

Loneliness, what it is, how it makes you sick, and how to cure it

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"Look at all the lonely people," instructed the Beatles, pondering where they all came from. Elvis Presley opined that he was so lonely he could die. Back in 1802, William Wordsworth wandered lonely as a cloud.

Perhaps because of its enduring poetic attraction, loneliness in the public discourse is generally regarded as a sad, but transient, state. Among the young, it is seen as a temporary consequence of adolescent hormonal moodiness, or, worse, an artefact of fey existential posturing.

Among the old it is seen as the melancholy but unavoidable consequence of outliving one's peers. Either way, it's a symptom, not a cause, of personal malaise.

This prevailing view is starkly at odds with the opinions held by scientists – psychologists, neuroscientists, geneticists, epidemiologists and physicians – who study the condition. To them, loneliness is a killer and a crisis, a leading cause of widespread individual misery and massive social and medical cost.

"Loneliness is a major social, educational, economic and health issue that will reach epidemic proportions by 2030," said Professor Stephen Houghton, director of the Child and Adolescent Related Disorders at the University of WA.

"At the moment there are no interventions. Where are they? I can't find any."


Houghton studies the clinical effects of loneliness in young people, but his comments are pertinent across all age groups. Although some charities, such as the Red Cross, strive to provide regular contact with people – particularly the elderly – who are living alone, loneliness has not been formally recognised as a public health issue, as it has been in some other countries. Yet conditions linked to it, particularly chronic diseases and mental health, place a heavy burden on health services across the age range.

Numbers and estimates vary, in part because the identification of loneliness is wholly dependent on people describing themselves as such. In part, too, loneliness is often inferred from other, more easily quantifiable conditions, such as social isolation and depression. These are blunt instruments, at best.

"Some may be socially isolated but content with minimal social contact or actually prefer to be alone; others may have frequent social contact but still feel lonely," wrote a team of researchers led by psychologist Julianne Holt-Lunstad from Brigham Young University in Utah, US, in a landmark 2015 study.

The research, a meta-analysis of 70 existing papers, was the first to conclusively identify loneliness as a significant cause of death. People who self-identified as lonely, the scientists found, had a 26 per cent greater chance of dying in any given period than people who did not.

The chances were complicated – and increased – if the loneliness was combined with the loosely associated conditions of social isolation and living alone.

One of the principle difficulties Holt-Lunstad and her colleagues encountered was that many studies for which loneliness was a focus purported to assume it was a product of something else: solitary life, or mental health issues such as depression.

Because of these problems, they excluded more than 1300 studies from their analysis. It's a position with which Houghton has considerable sympathy.

"One of the big problems in the past is the instruments that have been used to measure loneliness," he said.

"A lot of people have assumed that loneliness is the same for everybody, regardless of age or gender or where you live. They've assumed it's uni-dimensional and only needs one way to measure it.

"But we know that loneliness is multi-dimensional: we experience it in different severities, different extents and different ways."

And therein lies the challenge. Attempts to identify the causes of loneliness have traversed matters such as living alone, poor social skills, and even lack of parental bonding during childhood.

Tackling the issue in 2000, US researcher Professor Richard Booth concluded that "in the final analysis, people appear to feel their loneliness, even though they may not fully understand it".

As a clinical assessment, the position is closer to Elvis Presley's than Houghton's or Holt-Lunstad's. All researchers in the field, however, tend to agree on one measurement point: loneliness is characterised by a lack of meaningful friendships.

"Loneliness is a subjective experience," said social work professor Dr Mark Hughes, from Southern Cross University in Queensland.

"It's the feeling that you don't have sufficient social connections. It's an internal, emotional response to your life situation. I think measures will always be based on self-reporting of the experience of loneliness."

With that in mind, how prevalent is it?

In a recent interview with Fortune magazine, leading US loneliness researcher John Cacioppo from the University of Chicago's Centre for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience, quoted figures as high as 45 per cent for retirees, and 26 per cent in the general population.

In Australia, in 2016, Lifeline conducted a survey and reported that 60 per cent of respondents said they "often" felt lonely. The organisation also revealed that 55 per cent of callers to its crisis line (13 11 14) lived alone, "often without strong support networks".

There may well be factors in the design of the survey that produced such a high percentage of self-reports, so declaring Australia to be the loneliest country in the world would be unwise. Completely dismissing the finding, however, would be equally foolish.

There is broad consensus among researchers that loneliness is an increasing problem around the world. (And one major study found it to be worse in family-orientated rather than individualistic societies.)

And while the term "loneliness epidemic" seems to be much more popular with headline writers than scientists, the scale of the problem does from time to time generate a certain degree of academic metaphor. Cacioppo recently described loneliness among old people as "a silver tsunami".

Yet if loneliness resulted only, or even primarily, in individuals feeling miserable while staring at the television, perhaps a Trumpesque self-interested civil society could simply ignore it.

