- published: 02 Jul 2013
- views: 738665
The gastrointestinal tract, also known as the gut or alimentary canal, is a tube by which bilaterian animals (including humans) transfer food to the digestion organs. In large bilaterians, the gastrointestinal tract generally also has an exit, the anus, by which the animal disposes of solid wastes. Some small bilaterians have no anus and dispose of solid wastes by other means (for example, through the mouth).
Animals that have gastrointestinal tracts are classified as either protostomes or deuterostomes. The digestive tract evolved separately in these two clades, an example of convergent evolution. The clades are distinguished based on their embryonic development: protostomes develop their mouths first, while deuterostomes develop their mouths second. Protostomes include arthropods, molluscs, and annelids, while deuterostomes include echinoderms and chordates.
The gastrointestinal tract contains thousands of different bacteria, but humans can be divided into three main groups based on those most prominent in the human gastrointestinal tract.
Guts - Le Bienheureux (Full Album)
Guts - Come Closer (Official Audio)
Guts - Eternal (full album)
Guts VS Nightmare | DEATH BATTLE!
Nickelodeon GUTS A J vs Amanda vs Jamie
Guts - Want It Back (feat. Patrice) [Official Video Clip]
兄弟本色 G.U.T.S【FLY OUT】Official Audio Video
AND THE LIVING IS EASY (GUTS) - Official Videoclip
兄弟本色 G.U.T.S【迷途羔羊 Lost in Connection】微電影 Micro Film
Berserk Guts vs 100 soldiers
*Label: Wax On (Sep. 24th 2007) Tracklist: 1: Intro [0:00] 2: Good Morning [1:18] 3: Everybody Know [3:45] 4: You Know That Shit!!! [7:38] 5: Escucha Me [9:57] 6: Metis [11:46] 7: Nightmare Of Paris [14:53] 8: Take A Look Around You [17:02] 9: Pura-Vida [20:54] 10: Skunkfunk [24:34] 11: Cry & Smile [28:31] 12: And The Living Is Easy!!! [31:34] 13: Sweet Love [36:49] 14: Endless Night [39:36] 15: Narco Trip [44:03] 16: I Love You ("It's So Hard To Say") [47:17] 17: And The Living Is Easy (The Dynamics Remix) (bonus) [49:31] 18: And The Living Is Easy (Dj Sayem Remix) (bonus) [54:54] *If anyone is guilty of Guts' addiction to music, his mother is to be blamed. Instead of turning her son into an overweight and diabetic child, she preferred to give him a new vinyl each we...
Buy on iTunes: http://smarturl.it/Guts-ParadiseForAll Get CD / MP3 on Heavenly Sweetness shop: http://bit.ly/PFA-CDorDig Get Deluxe Edition .WAV on Heavenly Sweetness shop: http://bit.ly/PFAdeluxe-wav Taken from Guts « Paradise for All (Deluxe Edition) » Extrait de Guts « Paradise for All (Deluxe Edition) » Artwork by Mambo © & ℗ 2012 http://www.heavenly-sweetness.com Twitter: https://twitter.com/Guts_PuraVida Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GutsOfficial
iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/album/id1087... Taken from « Eternal » – Out on 2016-04-01 Issus de « Eternal » – Sortie le 2016-04-01 Production: Heavenly Sweetness ↓TRACKLIST↓ 1. Opening : 00:00 2. Take Me Back (feat. Leron Thomas & Tanya Morgan) : 02:26 3. All or Nothing (feat. Tanya Morgan & Lorine Chia) : 05:24 4. Dirty Otter : 09:12 5. Give You Up (feat. Leron Thomas) : 12:18 6. Rest of My Life (feat. Lorine Chia & Tanya Morgan) : 19:23 7. Peaceful Life (feat. Lorine Chia) : 23:39 8. Incomplete (feat. Leron Thomas) : 27:46 9. Nowhere : 32:37 10. Kiss My Converse (feat. Tanya Morgan & Leron Thomas) : 37:47 11. Epic Poses (feat. Leron Thomas) : 41:16 12. Every Generation : 45:58 13. Desintoxication : 50:39 14. Dance, Love & Die : 54:18 *** Plus d'infos sur Heavenly Sweetness / More...
