Right-Wing Extremism 2.0: The Austrian Presidential Election on Social Media By Christian Fuchs CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 First published @ https://medium.com/@fuchschristian/ Austria is a small country in the heart of Europe with about 8.7 million inhabitants. In international news coverage, you can normally not find much about [...]
Right-Wing Extremism 2.0: The Austrian Presidential Election on Social Media
christian fuchs, October 15th 2016
Special Issue of the Journal of Communication: Ferments in the Field: The Past, Present and Futures of Communication Studies
Special Issue of the Journal of Communication: Ferments in the Field: The Past, Present and Futures of Communication Studies Editors: Christian Fuchs & Jack Qiu Call for submission of extended abstracts http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/(ISSN)1460-2466/homepage/call_for_papers__ferments_in_the_field.htm In 1983, Journal of Communication (JoC) published the special issue “Ferment in the Field” (Volume 33, Issue 3, co-edited by George Gerbner and [...]
christian fuchs, August 25th 2016
0.5 FTE Postdoc Research Fellow: Political Economy of the Internet
We are looking to hire as soon as possible and until the end of 2018 a London-based 50% (fixed-term) postdoc research fellow specialising in the political economy of the Internet.
christian fuchs, February 6th 2016
13 Short Films about Social Media
13 Short Films about Social Media Students in the University of Westminster’s MA Social Media’s 2015 class created as part of the module “Critical Theory of Social Media and the Internet” short films about social media theory books. Ebru Sahin produced a movie about the contemporary virtual world, for which she interviewed David Gauntlett and [...]
christian fuchs, May 11th 2015
The Role of Internet Politics in the 2015 British Election Manifestos
General elections will take place in Britain on May 8, 2015. Whereas the role of digital and social media as a communication tool in election campaigns is often discussed in public, less attention tends to be given to policy questions that concern the Internet. What is the role of media and Internet politics in the contending parties’ election manifestos?
christian fuchs, April 22nd 2015
Call: RN18 Panel “Critical Media Sociology Today” at the ESA 2015 Conference
Call: RN18 Panel “Critical Media Sociology Today”
12th Conference of the European Sociological Association
August 25-28, 2015. Prague
ESA Research Network 18 – Sociology of Communications and Media Research
christian fuchs, December 10th 2014
Win a copy of Christian Fuchs’ new book “OccupyMedia! The Occupy Movement and Social Media in Crisis Capitalism”
You can win one of 20 copies of Christian Fuchs’ book “OccupyMedia! The Occupy Movement and Social Media in Crisis Capitalism”
christian fuchs, September 19th 2014