International Sociological Association (ISA) World Forum, Day 2: My presentations

I presented presented two papers today. One on “Critical Theory and Alternative (Online) Media: Do We Need a Marxist Theory of Alternative Media?” and another one on “Critical Theory in the Age of the Internet”. The second presentation can be seen on YouTube. It covers topics that I present in more detail in my recent book “Internet and Society: Social Theory in the Information Age” (New York 2008: Routledge). The accompanying power point presentation can be found here.

Christian Fuchs: “Critical Theory in the Age of the Internet”, ISA World Forum, Barcelona, September 6, 2008, Part 1

Christian Fuchs: “Critical Theory in the Age of the Internet”, ISA World Forum, Barcelona, September 6, 2008, Part 2

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2 Responses to “International Sociological Association (ISA) World Forum, Day 2: My presentations”

  • Comment from jannis

    Marx invented the internet – nice! :-)
    Where exactly comes the sentence from you cited?

  • Comment from christian

    Hi Jannis,

    I know that it is provocative to claim that Marx invented the Internet, but I think he really did, not as an engineer, but in conceptual terms he anticipated the idea, which shows that he had a sense for the future.

    The quotation is from the Grundrisse, it can be found in the powerpoint presentation that accompanied my talk and to which you find a link in the blog-entry.


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