Australia's top chefs don't want avocados, burgers or narratives

When a top ten includes team members as well. From left to right, back row:  Dan Hunter (Brae chef); Mat Lindsay (Ester ...
When a top ten includes team members as well. From left to right, back row: Dan Hunter (Brae chef); Mat Lindsay (Ester chef); Clayton Wells (Automata); Kylie Staddon (Attica operations manager); Simon Freeman, (Brae restaurant manager); Jill Dupleix; Alberto Fava (Tipo 00 chef); Terry Durack; Joeri Timmermans, (Automata sous chef); and Dan Sharp, (Sixpenny). From left to right, front row: David Moyle, (Franklin chef); Vicki Wild (Sepia co-owner); Martin Benn (Sepia co-owner); Dan Pepperell (Restaurant Hubert chef); Stefan Forte (Restaurant Hubert co-owner); Dan Puskas, (Sixpenny chef); George Papaioannou (Sixpenny restaurant manager); Andreas Papadakis (Tipo 00 chef). Jessica Hromas

From what's their favourite gadget to most annoying food trend of the year, Australia's top restaurant chefs say their piece

1. Brae, Victoria

Dan Hunter

What has been your favourite food trend of the year?

"There are just not many places like ours, minute detail goes into creating this experience," says top chef Dan Hunter.
"There are just not many places like ours, minute detail goes into creating this experience," says top chef Dan Hunter. Peter Braig

Has there been any this year? That's my answer. Has there been any?

Which food trend have you found most annoying this year?

Just wondering why those takeaway sushi rolls are getting so big. They're huge now!

What was your best food experience of the year so far?

I had a great meal in [Momofuku] Ko in New York about three weeks ago. It was probably the most tasty meal I've eaten this year. Everything was really spot on, everything had a really long, big flavour.

Brae's  Dan Hunter jokes he'd rather someone else  cooked him dishes like this.
Brae's Dan Hunter jokes he'd rather someone else cooked him dishes like this. Colin Page

It was a very long menu, and it was my second dinner of that night too.

Do you have a gadget you can't live without?

Probably our lawn mower. It keeps our property clean and tidy. Or our tractor. More so than the stuff in the kitchen. If we didn't have the tractor, we'd be stuffed.

What's your ultimate food dream or fantasy?

Ben Shewry took a break from Attica to go hiking in Mexico.
Ben Shewry took a break from Attica to go hiking in Mexico.

For someone else to cook…

2. Attica, Victoria

Ben Shewry

(Ben Shewry is missing in action: that is, he's hiking with fellow chef Rene Redzepi in Mexico.)

Bunya bunya, coconut and chicken salad from  Ben Shewry's  Attica.
Bunya bunya, coconut and chicken salad from Ben Shewry's Attica. Justin McManus

3. Ester, NSW

Mat Lindsay

Favourite food trend 

I've been eating a lot of Korean, Mexican, Japanese fusion that's a great balance. You're putting us on the spot here! The only [real] trend is everyone is getting better quality ingredients, everyone is constantly trying to get the best they can get. [You find them by] talking, travelling, testing and testing and just having good suppliers and building relationships. It's about getting suppliers that are as excited as you are about ingredients. My favourite thing from this year was we started using these Moreton Bay bugs, and we're about to start catching again this week, hopefully. We just roast them, everything we do is pretty simple.

 Mat Lindsay from Ester says everyone is getting better quality ingredients.
Mat Lindsay from Ester says everyone is getting better quality ingredients. Jessica Hromas

Most annoying trend

Last year I answered the question as avocado. And since then, I've been getting a barrage of avocado paraphernalia sent at me, so I'd have to say it's still avocado. Everyday, it's something to do with avocados. I can't deal with it. We never have avocado in my kitchen, I refuse.

Best food experience 

There's probably two standouts: Brae restaurant. Amazing. It's number one for a reason. Then Burnt Ends in Singapore. It's an Aussie guy called Dave Pynt. It's a sort of modern barbecue kind of thing, it's really good. A great hangover cure is a pork sandwich with a shot of pickle. I was pretty happy.

Favourite gadget

It's pretty obvious it's a knife. Or spoons, for tasting. I did buy a particularly good knife in Japan last time I went, a sashimi slicer. It's really nice, light in the hands, I love it. And a wood-fired oven, of course.

Ultimate food dream

To sit on a beach and have people bring me things! That could be good. We did it in Singapore actually, down at the beach at Unawatuna, in the south-east. You get these crab curries on the beach, and a long-neck beer. It's pretty good.

