- published: 30 Jun 2015
- views: 54232
Felt is a textile that is produced by matting, condensing and pressing fibres together. Felt can be made of natural fibres such as wool or synthetic fibres such as acrylic. There are many different types of felts for industrial, technical, designer and craft applications. While some types of felt are very soft, some are tough enough to form construction materials. Felt can vary in terms of fibre content, colour, size, thickness, density and more factors depending on the use of the felt.
Many cultures have legends as to the origins of felt making. Sumerian legend claims that the secret of feltmaking was discovered by Urnamman of Lagash. The story of Saint Clement and Saint Christopher relates that while fleeing from persecution, the men packed their sandals with wool to prevent blisters. At the end of their journey, the movement and sweat had turned the wool into felt socks.
Feltmaking is still practised by nomadic peoples (Altaic people: Mongols; Turkic people) in Central Asia, where rugs, tents and clothing are regularly made. Some of these are traditional items, such as the classic yurt (Gers), while others are designed for the tourist market, such as decorated slippers. In the Western world, felt is widely used as a medium for expression in textile art as well as design, where it has significance as an ecological textile.
My Life may refer to:
Felt - The Splendour Of Fear (Full Album)
【東方ボーカル】 pulse 【FELT】
Felt, Vol. 2- A Tribute to Lisa Bonet (2005) (Full Album)
Felt - Woman Tonight
Felt - World (1971)
Felt - Primitive Painters
Gulf crisis impact felt in Lebanon
Felt - Early Mornin' Tony
Felt Making Tutorial
An artist spent 6 months creating a fake grocery store completely made of felt
Felt Bikes: Devon Smillie in Las Vegas
Josh Betley / Felt Bikes
The Splendour Of Fear (1984) Genre: Twee Pop (Indie Pop) http://www.indepthmusic.blogspot.com https://www.facebook.com/InDepthMusicProject 00:00 Red Indians 1:52 The World Is As Soft As Lace 6:05 The Optimist And The Poet 13:56 Mexican Bandits 17:40 The Stagnant Pool 26:09 A Preacher In New England Label: Cherry Red
★) Title(s): 0:00 - Sounding Beat 1:08 - pulse ★) Circle: FELT ★) Vocals: 舞花 (Maika) ★) Chorus: 舞花 (Maika) ★) Lyrics: 美歌 (Mika) ★) Arrangement: NAGI☆ ★) Album: Increase Beat ★) Original by ZUN: 東方輝針城 ~ Double Dealing Character Raiko Horikawa's Theme 始原のビート ~ Pristine Beat Primordial Beat ~ Pristine Beat ★) Event: 第14回博麗神社例大祭 (例大祭14) (Reitaisai 14) ★) Release Date: 7th May 2017 ★) Site: http://feltmusic.net/FELT022/ ★) Illust: AO http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1540607 ★) HD Version from the special contents: https://a.pomf.cat/cwoykp.jpg ★) Poster version: https://a.pomf.cat/ktavcp.png ★) Lyrics: http://shayakagi.weebly.com/felt-corner/pulse ------ This album is so beautiful. Really. The last time FELT made the first and second track of an album meant to be 'one song' is Little...
Rhymesayers Ent. 2005 If you Support the artist please purchase this!! Track listing: Reintroduction Employees of the year Your mans and them Lisa (never easy on my nextel) Morris Day Dirty Girl Early mornin' Tony Breaker down like a shotgun Marvin Gaye Life vegas Bonet (cement angels) Woman Tonight Gangster Ass Anthony The Biggest Lie I shot a warhol
Felt was a 1980s UK indie band hailing from Birmingham, led by enigmatic Lawrence Hayward (or, just Lawrence for preference), and usually included guitarist Maurice Deebank. The band claimed to have released ten albums and ten singles in ten years but actually released 11 singles if you include their debut Index on Shanghai Packaging. They were influenced by, among others, New York band Television and 60s icon Bob Dylan. Forming in 1979, Felt never broke through to the mainstream, but enjoyed a substantial cult following. Throughout the early 1980s, Felt released a number of oblique, minimalistic guitar pop gems. In 1986 they broke through with the single Primitive Painters (featuring the Cocteau Twins Elizabeth Fraser), and the album Forever Breathes The Lonely Word. Here, Haywards trad...
