Community defence to stop the EDL in Liverpool June 3rd

17 05 2017

Facebook event

No doubt inspired by the amazingly warm welcome fascists have always received from Scousers, The EDL are planning to have  a march in Liverpool on Saturday June 3rd. AFN groups and anti-fascists from around the country will be mobilising to support locals to tell the EDL where to go.

Merseyside AFN say:

“Once again the racists and fascists, this time in the form of the EDL, are attempting to divide our community. We came together as a city to stop the racists in the past and we can do it again. We will be holding meeting to organise for this and if you would like to get involved please contact our page.”

Fascists in Liverpool – a recent history

Aug 2015 – National Action’s neo-Nazi ‘White Man March’ forced to hide in a left luggage locker in Lime St Station. Hundreds of anti-fascists chased the Nazis all over town and mocked and humiliated them as they tried to hide. Read the whole story here.

It’s the master race…


Sept 2015 – National Action try to save face by planning a return visit to Liverpool. They cancel at the last minute while huge crowds celebrate their no-show in the city centre.


Feb 2016 – The ‘North West Infidels’ and National Action try and have another demo in Liverpool, after moving it from Manchester at short notice. Hundreds of anti-fascists besiege them and pelt them with vegetables and eggs. Read the full story here.

Fascists trapped at St George’s Hall



On to 2017 – the ailing EDL think they’ll have a pop at Liverpool. The omens are not good lads. Time to finish off the EDL – Join us on June 3rd.

Look out for a public meeting and more info soon. See Merseyside AFN

Spread the word.

And finally… Lest we forget

Liverpool, October 1937: “Sir Oswald Mosley was hit on the head by a stone and knocked semi-conscience immediately he stood on the top of a loud-speaker van to address an open-air meeting at Queens Drive, Liverpool, yesterday. As the van was being driven to a piece of waste land, hundreds of missiles were thrown, Sir Oswald, had not had time to utter a word when a large stone hit him on the temple and he fell on his face.”



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