Top five films at the cinema this week

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This was published 7 years ago

Top five films at the cinema this week

By Jake Wilson

PANDORA'S BOX (134 minutes) G

It took more than big eyes and an iconic hairstyle to make Louise Brooks into the most captivating vamp of the silent era. As the heroine of G.W. Pabst's classic 1929 adaptation of Franz Wedekind's Lulu plays, she's sophisticated yet innocent, enigmatic yet down-to-earth, and a finer spirit than any of the men who pursue her. Digitally projected. Live score by Jen Anderson and her string quartet. Astor, tomorrow, 2pm.

Mia Farrow and Judy Davis in  <i>Husbands and Wives</i>.

Mia Farrow and Judy Davis in Husbands and Wives.

GREMLINS (106 minutes) PG

The dark side of American innocence is the subject of Joe Dante's brilliant 1984 horror-comedy, in which a cute, magical pet spawns a horde of cackling little monsters. Hilarious and alarming, the film looks back to Frank Capra while tapping into the anarchic energy of punk – something Dante's mentor, Steven Spielberg, was never able to do. Digitally projected. Docklands Drive-In, today, 6.30pm.

Mia Farrow and Liam Neeson in  Woody Allen's <i>Husbands and Wives</i>.

Mia Farrow and Liam Neeson in Woody Allen's Husbands and Wives.Credit: BRIAN HAMILL


This 1985 collaboration between director Stephen Frears and writer Hanif Kureshi is a comedy of manners, a snapshot of London in the Thatcher era and an unconventional love story, with Daniel Day-Lewis as a bovver boy who falls for an ambitious young Pakistani immigrant (Gordon Warnecke). The fast, offhand approach still feels fresh. Screens as part of the Kino 30th birthday celebrations. Digitally projected. Kino, tomorrow, 1.45pm. Tickets $6.

HUSBANDS AND WIVES (103 minutes) M

Shot in pseudo-documentary style, Woody Allen's 1992 drama of marriage and divorce has a rawness unusual in his work. In their final film together, Allen and his long-term muse Mia Farrow play a seemingly contented couple, with Sydney Pollack and Judy Davis as their newly single friends, and the young Juliette Lewis as the Allen character's pet pupil. Screens as part of an Allen retrospective. Digitally projected. Lido, today, 4.30pm and Classic, tomorrow, 2pm.

Daniel Day-Lewis and Gordon Warnecke star in <i>My Beautiful Laundrette</i>.

Daniel Day-Lewis and Gordon Warnecke star in My Beautiful Laundrette.

JOAN GRATZ RETROSPECTIVE (75 minutes) Unrated 18+

Blending painterly techniques and claymation, the work of Oregon animator Joan Gratz has a flowing quality that's both meditative and sensual. This program includes her 1992 Oscar winner Mona Lisa Descending a Staircase alongside a number of more recent works including an interpretation of Coleridge's Kubla Khan. Part of the Melbourne International Animation Festival. Gratz will be present for a Q&A. ACMI, tomorrow, 3pm

A cute, magical pet spawns a horde of cackling little monsters in <i>Gremlins</i>.

A cute, magical pet spawns a horde of cackling little monsters in Gremlins.

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