Gulf crisis impact felt in Lebanon As efforts to defuse the diplomatic row between Qatar and other Gulf states ramp up, one Arab country is noticeably silent. Lebanese government leaders have not made any formal statement because they are closely linked to all of the nations involved in the dispute. But tensions in the Gulf are already being felt in the capital, Beirut. Al Jazeera's Imtiaz Tyab reports from Beirut. - Subscribe to our channel: http://aje.io/AJSubscribe - Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AJEnglish - Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aljazeera - Check our website: http://www.aljazeera.com/
From the album Felt 2: A tribute To Lisa Bonet https://rse.lnk.to/lisabonet Connect with Felt: Twitter: http://bit.ly/T1HNeh Facebook: http://on.fb.me/OSlSLk Fifth Element: http://bit.ly/Utg0oz Rhymesayers: http://bit.ly/QSi7BG
Lisa shows you how to make felt using wet felting techniques. - All designs/content copyright Lisa Marie Olson Tigerlily Makes - all rights reserved - All designs are registered and protected by ACID (anti Copying In Design) www.acid.co.uk www.tigerlilymakes.co.uk - Look for us on Facebook and at http://www.tigerlilymakes.co.uk
There's a new grocery store in New York, but don't try to eat any of the food inside. "8 'Till Late" is an art installation from British artist Lucy Sparrow that sells products you would typically find in an NYC bodega, except everything is made out of felt. It's perfect for Instagramming, and yes, there's even a bodega cat. Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/sai FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/techinsider TWITTER: https://twitter.com/techinsider INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/businessinsider/ TUMBLR: http://businessinsider.tumblr.com/
" An experimental film is about how people express their depression through dancing. Life can be difficult at times and because of many reasons. Therefore, I want to assist depressed people release themself, release their stresses of life through dancing. I believe that expressing oneself’s feeling and creativity is a great way to loosen up positive emotions. " Directed and Filmed by Trang Doan Special thank to Karoline Skaug Cast: Erik Søyland Jens Aamodt Ingvild F. Johnsen Celeste Magallanes Linda Bottolfs Bjarte Hiley Music: Nils Frahm
“Yet it is in this loneliness that the deepest activities begin. It is here that you discover act without motion, labor that is profound repose, vision in obscurity, and, beyond all desire, a fulfillment whose limits extend to infinity. I suppose what makes me most glad is that we all recognize each other in this metaphysical space of silence and happening, and get some sense, for a moment, that we are full of paradise without knowing it.” – Thomas Merton This project was inspired by Patrick Moberg’s MellowTron: http://www.stuffedrobot.com/images/public/regular/b233b0cac595646233a3f7947e622537.jpg Three days ago, I posted my cell phone number on my blog and asked people to anonymously call it and leave a voice message to the question: What is loneliness? Predominantly using digital st...
Adobe After Effects tutorial. This quick tip is 8 minutes long and uses the graph window to create a cushioned movement that's oooh so much smoother than the standard easy-eased keyframe. Quicktips are intended to be short and sweet insider workflow tips, cunning workarounds and cheeky little gems that other tutorials miss. They are intended to be digestible in your coffee break and usable straightaway. Enjoy. You can find Felt Tips' work at http://videohive.net/user/felt_tips?ref=felt_tips Or follow me on Twitter for notifications about new tuts. http://twitter.com/felt_tips
an animated short by Emma De Swaef and Marc James Roels Co-produced by Beast Animation/Vivement Lundi!/ Polaris Film Productions/ il Luster Films www.marcandemma.com https://www.facebook.com/marcandemma With the participation of France Télévisions, Centre Nacional du cinéma et de l'image animée - Contribution financière, Flemish Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Région Bretagne, Netherlands Film Fund
Info: Personal project. http://cargocollective.com/_heki/Light-My-Life Music: Cover: 【FELT】Light My Life (Coverd by Kuyuri) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYWyZ7Ig1l0 Original: http://feltmusic.net/FELT006/ Credits: FELT - "Silver Drive" - Light My Life Lyrics - Renko Vocal:Vivienne Chorus - Vivienne & W.nova & Renko Arrangement - Maurits“禅”Cornelis All Instruments & Programming - Maurits“禅”Cornelis Resources: Most of the design ideas came from what I learn in Ash Thorp's Main Title Design class of Learn Squared. Main Title Design | Learn Squared: https://www.learnsquared.com/courses/main-title-design
Buster only knows a specific set of words, all of which end in "-ut" sounds. In Buster's world, there really can only be one type of woman, and there can only be one question to ask.
