rooieravotr's blog

Nicer ways to do it? Bolivian miners fighting back

Struggle, repression and contradictions in Bolivia

[The Netherlands] The Area Ban against anarchists in a broader context of repression in The Hague

On the backgrounds of the area ban the mayor of The Hagua, Netherlands, imposed on several anarchists

Dutch Mayor issues area bans for anarchists

From the frontlines of social war in the Netherlands: area ban for anarchists in The Hague

Sanders campaign reaches its climax

On Bernie Sanders' announcement of support for Hillary Clinton.

Racist tide in the Netherlands encounters opposition

"No against asylum seekers center"...

The Netherlands is experiencing a wave of racist, sometimes openly violent, actions andstreet mobilizations, mainly against refugees and the sheltering of refugees.

The Hague, Netherlands: the heat is on

Riot cops charge in the Schilderswijk

The police killing of Mitch Henriquez has led to three nights of protest and anti-police resistance in The Hague, Several hundreds of young people were out on the hot streets, confronting the cops

Dear cheerleaders, we need to have a chat about imperialism

Wearing the flag of Ocalan

On the process of change in Northern Syria often called the Rojava revolution, the PYD as proponent of the process, and its alliance with Western imperialist powers.

Student protests escalate in Amsterdam

Protest near Bungehuis

Students at the University of Amsterdam have launched a protest movement against authoritarian an neoliberal management. The movement has been escalating rapidly, at first the occupation got evicted, more police repression may be imminent.

'Europe' in Ukraine: many things to lots of people

piano man

Again, on the protests in Ukraine; this time mostly on the attitude towards 'Europe' among the several forces within the protests.

Ukraine: what's going on, and what does it mean?

Riots in Ukraine

Some thoughts on the protests happening in Ukraine. Things are not completely what they may seem.

Romania: resistance against corporate environmental destruction and politics-as-usual

This article, on insistent protests against an environmentallt destructive mining project in Romania, was written for, where a slightly differently edited version can already be found, together with a very useful comment on the article.

Thinking about Egypt: between cynicism and wishful thinking

On the developments in Egypt, on the framework in which people talk about the developments, and a bit on that attitude to take.

On the edges of Trotskyism - some of the ones who left the SWP

Some notes on the IS Network, formed by ex-members of the SWP, and on the ideas of Richard Seymour, one of them.

Trotskyism on the edge - on the SWP crisis

A few more notes on the crisis in the UK Socialist Workers Party (SWP) that seems to have entered new territory.

Battlefield Indonesia

In Indonesia, workers are resisting low wages and demanding health care coverage, and indigenous communities are resisting corporate-enforced destruction.

Double struggle in Brazil

Blog about the demonstrations and riots which have swept Brazil in the wake of an increase in the price of public transport.

Refugees resisting state oppression, and solidarity activism in the Netherlands: hunger strikes and more

Protest and resistance by refugees and solidarity activists in the Netherlands is meeting serious repression. This is now getting media attention, and provoking new protest as well.

SWP crisis: some analysis, some thoughts

The UK Trotskyist Socialist Workers Party (SWP) is in deep crisis after rape accusations and faction fights have ended in the leadership reimposing some 'order' , and oppositionists leaving the party in droves. Some analysis, and some ideas on what attitude anti-authoritarians might fruitfully take.

Joke Kaviaar sentenced - solidarity needed

Joke Kaviaar, activist and publicist against the oppression, detention and depiortation of refugeesin the Netherlands , has been sentenced to a four months jail sentence for "incitement". Solidarity with refugees should know no borders; solidarity against efforts to censor Joke Kaviaar, and all the ones speaking out against this repression should know no borders either. Joke Kaviaar will not shut up. Neither should we.

Joke Kaviaar, activist/ publicist, under attack by Dutch state - solidarity needed

Joke Kaviaar, put on trial by Dutch authorities for speaking out

Joke Kaviaar, writer/ poet/ anarchist/activist, had been put on trial by the Dutch state for íncitement against public order'. The charge is based on four articles she wrote and published on het website, in which she strongly criticized the oppression, detention and deportation of migrants/ refugees/ people without papers, and called for active resistance aganist these policies