You won't find avocado at Mat Lindsay's Ester.
You won't find avocado at Mat Lindsay's Ester.

4. Sixpenny, NSW

Daniel Puskas

Favourite food trend

Food is getting simpler, just focusing on good ingredients. Hopefully.

Most annoying trend

I don't know, everyone has to cook in their own way. You can't really get upset about what other people are doing, or food trends.

Best food experience

I haven't eaten out much this year. I really like going to LP's [Quality] Meats [in Sydney's Chippendale], getting all the light snack stuff, the charcuterie, the salads – it's light and fresh and it's not filling. There's so much skill and authenticity in what [Luke Powell] does. You can go there with the wrong people – or not the wrong people, but you can go there on the wrong night – and really miss the food he creates. If you really sit down and focus on what they're doing ... I like stopping in and picking up some sausages to go home and cook.

 Sixpenny chef Daniel Puskas believes food is getting simpler.
Sixpenny chef Daniel Puskas believes food is getting simpler. Edwina Pickles

Favourite gadget

A pasta machine ... anything to do with pasta.

Ultimate food dream

To cook like an old nonna. Food from the heart, I just love food with old cultures, with lots of history and tradition. And I think that gets lost on a lot of young chefs. So to travel – to the South of France, or somewhere deep in Italy – and just be able to cook real home-style food from these people, that's a real dream for me. Yes, I had an Italian grandmother. She lived in Petersham, one suburb away from the restaurant, and she grew all her own vegetables. It was pretty cliche; my grandfather made his own wine and grappa, and it was terrible! I had a really deep appreciation of simple Italian flavours from her. Not that our restaurant is Italian-focused at all, but I really search just for simple, elegant and tasty food which is what I find in a lot of food steeped in tradition.

5. Sepia, NSW

Martin Benn & Vicki Wild

Favourite food trend

MB: Probably Japanese food at the moment, globally [is] what I'm seeing happening. But it's always been there… Vicki help me!

 Potatoes cooked in rye butter at Sixpenny: simple, elegant and tasty food  steeped in tradition.
Potatoes cooked in rye butter at Sixpenny: simple, elegant and tasty food steeped in tradition. Edwina Pickles

VW: Healthy eating. I like the idea of trying to make things more about vegetables and healthy eating.

Most annoying trend

MB: Reviews or critics saying, "back in the day". It's all back in the day at the moment. It's weird. And it comes from reviewers, not chefs.

VW: Mine's "narrative".

Best food experience 

MB: I reckon mine was sushi omakase [it means: "I'll leave it up to you"] with [Takashi] Sano-san down at Sokyo, Sydney.

VW: There's a Japanese sushi chef called Sano-san who only does one-on-one VIP omakase at Sokyo, and it's mind-blowing.

MB: It's booked out till September I think.

 Sepia Restaurant's Martin Benn and Vicki Wild don't follow trends that come and go.
Sepia Restaurant's Martin Benn and Vicki Wild don't follow trends that come and go. Louie Douvis

VW: But I also loved Disfrutar in Barcelona. I loved it! That was actually one of our all-time best nights.

MB: And Guy Savoy in Paris.

VW: Yes, we had to basically mortgage the house to eat there but it was worth it.

Favourite gadget

MB: Thermometer.

Ultimate food dream

VW: Good bread, good tomatoes, good cheese, good butter.

MB: And for me, it's just rice and sauce. I don't care what the sauce is. No protein required.

 Tempura oba scarlet prawn from Sepia.
Tempura oba scarlet prawn from Sepia.

6. Franklin, Tasmania

David Moyle

Favourite food trend

I don't tend to keep track of trends. It's interesting to see how restaurants are evolving, how the service model is evolving, how there's a big division between styles of restaurants now. I guess the trend that I've noticed is trying to be more direct with the produce, it's trying to have an experience with gardeners, an experience with growers, an experience with farmers. It's a rarity, we can't all do it, and that's the whole point about dining in restaurants such as this; it's not something you can live every day.

Most annoying trend

Anything that is annoying doesn't last long. If there's no integrity, people sniff it out very quickly. If someone is trying to imitate someone, then good on them if they're doing a great job. I have no issue with that. But if there is no integrity behind it, it falls away very quickly.

Best food experience

Two days ago, I went down to my parents' house in Port Fairy and my brother-in-law had just been diving and had just caught abalone. He traded some of his abalone for a southern blue fin tuna that a friend of his had caught, and it was just the family. He's a chef as well, so we just cooked up a meal at home, just involving what was caught and there at the house. I made a pasta, and then ate the tuna raw. It was really simple, really easy and more about having the people around the table than pontificating about the food.

