

Online star Grace Helbig is collaborating with authors of fan fiction.

The bizarre point at which fan fiction and reality collide

Grace Helbig is an internet superstar. She is a doyenne of YouTube, host of a celebrity interview podcast, star of a superhero web series, author of two lifestyle guidebooks and – in one obscure corner of the web – protagonist of pages upon pages of fan-written stories that recast her persona into seemingly endless fictional scenarios.


She was not just any old figure. Illustration: Simon Letch.

Pre-war dictionaries lodged data between dastard and date. Their follow-up volumes have conceded whole pages to the plague, listing databanks and data havens, data files and market data.

A Forger's Tale: How easy it is to fake art

A Forger's Tale. By Steven Greenhalgh.

A Forger's Tale is an excellent introduction to the seething underworld of the art trade. What's more, its publication was championed by one of the author's better-known victims.

Turning Pages

A detail from the Clumber bible.

This will be the Rare Book Week's sixth year and it's turned into quite a monster, with 28 partners presenting more than 60 sessions, with associated exhibitions and workshops.