
William Morris and Incomplete Communism: A Critique of Paul Meier's thesis (1976) Adam Buick

William Morris and Incomplete Communism: A Critique of Paul Meier's thesis (1976) Adam Buick

William Morris: The Marxist Dreamer (1978) Paul Meier

William Morris: The Marxist Dreamer (1978) Paul Meier

Part of the series of biographies of William Morris.
First published in 1972 in French as La Pensee utopique de William Morris. Translated into English by Frank Gubb. Preface by Robin Page Arnot.

Back to banality - G.M. Tamás

Article from G.M. Tamás on the continuities/differences between the 'actually-existing socialism' of the past and present-day reactionism in Eastern Europe.

Abundance and scarcity in primitive societies – La Guerre Sociale

A 1977 text reviewing recent scholarship on social anthropology and its implications for understanding the communism of the past, and how it may shed light on the communism of the future, based for the most part on extensive excerpts from Marshall Sahlins’ Stone Age Economics, as well as from the works of Pierre Clastres, Robert Gessain and other anthropologists and explorers.

The women's day massacre, 1937

A striker wounded in the women's day massacre

A short account of the 19 June killing of 16 people and wounding of 283 by police during a demonstration of women and children in support of a steel workers' strike.

ISOnuts: one stop activism and the gentrification of the left

An Activist enters the bizarre and alienating world of the International Socialist Organization.

The Soviet Wage System

A big differences between wages in so called Socialist Country

'I am concerned at the break-up of the Soviet Union and the leadership it gave!' - Jeremy Corbyn's words of wisdom on Stalinism

Corbyn Cuba

The following is the text of a speech that Jeremy Corbyn gave in 1991 at a meeting to discuss the collapse of the Soviet Union. In the speech, Corbyn does criticise the Soviet Communist Party for its elitism but he clearly has no understanding of the way the Soviet regime did all it could to sabotage any genuine revolutions. Corbyn also makes no clear references to the mass killings, secret police, militarism and economic failures that were fundamental to the Soviet system.

List of green bans, 1971-1974

Green bans map

A list and map of green bans in New South Wales from 1971, compiled in June 1974. Green bans were refusals of construction workers to work on environment- and community-damaging building projects.