Stinging nettle and saltbush risotto from Tipo 00.
Stinging nettle and saltbush risotto from Tipo 00. Kristoffer Paulsen

Favourite gadget

A fidget spinner. No. I'm not much of a gadget guy, to be honest. I don't know, axes ... well-sharpened knives, even though I tend to borrow everyone else's. I like to sharpen them myself. So less gadgety, more hardware.

Ultimate food dream

It's usually seafood-based, and just cooking it on the fire and having it simple, simple. I'm a big fan of whatever's caught. I'm from coastal Victoria so I have fond memories of getting abalone and cooking them over the fire. I guess it's about harking back to that.

7. Tipo 00, Victoria

Alberto Fava

Favourite food trend

Probably scallops. We saw a lot of scallops around, very fresh, from all over Australia, and I love them.

Most annoying trend

Burgers. More burgers. I love burgers. But no more burgers, I've had enough. But no more. Yes, there are more twists – a scallop burger. But no more burgers!

Best food experience 

Probably my mother's food. She was here in Australia for a couple of months. It was lasagne. Of course we ate it at home, we are Italian! We always eat at home – with our mothers!

Favourite gadget

A boning knife. Just a boning knife. I love it in the kitchen, and when there is meat around I like to use it.

Ultimate food dream

Maybe some pork crackling. Off the back of the pig. Pork is my ultimate.

8. Embla, Victoria

Dave Verheul

Best food trend

Probably from the outside, it's cooking with fire. I think it's just people going out to eat at smaller establishments that do things well. Going to places that do things with integrity. Hopefully that's a food trend.

Most annoying trend

The word food trend in general. I try to pay not too much attention, I don't go to places where they serve things in aspic jars with cream on them ... we buy food from people that grow it with integrity and don't mess around with it too much.

Best food experience

I just travelled around Europe and the States for three weeks and that was incredible. And I ate lots and lots of things ... it is great going away and seeing what other people are doing. The food in Copenhagen and the food in New York is amazing. I think the best dinner I had, oh there would be two. [Momofuku] Ko in New York and Estela in New York. Both are very different and for both, it's all about being tasty. At Ko, they did a whole kind of crispy battered skate wing where they cut the batter off and served it in front of you and it was delicious. They give it towards the end of the savoury part of the meal. It was huge, really huge, and then they cut it out and it was smaller, it was beautiful. Showmanship.

Favourite gadget 

I'm particularly fond of spoons, I find them really handy. I like a spoon that is not too curved, an everyday, raw use spoon. Nothing too deep, one that doesn't cut into your mouth when you're tasting things ... more of a low-profile, quite cheap dessert spoon. The ones I like are about $9 for a dozen.

Ultimate food dream

Pizza on a beach somewhere really warm. And a swim. And the pizza would have a little bit of sorpresa. I think often food dreams are made when you are a kid, and you chase them as an adult. That's what drives them. Now, you are almost trying to reverse engineer them.

9. Automata, NSW

Clayton Wells

Favourite food trend

I hate food trends.

Most annoying trend

All of them. I don't know. I really don't take much notice of them. I like what I like, I really don't even think about them.

Best food experience

Sitting at the bar at Ester, it's my favourite place. It's just delicious, so low key, it's exactly what I like to do. I like just eating quietly, sitting there at a bar and having f---ing delicious food with my girlfriend [Tania Fergusson].

Favourite gadget

Vita-Prep. It's not a Thermomix, it's a really good blender!

Ultimate food dream

My food dream is to cook delicious food and have happy customers. That's it. Yes, I think I've achieved it. But you have to keep going, and find more happy customers. That's all we set out to do. The only thing I wanted to do was open a restaurant that was fun to work in, where people enjoyed the food and kept coming back. That's it. I guess I designed a restaurant around a restaurant I wanted to eat at. As much as I love fine-dining food, I didn't really want to eat at that. And we have a fun environment and that's what I like.

10. Restaurant Hubert, NSW

Daniel Pepperell

Favourite food trend


Most annoying trend

Spinner purees ... they do a puree using a spinner, fidget spinner. That's the most annoying thing.

Best food experience

I would say my oriecchete that we had for our staff meal last Wednesday. It was just en pointe: al dente, legit, straight out of Puglia. Apart from that, I'd say Sixpenny for lunch or Momofuku for a dinner.

Favourite gadget

My iPhone. Mostly just for Instagram.

Ultimate food dream

I think the Big Mac McChicken is my latest craving. But my ultimate food dream? I'd probably get my daughter Marlo to eat a really good oyster, and enjoy it. She's two years old.