The Splendour Of Fear (1984) Genre: Twee Pop (Indie Pop) http://www.indepthmusic.blogspot.com https://www.facebook.com/InDepthMusicProject 00:00 Red Indians 1:52 The World Is As Soft As Lace 6:05 The Optimist And The Poet 13:56 Mexican Bandits 17:40 The Stagnant Pool 26:09 A Preacher In New England Label: Cherry Red
★) Title(s): 0:00 - Sounding Beat 1:08 - pulse ★) Circle: FELT ★) Vocals: 舞花 (Maika) ★) Chorus: 舞花 (Maika) ★) Lyrics: 美歌 (Mika) ★) Arrangement: NAGI☆ ★) Album: Increase Beat ★) Original by ZUN: 東方輝針城 ~ Double Dealing Character Raiko Horikawa's Theme 始原のビート ~ Pristine Beat Primordial Beat ~ Pristine Beat ★) Event: 第14回博麗神社例大祭 (例大祭14) (Reitaisai 14) ★) Release Date: 7th May 2017 ★) Site: http://feltmusic.net/FELT022/ ★) Illust: AO http://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1540607 ★) HD Version from the special contents: https://a.pomf.cat/cwoykp.jpg ★) Poster version: https://a.pomf.cat/ktavcp.png ★) Lyrics: http://shayakagi.weebly.com/felt-corner/pulse ------ This album is so beautiful. Really. The last time FELT made the first and second track of an album meant to be 'one song' is Little...
Rhymesayers Ent. 2005 If you Support the artist please purchase this!! Track listing: Reintroduction Employees of the year Your mans and them Lisa (never easy on my nextel) Morris Day Dirty Girl Early mornin' Tony Breaker down like a shotgun Marvin Gaye Life vegas Bonet (cement angels) Woman Tonight Gangster Ass Anthony The Biggest Lie I shot a warhol
Felt was a 1980s UK indie band hailing from Birmingham, led by enigmatic Lawrence Hayward (or, just Lawrence for preference), and usually included guitarist Maurice Deebank. The band claimed to have released ten albums and ten singles in ten years but actually released 11 singles if you include their debut Index on Shanghai Packaging. They were influenced by, among others, New York band Television and 60s icon Bob Dylan. Forming in 1979, Felt never broke through to the mainstream, but enjoyed a substantial cult following. Throughout the early 1980s, Felt released a number of oblique, minimalistic guitar pop gems. In 1986 they broke through with the single Primitive Painters (featuring the Cocteau Twins Elizabeth Fraser), and the album Forever Breathes The Lonely Word. Here, Haywards trad...
Gulf crisis impact felt in Lebanon As efforts to defuse the diplomatic row between Qatar and other Gulf states ramp up, one Arab country is noticeably silent. Lebanese government leaders have not made any formal statement because they are closely linked to all of the nations involved in the dispute. But tensions in the Gulf are already being felt in the capital, Beirut. Al Jazeera's Imtiaz Tyab reports from Beirut. - Subscribe to our channel: http://aje.io/AJSubscribe - Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/AJEnglish - Find us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aljazeera - Check our website: http://www.aljazeera.com/
From the album Felt 2: A tribute To Lisa Bonet https://rse.lnk.to/lisabonet Connect with Felt: Twitter: http://bit.ly/T1HNeh Facebook: http://on.fb.me/OSlSLk Fifth Element: http://bit.ly/Utg0oz Rhymesayers: http://bit.ly/QSi7BG
Lisa shows you how to make felt using wet felting techniques. - All designs/content copyright Lisa Marie Olson Tigerlily Makes - all rights reserved - All designs are registered and protected by ACID (anti Copying In Design) www.acid.co.uk www.tigerlilymakes.co.uk - Look for us on Facebook and at http://www.tigerlilymakes.co.uk
There's a new grocery store in New York, but don't try to eat any of the food inside. "8 'Till Late" is an art installation from British artist Lucy Sparrow that sells products you would typically find in an NYC bodega, except everything is made out of felt. It's perfect for Instagramming, and yes, there's even a bodega cat. Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/sai FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/techinsider TWITTER: https://twitter.com/techinsider INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/businessinsider/ TUMBLR: http://businessinsider.tumblr.com/
" An experimental film is about how people express their depression through dancing. Life can be difficult at times and because of many reasons. Therefore, I want to assist depressed people release themself, release their stresses of life through dancing. I believe that expressing oneself’s feeling and creativity is a great way to loosen up positive emotions. " Directed and Filmed by Trang Doan Special thank to Karoline Skaug Cast: Erik Søyland Jens Aamodt Ingvild F. Johnsen Celeste Magallanes Linda Bottolfs Bjarte Hiley Music: Nils Frahm
“Yet it is in this loneliness that the deepest activities begin. It is here that you discover act without motion, labor that is profound repose, vision in obscurity, and, beyond all desire, a fulfillment whose limits extend to infinity. I suppose what makes me most glad is that we all recognize each other in this metaphysical space of silence and happening, and get some sense, for a moment, that we are full of paradise without knowing it.” – Thomas Merton This project was inspired by Patrick Moberg’s MellowTron: http://www.stuffedrobot.com/images/public/regular/b233b0cac595646233a3f7947e622537.jpg Three days ago, I posted my cell phone number on my blog and asked people to anonymously call it and leave a voice message to the question: What is loneliness? Predominantly using digital st...
