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OlyMEGA (Olympia Makers, Engineers, Geeks and Artists) is a technology interest group open to all ages and all knowledge levels.

The mission of OlyMEGA is to create an open tech community in the Olympia/Thurston County.

Members are encouraged to share their knowledge, learn from others, and create from what they learn.

We have a shared workshop called a MakerSpace at the rear of 312 4th Avenue E., Olympia. We have a weekly Open Hack on Thursday Night starting at 7PM.

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Olympia Makers, Engineers, Geeks and Artists -

Recent Meetups

  • 10h ago · 12:00 PM

    Saturday Make at the Space - Members only

    6 Olymegaligans

    Come down and enjoy some time at the space making something. This time in the space is for paid members. If you would like to check the space out before joining and... Learn more

  • 2 days ago · 7:00 PM

    Bootstrap Fusion 360 and CAD for Noobs

    7 Olymegaligans

    Bootstrap Fusion 360 and CAD for Noobs. Come get started in the 3D revolution. Fusion 360 is free for noncommercial and commercial use as long as you are making less... Learn more

  • 2 days ago · 7:00 PM

    Thursday Make at the Space! Open House

    3 Olymegaligans

    Weekly open house to get together and share what we are doing with each other as well as work on learning a new skill or technique. Each week a 30 - 60 minute class... Learn more

  • 3 days ago · 7:00 PM

    OlyMEGA Board Meeting

    4 Olymegaligans

    Continue making assignments for sub committees and developing plans of action for various issues: 501-C-3 application, security for the space, finances, fundraising and more.

  • August 6 · 1:00 PM

    Potluck, games, and nerd talk

    6 Olymegaligans

    Bring food (main dishes, side dishes, chips and dip, etc.), bring refreshments (Mountain Dew and Creme Soda seem to be favorites), bring a game you'd like to share, if... Learn more

  • See all past Meetups

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