
The Age Editorials


Hanson shines a light on needs-based funding

It appears the One Nation leader is ignorant of the bountiful research that has long shown integration into the mainstream education system gives children with autism spectrum disorder and other conditions the optimal opportunity to thrive.

The gentle case for assisted dying

The Victorian government will introduce assisted dying laws within months.

This is not about the inalienable right to life. It is about the right to a choice, under limited and strictly controlled circumstances.

Fairness central to the new world order


The conventional political cleavage of ‘‘left’’ and ‘‘right’’ is obsolete, and those terms are all but meaningless.

The mob is revolting

Sunday Age editorial dinkus

The outcome does become confusing when the view of the majority is less than resounding.

History shows terrorism is destined to fail


At the international and national level, defeating terrorism requires strong, smart and proportionate security systems. At the community level, it requires confidence, steadfastness and rationality.