Adobe After Effects tutorial. This quick tip is 8 minutes long and uses the graph window to create a cushioned movement that's oooh so much smoother than the standard easy-eased keyframe. Quicktips are intended to be short and sweet insider workflow tips, cunning workarounds and cheeky little gems that other tutorials miss. They are intended to be digestible in your coffee break and usable straightaway. Enjoy. You can find Felt Tips' work at http://videohive.net/user/felt_tips?ref=felt_tips Or follow me on Twitter for notifications about new tuts. http://twitter.com/felt_tips
an animated short by Emma De Swaef and Marc James Roels Co-produced by Beast Animation/Vivement Lundi!/ Polaris Film Productions/ il Luster Films www.marcandemma.com https://www.facebook.com/marcandemma With the participation of France Télévisions, Centre Nacional du cinéma et de l'image animée - Contribution financière, Flemish Audiovisual Fund (VAF), Région Bretagne, Netherlands Film Fund
Info: Personal project. http://cargocollective.com/_heki/Light-My-Life Music: Cover: 【FELT】Light My Life (Coverd by Kuyuri) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pYWyZ7Ig1l0 Original: http://feltmusic.net/FELT006/ Credits: FELT - "Silver Drive" - Light My Life Lyrics - Renko Vocal:Vivienne Chorus - Vivienne & W.nova & Renko Arrangement - Maurits“禅”Cornelis All Instruments & Programming - Maurits“禅”Cornelis Resources: Most of the design ideas came from what I learn in Ash Thorp's Main Title Design class of Learn Squared. Main Title Design | Learn Squared: https://www.learnsquared.com/courses/main-title-design
Buster only knows a specific set of words, all of which end in "-ut" sounds. In Buster's world, there really can only be one type of woman, and there can only be one question to ask.
":Felt (2014) ««+» http://clekunteng.tk/?? «+»» #:Felt (2014) FuLL'MoViE::Felt (2014) FuLL'MoViE::Felt (2014) fRee'HD::Felt (2014) fRee'HD::Felt (2014) FuLL'MoVie'Online'HD::Felt (2014) FuLL'MoVie'Online'HD::Felt (2014) FuLL'MoVie'English'HD::Felt (2014) Online'HD::Felt (2014) Streaming'HD::Felt (2014) English'Subtitle'HD:~%#~ ::Felt (2014) FuLL'MoViE::Felt (2014) FuLL'MoViE::Felt (2014) fRee'HD::Felt (2014) fRee'HD::Felt (2014) FuLL'MoVie'Online'HD::Felt (2014) FuLL'MoVie'Online'HD::Felt (2014) FuLL'MoVie'English'HD::Felt (2014) Online'HD::Felt (2014) Streaming'HD::Felt (2014) English'Subtitle'HD:~%#~ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/ :Felt (2014) in HD"
":Felt (2014) «+» http://becak.tk «+» #:Felt (2014) FuLL'MoViE::Felt (2014) FuLL'MoViE::Felt (2014) fRee'HD::Felt (2014) fRee'HD::Felt (2014) FuLL'MoVie'Online'HD::Felt (2014) FuLL'MoVie'Online'HD::Felt (2014) FuLL'MoVie'English'HD::Felt (2014) Online'HD::Felt (2014) Streaming'HD::Felt (2014) English'Subtitle'HD:~%#~ ::Felt (2014) FuLL'MoViE::Felt (2014) FuLL'MoViE::Felt (2014) fRee'HD::Felt (2014) fRee'HD::Felt (2014) FuLL'MoVie'Online'HD::Felt (2014) FuLL'MoVie'Online'HD::Felt (2014) FuLL'MoVie'English'HD::Felt (2014) Online'HD::Felt (2014) Streaming'HD::Felt (2014) English'Subtitle'HD:~%#~ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/ :Felt (2014)"
tagzy vs felts
