - Hilary and Steven Rose


A review of the new book by Hilary and Steven Rose which presents both a scientific and political critique of the growth of 'neuro' disciplines.

The faux-wokeness of film reviews: in defense of The Free State of Jones

A response by Crystal Stella Becerril and Jason Netek of some reviews of the movie, The Free State of Jones.

The Stillitoe Thesis

DAVID DOWNES is 23 and has been doing post-graduate research on juvenile delinquency for the LSE for the last two years.

Understanding the Labyrinth: Noam Chomsky's science and politics - Bruce Nevin

A review of Chris Knight, ‘Decoding Chomsky: Science and Revolutionary Politics’. Yale University Press, to be published on September 15, 2016