AnarchoDoom's blog

Work is Bollocks

Why the working-class should control how work is done.

Radical education in Liverpool

A very brief look at some examples of radical schooling in Liverpool during the 20th century. A version of this article appeared in The Blast, a non-regular publication of Liverpool Class Action.

Universal Basic Income: freedom for workers?

Robot book fetcher

A post on why workers should oppose automation unless we can carry it out in our own interests and why a Universal Basic Income is not going to be the answer to the resulting immiseration

Ciaron O’Reilly, Julian Assange, Chelsea Manning and making a choice

*TRIGGER WARNING – rape & rape apology*

On Saturday 2nd November, known vile misogynist and transphobic shitbag Ciaron O’Reilly is due to hold a fundraiser for Chelsea Manning and her family at the Casa in Liverpool.

Merseyside anti-bedroom tax groups meet in Liverpool at the first all-Merseyside anti-bedroom tax conference

Today, Saturday 6th April saw around 60 delegates from the various local anti-bedroom tax campaigns on Merseyside come together to discuss a strategy for co-ordinating action across the region.

May Day in Liverpool to be reclaimed for all

May Day

Liverpool Solidarity Federation, along with radical comrades from across the city, will be holding a celebration of radical working-class and grass-roots solidarity in the city on Saturday 4th May to coincide with May Day weekend.

Labour Party fails to co-opt grass-roots anti-Bedroom Tax campaigns in Liverpool

Today in Liverpool finally saw the knights in shining armour from the local Labour Party riding into town to rescue the city’s working class from the clutches of the evil Tories. Or at least that’s how the Labour left would like to portray the situation. The reality, as they surely know, is very different.

The bedroom tax and Labour Party hypocrisy

In the past week, the Labour Party has launched its Labour Against the Bedroom Tax campaign nationwide, with its roots in Liverpool. It’s the usual Labour Party fare; sign a petition, display a poster.

Liverpool Against the Cuts occupy Liverpool City Council chamber

While delegates from Labour councils across the country met at the BT Convention Centre in Liverpool, likely at public expense, to discuss how best to implement cuts while keeping their council seats under the banner of “Austerity With Fairness”, members of Liverpool Against the Cuts, Birmingham Against the Cuts and comrades from across the country decided to forgo a police pen outside the Convention Centre in favour of occupying the council chamber inside the Town Hall, making it, temporarily at least, the People’s Chamber.

On human nature

Arguments I see time and time again against left-wing politics include “human nature will get in the way” or “it ignores human nature”. Recently I’ve even seen this argument trotted out by people on the left, that any future system must “take human nature into account”. It’s fairly clear what is meant here without asking too many questions. Human beings are selfish. Human beings only work in their own self-interest and that this is natural. But I believe this to be wrong. This blog post will hopefully explain why.

Hillsborough: The real truth

Hillsborough banner

After 23 years, the real truth about the Hillsborough disaster has finally been told with the release of the Hillsborough Independent Panel report. Its verdict, on the police in particular, is damning.