Economic crisis

Wage growth slumps as workers feel economic pain

As part of trying to soften us up for “the economic leadership our nation needs”, Malcolm Turnbull has been telling us Australia is a “high wage, generous social safety net, first world society”.

EU leaders prepare to punish Greece

Syriza leader Alexis Tsipras’s first act in government was canceling privatisations in electricity and the ports of Pireaus and Thessaloniki.

Italian voters elect for anything but austerity

The stockmarkets panicked at the Italian election result at the end of February. Neither of the major parties won enough votes to form the stable government that the EU, IMF and business want so

Golden Dawn: fascists feeding on Greece’s misery

The Greek economy is in a depression. The austerity measures demanded by the troika have made it worse. Nationally one in four Greeks are out of work. Those with jobs fair little better: Greek

Anti-austerity battle reignites in Europe

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s government must feel under siege. And in late September it was literally besieged, as more than 40,000 people surrounded the Congress building in Madrid. On

Debt crisis spreads from Greece across Europe

France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, and—last but not least—Spain. A storm of anti-austerity protest has been sweeping through Europe. This represents a very sharp change in the political

A new workers’ paper in Greece

Workers at Eleftherotypia, Greece’s second largest newspaper have taken over their workplace and begun producing their own newspaper to report on the movement against austerity,

New wave of Greek austerity answered by new strikes

The new Greek austerity package, demanded by “the troika”—the IMF, European Union (EU) and European Central Bank imposes further vicious cuts on the people of Greece. But the level of workers’

Statement: Solidarity with workers in Greece

This statement on Greece, signed by organisations in the International Socialist Tendency and others, explains the vicious austerity policies facing the Greek people and offers solidarity in the

Political challenges for the Occupy movement

For the past two months, the Occupy movement has electrified US politics and inspired movements in its image around the world. The occupations themselves have been relatively small, but hugely

Euro crisis tipping the world back into recession

Political and economic turmoil is engulfing Europe. In the space of a few days in November the governments of Greece and Italy fell after the financial markets judged them incapable of tackling

Eyewitness: Greek strikes a show of workers’ power

Hundreds of thousands of angry Greek trade unionists marched through central Athens on October 19 in the biggest workers’ demonstration since the toppling of the military dictatorship in 1974,

Panic and protest as Eurozone crisis deepens

The crisis in the eurozone is again reaching panic levels. The world economy was “entering a dangerous phase”, IMF chief Christine Lagarde told the world’s finance ministers in Washington at the