Watch the DEATH BATTLE before it hits YouTube as a Rooster Teeth sponsor: http://bit.ly/SponsorScrewAttack Go to http://squarespace.com/screwattack for 10% your own custom personal website! SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/ScrewAttackSubscribe Connect with Ben (Wizard/Director) Online: Like Ben on FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/hTPcT1 Follow Ben on TWITTER: https://twitter.com/benbsinger Connect with Chad (Boomstick) Online: Like Chad on FACEBOOK: http://on.fb.me/gkGKjn Follow Chad on TWITTER: http://bit.ly/ha2o2y Connect with Zack (Animator) online: Subscribe to Zack on YOUTUBE: http://bit.ly/1uDyYML Connect with ScrewAttack Online: Visit the ScrewAttack WEBSITE: http://www.screwattack.com/ Like ScrewAttack on FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/OfficialSA Follow ScrewAttack on TWITTER: http...
Visit Our Blog: https://darksideofbackstreet.wordpress.com/ This video is used for promotional purposes only!
Directed by Olivier Hero Dressen www.designhero.tv Production : Studio Supreme www.studiosupreme.be Executive production : zhong tv entertainement From the album 'HIP HOP AFTER ALL' out now! Get it here : http://smarturl.it/Guts-HipHopAfterAll Listen to the full album : http://bit.ly/1vMOv1w Rhodes & keyboards by Florian Pellissier Voice Children's Choir by The Studio School Voices NYC recorded by Steve Addabbo & Bob power @ Shelter Island Sound , NYC The Studio School Voices NYC directed by Ayelet Cogan Coordination : Janet Rotter , Stephanie McKay Patrice & Florian Pellissier recorded by Mr Mathieu (MrGib) Gibert @ Onetwopassit Studio Mixed by Mr Mathieu (MrGib) Gibert @ Onetwopassit Studio Album available: - Amazon: http://bit.ly/Guts-HHAAamzn - Google Play: http://bit.ly/Guts-...
FLY OUT 兄弟本色G.U.T.S 全新創作《Fly Out》, 五個人來自不同的地方,用自己的方式寫出了「我們即將要飛」的想法, 宣告兄弟本色G.U.T.S 正式組團及即將展開一連串的兄弟本色-日落黑趴世界巡迴演唱會。 熱狗MC HotDog不改以往犀利大膽宣告兄弟本色即將幹票大的; 頑童小春更是以他身為棒球投手的角度,寫出要和他的兄弟們一起來Back to back的全壘打; 大淵整裝待發,把兄弟道義擺在最前面; 瘦子才不管現在是誰的主場,兄弟本色就是要全部踏遍; 張震嶽則用他充滿自我特色的唱腔, 把這首歌做了一個完整修飾。 FLY OUT 詞、曲、演唱:兄弟本色G.U.T.S (阿嶽) 這樣太危險 飛太遠 對你做鬼臉 我們飛太遠 衝上雲端 天空沒有極限 (E-SO + 阿嶽) 他們知道我們來自哪裡 已經鐵了心 不掉頭回去 離開地表 展開雙翼飛行 WE GRINDING 黃金級的 SKY TEAM (MC HOTDOG) 到處都是小清新 小確幸 你要小心 街頭的兄弟很餓 殺出程咬金 現在多了我們兄弟本色 五個小小兵 五個忍者 天時地利人和 就是不矯情 就是不鳥你 做自己 路遙知馬力 我們的觸角早就不知伸到哪去 胚到全世界 飛航模式 沒日夜非常忙到沒時間 背上饒舌歌手的夢 我現在全實現 從玩票變全職業 我們先馳得點 兄弟們請你再堅持著點 已經混了十年 現在準備幹票大的 什麼都沒在怕的 HOLLA (KENZY) 我睡都還沒睡醒 準備來趕飛零機 飛往下個城市 躲不掉眾家媒體攝影機 王者起程往高峰 黃金海等我掏空 馬子為我暴動 富少崇拜著誓死效忠 不曾尖叫的開了口 抱著女友的鬆了手 全場歡聲像獅子吼安可不夠多觀眾瓏美送 HUSTLING EVERYDAY I HUSTLING GOYARD GUCCI VERSACE 我就像是...
