La FN en Brighton? Mais Non!

21 05 2017

From Brighton Antifascists

When we heard a few days ago that Tony Thommes, the Front National candidate for French Expats in Northern Europe, was planning a meeting at the King and Queen pub in Brighton today, we knew he’d regret it.

We put out a call at the last minute and gathered about 40 local militants outside the Pub, which was guarded by private security. Believing the meeting was already underway, we unfurled banners and placards and settled in for the long haul.

Then somebody spotted the man of the hour himself, Tony Thommes, walking up the road with a lone minder. There was a robust exchange of ideas between the FN candidate and local antifascists, which led to him fleeing across the Old Steine, pursued by a large crowd. After doing a loop of the Steine, the filth arrived, sparking another argument. Thommes was quickly escorted to a police van, and driven away for his own safety. Antifascists regrouped outside the King and Queen for a quick victory photo and then a trip to the pub, the racist’s meeting successfully cancelled.

Thanks to everyone who came out to keep Brighton fascist-free. We will always make sure that Brighton is a hostile place for the far-right, be they French, English or whatever. Contre le fascisme et le nationalisme, liberté pour tous!



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