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About Digital Art / Professional Core Member James KoehnlineMale/United States Recent Activity
Deviant for 11 Years
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Feralis :iconphraktalous:Phraktalous 16 24 Into heart :iconssup:ssup 1 9 CLASSIFIED INFORMATION. :iconwhornung:whornung 31 7 Tree Anatomy :iconsalhunter:SalHunter 199 125 Three of a Perfect Couple :iconssup:ssup 6 11 not for the same reason :iconobsessiveradiohead:obsessiveradiohead 23 36 last supper :iconwrnk:wrnk 8 6 Medusa :iconvilla-chinchilla:Villa-Chinchilla 38 29 Agnitio :iconfelipebatera:felipebatera 1,103 141 Translumination IV - Unholy :iconraventhird:Raventhird 199 154 Animus :iconamygdalae:amygdalae 45 10 Memories of tomorrow :icondrahomira:drahomira 1,098 170 Milquetoast :iconpr0jectz:pr0jectz 1 7 Dreaming Away :iconssup:ssup 37 21 Disaster in Persia :iconssup:ssup 6 9 remembrance :iconcat-aviator:cat-aviator 44 78


james119's Profile Picture
James Koehnline
Artist | Professional | Digital Art
United States
Current Residence: Seattle, WA, USA
Library Worker, AFCME Local 2083, AFL-CIO.
Associated with Autonomedia Publishing Collective since 1990.
Drawing, painting and printmaking from 1971 to 1985. Cut and paste collage from 1985 to 1995.
Digital art since 1996. dA since 2006.
In the beginning I was heavily influenced by my father's Max Ernst collection and his art library with its focus on surrealism, then by Franklin Rosemont's Chicago Surrealist group, starting with the fabulous international exhibition they mounted in Chicago in 1976. Studied art at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design and at Columbia College, Chicago, where I met artist, teacher, critic and radio personality, Harry Bouras. Studied with Harry privately. Started the alternative gallery, Axe Street Arena with six friends in 1985 on the top floor of a big old former department store in Chicago's Logan Square neighborhood. Through a show I curated there with my friend Ron Sakolsky, I connected with anarchist poet-philosopher, Hakim Bey, and began a long series of collaborations with him and the Autonomedia publishing collective in New York. In 1991 I moved to Seattle with my not-yet wife, Andrea Frank, and did the first of many CD covers for Bill Laswell. In 1992 I initiated the Autonomedia Calendar of Jubilee Saints, now in its 24th annual edition. I came to deviantART in 2006, took over running the SurrealArts club for a year, then started the Lost Book Club here, which was a great experience. Lost Books has been given new life on Facebook by some of my old partners-in-crime, and has really taken off. In the last few years I've been laying low, working a straight job, being a father, reading and studying, and making art here and there. I think I've got a new burst of creative work coming on, so I'm updating my page here.

2016 Update: In Dec. 2015 I turned 60. I am now afforded full license to be a Crank!*
Thanks to all who take a look. I sometimes post on facebook. I have two or three personal Web sites, all terrible messes that I have not looked at in years, literally, so this is really the place to see the most of my art. Always willing to consider licencing work for reproduction (fees from zero to several thousand dollars, depending who you are and what you want to do with it). I also do commissioned work, when I feel like it.

*crank: a small device that makes revolutions


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SalHunter Featured By Owner Feb 21, 2016
Many thanks for watching! :-)
Ensomniac Featured By Owner Feb 20, 2016  Professional General Artist
Thank you for the fave :wave:
blackmetalissokawaii Featured By Owner Jan 25, 2016  Hobbyist General Artist
Thx 4 thee +fav and watch
StuKarver Featured By Owner Sep 28, 2013  Hobbyist General Artist
Thanks for the favorite. It's much appreciated.
chove Featured By Owner Mar 21, 2013
stumbled across your gorgeous cover on Gone to Croatan at a lit table in NYC, and endeavored to find you and your work virtually. its brilliant!
artserge Featured By Owner Nov 5, 2012  Hobbyist Traditional Artist
Fantastic gallery James, your collage is a wellspring of imagination.
PUSHER-ARTS Featured By Owner Feb 29, 2012   Digital Artist
hi. Yesterday I made ​​a spontaneous working ..

hope're not mad, I use your skeletons....
james119 Featured By Owner Mar 6, 2012  Professional Digital Artist
You're welcome.
aegiandyad Featured By Owner Jul 1, 2011
Your webcam image inspired the following thoughts and memories, and a sort of continuation of my plugs for obscure books:

"And now I shall unclasp a secret book
and to your dark and quick concieving discontents
I'll read you matter deep and dangerous." [Wm Shakespeare]

The book is SECONDS, by David Ely. It starts like this: [link] . Saul Bass was one of the great title sequence geniuses of the mid 20th century; the man who did the fabulous and justly famous titles for A Walk On The Wild Side [link] , in those leisurely days of cinema when 'credits' were shorter and appeared before the start of the film.
aegiandyad Featured By Owner Jul 1, 2011
I so enjoyed 'Leaf' that it led me to investigate Youtube clips related to Danielowski's The House Of Leaves. This is just one of a staggering number of clips seemingly spawned by this bizarre book [link] .

What exactly is The Navidson Record? [link] .
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