Education Network

The Fairfax Education Network allows advertisers to execute innovative high impact education campaigns across Fairfax owned and partner brands.

Reach parents and students right across Australia.

The Network is a collection of Australia’s most trusted brands reaching 10.5 million* Australians each month and provides advertisers access to a high quality audience who actively use Fairfax products in order to stay informed when making important life decisions.

Broaden your reach across multiple platforms

We help Education providers connect with parents and students by delivering tailored education solutions across multiple platforms, reaching education decision makers at home, at work or on the go.

All Fairfax brands can be found here with a summary on each.

Source: *emmaTM, conducted by Ipsos MediaCT, people 14+ for the 12 months ending Feb 2015, Nielsen Online Ratings, Feb 2015, people 14+ only.

Get in touch with us

Ben Kirkby
Account Manager NSW
02 8596 4090 Email Ben Kirkby
Liza Kwaks
Account Manager - Victoria
Email Liza Kwaks