"#~Felt ~~:~ (2014) »»» http://k3l3km4mbu.blogspot.com### ««« :~Felt ~~:~ 2014 FuLL'MoViE'~~:~'fRee'HD:~Felt ~~:~ 2014 FuLL'MoViE'Online'HD:~Felt ~~:~ 2014 FuLL'MoViE'English'HD:~:~;Felt ~~:~ 2014 FuLL'MoViE'~~:~'fRee'HD:~Felt ~~:~ 2014 FuLL'MoViE'Online'HD:~Felt 2014 FuLL'MoViE'English'HD:~Felt 2014 FuLL'MoViE'Soundtrack;;Felt 2014 FuLL'MoViE'Stream;;Felt 2014 FuLL'MoViE'Hd;; :~Felt ~~:~ 2014 FuLL'MoViE'~~:~'fRee'HD:~Felt ~~:~ 2014 FuLL'MoViE'Online'HD:~Felt ~~:~ 2014 FuLL'MoViE'English'HD:~:~;Felt ~~:~ 2014 FuLL'MoViE'~~:~'fRee'HD:~Felt ~~:~ 2014 FuLL'MoViE'Online'HD:~Felt 2014 FuLL'MoViE'English'HD:~Felt 2014 FuLL'MoViE'Soundtrack;;Felt 2014 FuLL'MoViE'Stream;;Felt 2014 FuLL'MoViE'Hd;; Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ Instagram: http://instagram.com/ :...
Chorus: (Be my woman tonight, Love me, Feelin' right)x2
Hey Lady I don't mean to be so forward
But I got no other choice soon I'll be across the border
Tour Mode i'm leaving in the A.M
But i wanna spend this evening breathing in your fragarance
Too long since I've seen my better half
Sometimes you gotta let go, Close your eyes and let it crash
Road life is the only one I have to give
Lonely isn't a strong enough adjective to describe all the nights that I've tried to grip tight,
I lack the necessary tools to help me get right
So take your place as the temporary savior,
While I'm looking at your face like I'll be testing on it later
I bet you like to fuck but you love to argue,
Poke a hole into my chest and pull my heart through,
Up to my room for cigarettes and cartoons,
Or we can sit right here and try and guard these barstools.
I take you any way that I can have you,
Bring along your ethics and your issues and your taboos.
It's not the standard free bird situation,
But you're talking to these pieces of a man that's trying to make it through the puzzles, travles, struggles, battles, the body pillow pimp trying to snuggle with my shadow
We could stay proper, keep the clothes on no pressure
Just hold me and pretend like you've known me forever
(Be my woman tonight, Love me ...feelin' right)x2
Damn why'd she hafta leave right after the show?
All that eye contact made from the front row
Them vibes I was gettin' man I thought it was a go,
Could use that type of company you just don't know
I been on the road for like 6 months straight,
Only 2 days off between all of them dates
The hardest working man in the underground game,
Most times I'm too tired to hang around and spit game
Most nights are the same,
Shows is just like work,
Leave the stage stand around sellin'merchant shirts,
Then I picked the pink skirt out the corner of my eye,
By the exit posted up like a tack lookin fly,
I tried to play it cool but I couldn't pretend,
So I approached hella anxious with a silly ass grin,
She said she dropped off her friends so we could be alone,
Gave her undivided attention,
Turned off the phone.
Took me out for pancakes, paid for the dinner,
Then took me to my room and we watched sportscenter,
And then we made out,
And then we made love,
And then I passed out while I got a back rub,
But in the middle of the night I reached for a second helping,
Got a hand full of sheets I was all by myself,
And before you could say 'god damn that sucks!,' Jaybird called,
Cats van bag... FUCK!