'I couldn't hold it in': Bec Judd's nappy confession

 Photo: Instagram: @becjudd

In one of those fabulous "celebrities are people too" moments, Bec Judd has shared how she handled an awkward emergency when nature called while she was in the car – she borrowed daughter Billie's spare nappy.

It's a common tale of a woman caught short by her diminished pelvic floor that so many of us have experienced in the months (sometimes years) after giving birth.

Bec shared the story on KIIS FM with Monty Dimond that, weeks after having Billie, she made a trip into the city that could have ended much worse.

By the time she was ready to leave, mum of four Bec needed to pee, but thought she could "just hold on … not really thinking 'you've just pushed a baby out of there and your pelvic floor's not as good as it used to be'."

Bec soon had that terrible realisation she wasn't going to make it home in time. "I sit in the driver's seat and I'm like 'oh my god, it's actually about to come out.' I can't hold this in, I'm so post-natal.

What Bec did next is, frankly, genius. "Luckily I had a spare nappy in the glove box, so I just whacked it on … and away we went," Bec laughed.



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Bec's modelling skills of being able to wriggle in and out of anything in a confined space came in handy as she managed to shuffle down in her seat and insert the nappy into her stretch maternity jeans without being seen.

And in a statement that will no doubt become some of the best marketing a nappy company has ever seen, Bec added, "And may I just add, those Huggies are so absorbent. No spills, no leaks, no worries."

Far from being embarrassed by her experience, Bec thinks her story could help others who find themselves in this kind of situation. "Hey, this could really take off," she laughed.

And just like that, we love the very real Bec Judd just a little bit more than we already did.