June 11th reportback from Plain Words

  • Posted on: 22 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

via Plain Words in Bloomington. Please visit the source to see some nice pictures of these actions!

We receive and transmit:

In the month leading up to the June 11th International Day of Solidarity with Marius Mason & All Long-Term Anarchist Prisoners, we set up two tables at Boxcar Books with an array of free zines, stickers, and posters for June 11th and about anarchist prisoners.

A Response to “Beyond Bash the Fash”

  • Posted on: 22 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

originally published on It's Going Down

This is a response to the IGD podcast, “Beyond Bash the Fash.” I want to state clearly that I encourage people to listen to the podcast and I not only enjoyed the discussion which I felt was done in good faith, but took away a lot from it. The discussion itself is an important one, and having critical reflections about our activity is needed. Despite certain things in the discussion that were said that I disagreed with, overall I thought that those talking were generally respectful of people putting themselves on the front lines and risking life and limb to confront the far-Right, and that their points of critique should be viewed as part of an ongoing conversation, not a line in the sand

[J11] Thessaloniki, Greece: Responsibility claim for placement of incendiary device

  • Posted on: 22 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

We perceive anarchist and antiauthoritarian spaces as structures in which we organize struggles and live collective moments outside the authoritarian relations that the State and capitalism would like to impose on us daily.

Lately, the State has carried out various attacks against squats and hangouts in Athens, Thessaloniki, Agrinio and Larissa [see this article for more context].

A Student Strike Becomes an Occupation, for 17 Years

  • Posted on: 20 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

From The New York Times
MEXICO CITY — Exams are over and classrooms have gone dark as summer comes to the National Autonomous University of Mexico, the pride of the country’s public education system.

But as students and professors melt away, there remains one strange and lively corner of the university’s main campus where nothing much will change, where tomorrow will be a lot like yesterday, and next month a lot like this one.

Since 2000, the university’s Justo Sierra Auditorium has been commandeered by political protesters, making it one of the longest-running occupations of a university building in history and putting more famous college takeovers to shame.

Beyond ‘Bash the Fash’: A Critical Discussion

  • Posted on: 20 June 2017
  • By: thecollective

From It's Going Down

There’s no question that antifascism has taken up a lot of space on both IGD and within the wider anarchist movement. Talk about antifascists has also spilled into the mainstream, with many journalists treating it, along with the tactics like the black bloc, as a new phenomenon that has arisen in the past few months in reaction to Trump.

Lines In Sand – AudioZine

  • Posted on: 18 June 2017
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)


Lines in Sand is a collection by Peter Gelderloos that looks critically at identity politics and anti-oppression politics. All of them are very thought provoking and well worth reading. These aren’t knee-jerk criticisms, but rather are thoughtful explorations of the problematic aspects of identity and anti-oppression politics and practice.

Episode 16 - June 18, 2017

  • Posted on: 18 June 2017
  • By: thecollective


Welcome to the anews podcast. This is episode 16 for June 18th. This podcast covers anarchist activity, ideas, and conversations from the previous week.
Editorial - In Defense Of Struggle
TOTW - International Anarchism
this podcast
