
The Fitz Files
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No fuss on the bus for powerful pollie Berejiklian

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 Chivalry in Lindfield?

She was a woman laden down with folders getting on a packed bus at the bus-stop on Arterial Road by Tryon Road, Lindfield, facing the morning commute to the city two Fridays ago. The passengers barely blinked, in no small part because most of them had their eyes glued to their iPads, mobiles etc. But at least one bloke noticed Gladys Berejiklian, our Premier, was struggling and got up walked forward and offered her his spot, which she gratefully accepted, before settling down to work. I say, well done, Nick Farr-Jones, Wallaby World Cup winning captain of 1991. But do you?

Is it, on the other hand, a wonderfully Australian moment, that the most powerful politician in the state gets on a bus, and no-one is particularly fussed either way?

Or is it appalling that an overladen woman is standing and only one person gives a stuff to help?

Or is her gender totally immaterial, and base-level respect is to give the Premier, who could go everywhere by limo if she chooses, a seat?


Polarising Pauline

Even for Pauline Hanson, her attack this week on kids with autism – maintaining they had no place in "our" class-rooms – took the breath away. As ever, her polarising politics is divisive, driven by a mean-spiritedness that has set post-war records in Australian politics, and entirely ill-informed. In fact, the inclusion of students on the autism spectrum and wider Special Needs students has been successful across our brown and pleasant land, and some of it I have seen up close.


TFF's brother, Andrew, is Principal at Dapto High School, where they have run a stunningly successful integration program for students on the autism spectrum for the last nine years, and they now have no fewer than 28 of them.

"These students enrich our school and this community every day," he told me on Friday. "Students are encouraged to participate in the full range of activities: sporting, cultural, academic etc. Participation in mainstream classes is accommodated when ever possible; often playing to particular strengths; Art , Music, Engineering etc. It works. Never had a single complaint. It is inspirational and heart-warming on so many levels for so many of our Dapto students . . . and wonderful for those on the spectrum, and their families, too."

Upfront with Al Jazeera

TFF has long ranted that in the wake of the ongoing terrorism attacks that the only way forward is for Australians to turn to each other and not on each other, and that all those who seek to marginalise Muslim Australians – shock-jock, are themselves risking being the agents of radicalisation.

Nup. Our way forward is to embrace extreme moderation on all fronts, and in that spirit I note that Australia will soon be visited by Mehdi Hasan, the host of UpFront on Al Jazeera English, award-winning columnist for New Statesman and also a regular contributor to the New York Times and the Guardian, penning such pieces as "How Islamic is the Islamic State?"

Hosted by the Crescent Institute, he'll be making two appearances in Australia, on the subject of "Defeating Extremism, appearing at the Melbourne Convention Centre, on Tuesday the 11 July and Western Sydney University on July 13. Google and go-go.

Joke of the week

Hillary Clinton phones the White House shortly after midnight.

"I need to talk to President Trump, it's an emergency!"

After some cajoling, the President's assistant agrees to wake him up.

"So what is it that's so important that it can't wait until morning?" grumbles Trump.

"A Supreme Court Judge just died, and I want to take his place," insists Ms Clinton "Oh. Is that all? Well, it's OK with me if it's OK with the mortuary," replies President Trump.

Quotes of the week

"We can't afford to hold our kids back: we have the rest of the world and other kids in other countries who are going ahead [in] leaps and bounds ahead of us."

Senator Pauline Hanson maintaining there should be no place for kids on the autism spectrum, within mainstream education.

"[Senator Hanson's comments are] ill-informed and deeply offensive. Senator Hanson should also be mindful that access to inclusive education is a human right. Ignorant remarks such as these demonstrate that she clearly needs to take up this offer as soon as possible."

CEO of the Children with Disability Australia Stephanie Gotlib.

"Is there any one of the royal family who wants to be king or queen? I don't think so . . ."

Prince Harry. Well that solves that then! Bring on the Australian republic, no hard feelings, and we can call it all even on the card!

"Heatwave is a funny term – we don't really have a definition of it in the UK – but none of us can deny it has been a prolonged period of hot weather, and night-time temperatures have been quite unusually high, which can also be the cause of potential health problems, as well as a lot of restless nights."

Emma Sharples, spokeswoman for the UK Met Office, about London's current high temperatures.

"ISIS doesn't have a monopoly on driving trucks and vans into people, into crowds."

A witness to the attack at the Finsbury Park Mosque.

"I want to kill Muslims."

Reported words of Darren Osborne after he drove a van into people leaving the Finsbury Park Mosque.

"The main thrust of it will always be wrong. The rationale of it will always be wrong."

Shadow Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Australia Tony Burke after Labor defeated the government's citizenship bill.

Twitter: @Peter_Fitz