Friday, June 9, 2017

American Indian Genocide Denier Credit Suisse Insults Standing Rock Water Protectors in Switzerland

Waste Win Young
Waste Win Young on panel at U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland
Crédits photo : Marie de Lutz Photography

American Indian Genocide Denier Credit Suisse Insults Standing Rock Water Protectors in Switzerland

Waste Win Young, Dakota Lakota from Standing Rock, speaks out on the Genocide Deniers at Credit Suisse. Standing Rock Water Protectors met with bank officials and urged the bank to divest in Energy Transfer Partners, owner of Dakota Access Pipeline. Waste Win Young joins Rachel Heaton, Muckleshoot, Nataanii Means, Dine' Lakota, and Rafael Gonzalez, Dakota, on the 11 country tour.

By Waste Win Young, Standing Rock, Dakota Lakota

Published with permission at Censored News
June 9, 2017

We had a pretty messed up meeting with Credit Suisse. The 'sustainability officer' smirked the entire time we talked. He said that we, as American Indians did not have a genocide. He said the Holocaust and the Armenian massacres were genocide. He said he is an historian and not to talk to him about genocide. I felt this rage building up in me but Rachel handled him, then Rafa. The banker then dismissed our claims and said they will continue to fund projects as long as there is a need, despite the abuses that occur.
Thank you Geneva, thank you Swiss people. But what really could I really expect from a country so steeped in neutrality it hides the gold and priceless art pillaged from the Jews during the wars? A country that let the Nazis massacre French people only a few miles from where I sit? What a f*n joke.

Waste Win Young, Dakota Lakota from Standing Rock, Rachel Heaton, Muckleshoot, Rafael Gonzalez, Dakota, and Nataanii Means, Dine' Lakota, in the Netherlands.

Rachel Heaton, Muckleshoot, now is in Barcelona; Nataaanii Means, Dine' Lakota, is in Madrid and Rafael Gonzalez, Dakota, is in Spain, as the Water Protectors continue through Europe.

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Nataanii Means described the abusive treatment the Water Protectors dealt with in Paris. Rachel Heaton and Nataanii spoke to the shareholders of Société General, BNP, and Nataxis banks in Paris. "We were met with derogatory yelling, boo's, and confrontation. When we stated that these banks and their investments into overseas pipelines directly affect my people and community, people began to make so much noise meant to muffle our voices while we were speaking. We were treated with unbelievable disrespect.”
Read more at Censored News

Thursday, June 8, 2017

Standing Rock Water Protectors Speak at U.N. Geneva

Water Protectors from Standing Rock camps Rachel Heaton, Muckleshoot, Nataanii Means, Dine' Lakota, Rafael Gonzalez, Dakota, and Waste Win Young, Dakota Lakota from Standing Rock, at the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland today.

Standing Rock Water Protectors Speak at U.N. Geneva

Photos by Rachel Heaton and Waste Win Young
Article by Brenda Norrell
Censored News
June 7, 2017

GENEVA -- Water Protectors from Standing Rock camps addressed the United Nations General Assembly of the Human Rights Council, spoke on panels, and met with the Mayor of Geneva today, during their 11 country tour of Europe. The team is urging divestment in fossil fuels, and specifically the Dakota Access Pipeline, while speaking out on the need for clean energy and respect for Indigenous rights.
Rachel Heaton, Muckleshoot from Washington State, said, “Today Rafael and I met with the Mayor of Geneva while Wasté Win and Nataanii both spoke at the UN. We are all discussing the various issues that impact us as Indigenous people and building allies here in Europe to help support the fights at home. I have to say this has been a productive day so far."
Waste Win Young, Dakota Lakota from Standing Rock said Nataanii Means, Dine' Lakota from Chinle on the Navajo Nation, gave a 2 minute intervention before the U.N. General Assembly, on the right to assemble. Rachel and Rafael Gonzalez, Dakota from Minneapolis, meet with the mayor.
Rachel addressed the United Nations General Assembly, then another panel and met with the Mayor of Geneva.
“The police threatened to take down the tipi for us handing out flyers for our panel this morning,” Waste Win Young said.
The team of water protectors led a shutdown of Credit Suisse yesterday, urging divestment in Energy Transfer Partners, owners of Dakota Access Pipeline, and a halt to the bank's involvement of the ongoing genocide of corporations which violate Indigenous rights, ignore Treaties and poison the water and earth recklessly.
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