A-Camp is a unique, dynamic, ever-evolving home-away-from-home queer adult camp where we’ve cherry-picked what we like about other queer events and women’s conferences – hilarious comedy, diverse panels, a chance to learn from industry experts, the occasional dance party and the opportunity to revel in one another’s awesomeness – added heaps of our own original ideas, and found a way to serve it to you for a fraction of what those other events cost.

A-Camp was a life changing, educational, friendship starting, feelings festival (with lots of booze and dancing). I never expected to feel so at home in a community of people. I pushed my boundaries further than I knew I could, I learned so many new things, and met incredible people from all over the country and world. To say A-Camp was a safe space is an understatement. I can’t wait for next summer.
The best part was making friends with writers and campers in a queer-friendly environment where being my weird self is exactly what people wanted of me.

The amazing brands that supported A-Camp 8.0

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We wanted to create a special (and affordable!) space where you could be yourself, enhance your relationships within the international queer community, support Autostraddle, be a kid again, and make new friends forever.