But it doesn't. Loneliness induces a surprisingly wide range of physical problems – from chronic heart disease to genetic malfunction – that make sufferers proportionately heavy users of health system resources. Take note, therefore, Trumpites: reducing loneliness levels will save billions of dollars.

A 2016 study led by US psychologist Dr Turhan Canli of New York's Stony Brook University found that chronic loneliness permanently changes the way hundreds of genes work.

Conducting post mortem research on 26 people, all with "known loneliness measures", Canli's team found abnormal function in 1599 genes. These genes, they reported, were "previously associated with behavioral processes, neurological disease, psychological disorders, cancer, organismal injury and skeletal and muscular disorders".

Loneliness has long been linked (variously, as cause and effect) with depression, but a 2016 project by Cacioppo also showed that it significantly altered other brain functions. Using magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) his team found "robust associations" between loneliness and parts of the brain responsible for alertness and impulse control.

Another 2016 study, led by Nicole Valtorta of the University of York in Britain and published in the British Medical Journal, looked at previous papers and found lonely people to be 26 per cent more likely to have heart disease and 32 per cent more likely to have a stroke.

The study concluded: "Our work suggests that addressing loneliness and social isolation may have an important role in the prevention of two of the leading causes of morbidity in high-income countries."

It might also help in other fields – one as prosaic as getting places. A study published this year by Dr Aparna Shankar and colleagues from the University of London found that loneliness, quite literally, slows people down.

Shankar's team found that over a six-year period, lonely people walked ever more slowly, and experienced increasing difficulties with day to day tasks.

Personality, too, can be affected, to the point of being less, well, likeable. A study this year led by Dr Julie Aitken Shermer of the University of Western Ontario in Canada found that lonely people are likely to develop a sense of humour that is "aggressive and self-defeating".

And this month, Cacioppo's team reported that some lonely people develop a level of self-centredness that, while protective in the short term, makes them harder to get to know and thus risks exacerbating their social isolation.

"That does kind of make sense," said Mark Hughes.

"Loneliness is associated with living alone, not being in a relationship, experiencing mental health issues, and having fewer social connections."

Another factor that can have a significant effect on a person's vulnerability is the make-up of the society in which he or she moves, and the levels of acceptance thus experienced.

Hughes' research centres on the health and wellbeing of LGBTi people in New South Wales. In a 2015 study, he reported that loneliness within that community was associated with "higher psychological distress and lower mental health".

And while, perhaps, that sort of linkage may be expected in lonely people from any background, he found the risk of it developing was higher than usual in his target group.

"There are risk factors associated with LGBTi people's lives," he said. "But those risk factors may relate to stigma and exclusion – and a range of risks for health factors have been identified as resulting from social exclusion.

"Also, there are life patterns among LGBTi people that might make them more predisposed to loneliness. For instance, older gay men are more likely to live alone than older heterosexual men."

There are life patterns among adolescents and children, too, it turns out, that also induce loneliness. Stephen Houghton finds one of his toughest arguments is breaking down the dominant adult belief that young people can't be lonely because they are typically surrounded by school-mates, and use social media a lot.

He quotes one of the many children he's interviewed, who told him that "school was the loneliest place in the world".

His current research has shifted focus from teenagers to younger children, and, among other findings, he and his colleagues are discovering that children with learning difficulties – as a result of ADHD, for instance – report much higher levels of loneliness than others.

"Definitely loneliness is a major public health concern," he said.

Research showed, he added, that a child able to ameliorate loneliness by developing just a single robust friendship potentially saves the heath system large amounts of money across his or her lifetime because loneliness-derived physical and mental conditions are less likely to arise. 

In 2011 in Britain, recognising the financial and social burden of inaction, a coalition of advocacy groups and local councils combined to launch the Campaign to End Loneliness.  

No such strategy exists in Australia, but most researchers in the field, you get the feeling, would wholeheartedly support one.

As well as providing direct help to people in the community whose marginalisation is both hidden and ignored, such a campaign would also provide a valuable data stream to help scientists better understand the fine weave of 21st century social isolation.

"You've got both the lifespan patterns of loneliness and the life-course experience of loneliness," explained Hughes.

"These can be quite different. For some people, it might be going in and out of periods of loneliness, for short amounts of time, whereas for others it might be more continuous and long term, and underpinned by deeper exclusion from communities."

Despite researching at different ends of the country, and at different ends of the age spectrum, Hughes and Houghton both found that the primary treatment for loneliness was meaningful social connection.

"You can have one great friend and not be lonely," said Houghton.

"But you can have 30 friends and still be lonely because they're not quality friends. That's a thing that comes out with our research into adolescents: it's about having friends you can trust, that make you feel part of a group. It's about quality."

The other thing common to almost all relevant research around the world is the discovery that loneliness isn't a one-way journey. The condition is reversible.

"Without doubt," agreed Houghton. "If I didn't think that then I'd give up."

So while it is always prudent to doubt psychological advice given by musicians,  after identifying the condition in Eleanor Rigby, in another song the Beatles identified the cure.

We can all stay well and healthy – with a little help from our friends.

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