Christian Fuchs: Interview on China Radio International (CRI) about the Impact of the Internet on Everyday Life Communication

I have been interviewed by Chinese Radio International (CRI)’s programme “People in the Know” about the question how the Internet impacts everyday life communication: Does Internet use result in more community-building, socialization and a richer social life or in less community involvement, in isolation, alienation and the collapse of social life? The programme can be [...]

New Book: Foundations of Critical Media and Information Studies

New book: Fuchs, Christian. 2011. Foundations of Critical Media and Information Studies. New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-58881-2. 384 pages. Rouledge Advances in Sociology No. 52. More information: Available from the same author: “Internet and Society: Social Theory in the Information Age” (Paperback 2011) Foundations of Critical Media and Information Studies lays down foundations [...]

Nuclear Catastrophe, Fukushima, The Fourth World War, Immateriality, Forsmark, “the Information Society” and the Red-Green Crisis of Capitalism

We do not live in an immaterial information society. Rather, Fukushima’s inhumanity, the masses of human lives that it will destroy and kill, is indicative of the materiality of capitalism – its bestial, life-threatening, human-killing materiality. Fukushima stems from the immanence of the expansive, accumulation-based mode of production in the various capitalisms. The Fourth World War has not taken on the form of a nuclear war between the United States and the Soviet Union, it is happening now. The Fourth World War has a double feature, a red one and a green one