AND THE LIVING IS EASY - OFFICIAL VIDEOCLIP directed by Sébastien Bellaval A music by Guts le Bienheureux, And footages from the original picture "Shame of the Jungle" by Picha.
【ROCK 微電影】歡迎訂閱滾石唱片YouTube官方頻道→https://goo.gl/QpVluI 兄弟本色 G.U.T.S挑戰主演動作槍戰微電影【迷途羔羊】 頑童MJ116為救大哥張震嶽 浴血奮戰最強惡霸熱狗 ●五位團員首度合拍電影展現兄弟義氣 ●范曉萱、孟耿如跨刀驚艷演出 ●兄弟本色為求完美表現,連拍48小時不闔眼 血脈噴張的槍戰、充滿激情的打鬥、緊張萬分的逃亡、為了友情與正義賭上性命的覺悟、對愛情難以抉擇的掙扎,從「教父」到「玩命關頭」,每個男人心中,一定都有一部難以忘懷的動作槍戰片,兄弟本色也不例外。平常喜歡看動作槍戰片的團員們,雖然喜好不見得完全相同,但很常互相交流討論,頑童 MJ116 的瘦子最喜歡「疤面煞星」裡的艾爾帕啟諾,小春愛看「玩命關頭」這種有兄弟情義又有刺激元素的電影,大淵則喜歡較有趣的動作片,如「開麥拉驚魂」。 常常看動作槍戰片的兄弟本色團員們,平常彼此相處也像兄弟般義氣相挺,只要誰有困難,其他四人就像電影中一樣,一定義無反顧拔刀相助。於是,一起拍一部充滿友情、義氣、打鬥、衝突、犧牲與正義的動作槍戰電影,一直都是這幾個硬蕊男子漢的夢想。 「迷途羔羊」這首歌有著嘻哈歌曲最重要的「真實」,兄弟本色以深刻的詞曲創作,做了一次對自己內心最痛的剖析,將所有情感直率的寫在歌曲中,赤裸裸的讓人感到心痛。曲中的矛盾、掙扎與痛苦,非常適合與動作槍戰電影相互結合,也就是這樣的一拍即合,才促成了這次兄弟本色五人共演的契機。由第一男主角瘦子發想故事大綱,經過團員與導演一番腦力激盪後,終於生出了這個充滿武打、衝突與感動的微電影腳本。 張震嶽開著一間充滿夢想的 Live House,默默無名的頑童MJ116來店裡遞上DEMO,與張震嶽一拍即合。從寥寥幾名觀眾慢慢唱到滿場,對頑童MJ116來說,這是幫助他們實現夢想的重要舞台,對一路照顧他們的張震嶽,也像大哥一樣尊...
Eminem ft. Sia - Guts Over Fear SHADYXV out now! http://smarturl.it/ShadyXViT
Gut-Live- 2009
in joy the blood and guts
The consequence of a child
The mild months of worthwhile
No mess you better decide
With grace but not by design
She smokes like guns to the world
We'll catch your moderate slur
And sing your modern love song
But wish you'd died anyway
Now gone I'm gonna get you for that
Get you more like a chance
I'm more of a guns to the wall
The guts that cut through your lungs
Every breath takes a sound
You're deciding on them all
I felt like I would learn to fly the pattern you were aiming for
You feel like time is not all necessary, but my mind would
I come around so much less without you, without you
I can't breathe
The consequence of a child
The mild months of worthwhile
No mess you better decide
With grace but not by design
She smokes like guns to the world
We'll catch your moderate slur
And sing your modern love song
But wish you'd died anyway
Now gone I'm gonna get you for that
Get you more like a chance
I'm more of a guns to the wall
The guts that cut through your lungs
Every breath takes a sound
You're deciding on them all
I felt like I would learn to fly the pattern you were aiming for
You feel like time is not all necessary, but my mind would
I come around so much less without you, without you
I can't breathe
I can only think that you would be unhappy for me after all the silly shit we've been through
I can only hope that life would be so lax and so free when the mornings get you more than before
I would only hope that everything would come back to you just to say you wanted me too
I would be the one to let you catch up and go through, go through
I felt like I would learn to fly the pattern you were aiming for
You feel like time is not all necessary, but my mind would
I come around so much less without you, without you
I can't breathe