Exclusively in the New Print Issue of CounterPunch

21st Century Fascism

In this issue: Dan Glazebrook charts the global rise of the new right; Laura Carlsen explores how NAFTA should be renegotiated to insure living wages across borders; the FBI in Hollywood: David Price details the feds’ decades long pursuit of radical film-maker Haskell Wexler; Myths and Madness: Matthew Stevenson’s pursuit of the truth about the Kennedys; Fog Machines: David Swanson details how war propaganda works; Money Trails: David Macaray on the financial conflicts of interest inside the Trump Empire. PLUS: Jeffrey St. Clair on the death penalty in American politics; Yvette Carnell on race, crime and punishment; Mike Whitney on Trump voters; Lee Ballinger on the new poverty. And much more.

Democrats in the Dead Zone

This year the Dead Zone in the Gulf of Mexico is expected to grow larger than ever. Oceanologists predict the lifeless expanse of water below the Mississippi River Delta will swell to an area bigger than the state of Vermont, an aquatic ecosystem despoiled by industrial fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, oil leaks and the lethal effects of a More

Trump, Qatar and the Danger of Total Confusion

The isolation of Qatar appears to be a major step in the Saudi plan, directed by the newly pronounced crown prince, Mohammed bin Salman (the 31-year-old in charge of the Saudi war in Yemen),  to provoke a general confrontation between the Sunni world (led by itself) and Shiite world (led by Iran). What has has More

The “Democracies” We Deserve

In today’s so-called democracies, elections seldom bring about changes for the better, except in rare instances when they ratify progress achieved outside the electoral arena. This is one of several reasons why the very long electoral seasons we suffer through in the United States are so disabling. They channel potentially constructive political energies into dead-end electoral pursuits. More

This Week on CounterPunch Radio

  • HOST: Eric Draitsercpradio-podcast
  • GUEST: Mike King
  • TOPICS: Protests against the right-wing government in Brazil.

Chris Hedges Discusses Rise of American imperialism
