Showing posts with label CAFE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label CAFE. Show all posts

26 February 2017

Paulie and Kyle McKee: Together Again

When Kyle McKee formed first the Aryan Guard, which morphed into Blood & Honour, Paul Fromm was a regular attendee at a number Calgary events organized by McKee and his fellow boneheads:

Paulie was a very vocal supporter of McKee for years, especially when the latter was facing his numerous criminal charges over the years, such as Paulie's commentary on the outcome of McKee's 2010 trial concerning his "alleged" involvement in the pipe bomb incident in 2009 (McKee was arrested in December at Bill Noble's residence after a month on the run):

But then something happened that caused a rift that lasted several years. We can speculate as to what the reasons were, but we might just let McKee and his supporters speak on that issue themselves:

Hmmmm, I wonder what the issue could have been?

It seemed that the rift wouldn't be healed any time soon, however the relationship between Paulie and McKee (and by extension Calgary B&H) has, as of now, at least achieved a state of détente:

What's Paulie's cut of the admissions fee going to be, Kyle?

That's right. For the first time in three (perhaps four) years, Paulie and McKee are back together again, though perhaps the real draw will be Ms. Chabloz.

Still, this happy reunion between Paulie and McKee is one I simply couldn't let pass without commemorating it in some way. And what better way than to utilize my newly learned video editing skills?

Be sure to turn on the closed captions for the pithy commentary.

I think I did quite well on this one.

26 November 2016

James Sears and Paulie Pimping Out Troubled Teen

Meet Veronica Bouchard.

Our readers have likely already heard of her already. Using the pseudonym "Evalion" (because these types always seem to enjoy engaging in self-aggrandizement), 19 year old Bouchard has made a bit of a name for herself in the neo-Nazi online speaking circuit, at least so far as YouTube and Twitter go. As such hate vloggers are a dime a dozen, her notoriety primarily stems from the fact that she is young, reasonably attractive, and most importantly, female.

In other words, in the sausage party that is the white nationalist movement, she stands out as a novel distraction.

But notoriety amongst white nationalists inevitably results in notoriety amongst decent people.

So this happened:
Ontario teen who called for ‘white’ Canada has laptop seized by CBSABy Christina Stevens
Senior Reporter Global News
And this:
Formal hate crimes complaints filed with police over GTA teen YouTuberBy Christina Stevens Senior Reporter Global News

9 June 2016

McCorkill Appeal Denied

Yesterday we were reminded that the Supreme Court was set to rule on an appeal of the McCorkill case. Paulie, who is an interested party, seemed hopeful:

We would post the rest of the message (which includes the now predictable appeal for donations because.... Paulie), but we'll spare you the details.

Suffice it to say now, Paulie is going to be posting another, more despondent, message soon enough:

Supreme Court rejects appeal in white supremacy probate case
TORONTO — Reuters 
Published Thursday, Jun. 09, 2016 3:46PM EDT 
Last updated Thursday, Jun. 09, 2016 4:22PM EDT

The Supreme Court on Thursday upheld a lower court decision to stop the execution of a New Brunswick man’s will that bequeathed his estate to U.S. white supremacists.

The Court declined to hear the appeal against a previous provincial court ruling, which was brought by the Canadian Association for Free Expression. It did not give a reason for the decision, in accordance with its usual practice.

Freedom to give away one’s property has sometimes been limited in Canada, where courts have been known to quash wills that they decide go against public policy.
McCorkill bequeathed his estate to the National Alliance, a white-supremacist group based in West Virginia.

3 October 2015

The Company He Keeps: Meet Fromm's New Friend Brian Ruhe (UPDATED)

We briefly mentioned Ruhe a few weeks ago in reference to Paulie's horrible, rotten, no-good 2015, but didn't really talk much about the man himself other than posting a link to a recent article about Ruhe in the "Gerorgia Straight."

Brian Ruhe is was a continuing-education instructor at Capilano University teaching courses on meditation and Buddhist philosophy, however on learning of his other activities, some of which might have been taught in his classes according to one anonymous poster in the comments section of the "Georgia Straight" article, Ruhe's contract was not renewed.

You see Ruhe was also a UFOologist (which might be eccentric but otherwise harmless) and a proponent of antisemitic tropes (which was not harmless and would sort of damage the university's reputation if they remained associated with him) which he cloaks in eastern spirituality:


In short, Brian Ruhe is Canada's 21st century poor man's version of Savitri Devi, though he justifies his antisemitic Hitler worship based on a warped interpretation of Buddhism and, unlike Devi, Ruhe has the charisma of a lightly-used dish rag.

Ruhe is a prolific user of YouTube and so provides a great deal of material indicating what an odd duck he is, however we decided to profile one of his more recent videos (edited for length and cut into three sections) in which he discusses his own particular "solution" to the "Jewish problem":

7 September 2015

Paul Fromm's Annus Horribilis

The year 2015 has not been very good for Paulie. In fact, it seems to have been an especially bad year.

Paulie's annus horribilis can actually be said to have begun in October 2014 when we, and evidently a lot of others, received an email contained two photos which featured Fromm and his girlfriend (he was still married at the time) in what we will charitably refer to as clothing which left very little to the imagination. We didn't post those images here (though if you wish to view them here be warned they are definitely NSFW) Paulie's French girlfriend did paint a self portrait of herself and Paulie which appears to have used one of the photos as source material:

When it first came out, Paulie's ideological allies appear to have circled the wagons in order to protect him, but it seems that in 2015 there has been some talk behind the scenes, at least in some circles:

But this sort of only represents a relatively insignificant reason why 2015 will go down as a year Paulie will very much like to forget.

4 August 2015

August 2015 Bits and Bites: Horribly Belated Edition

I know, I know.

This writer just got out of the bush a few days ago after several weeks of camping. Unfortunately, I forgot to let our friend who fills in when I'm (a) on vacation, (b) sick, (c) burnt out, or (d) hung over. But as he was gone as well as it turns out, it wouldn't have mattered anyways.

Soooo, what's happened since our last update?

First, we are working on gathering details for an upcoming article. Won't tip our hand too much yet, but I will mention that it involves a person based in Toronto we've discussed with some frequency in the past and some rather interesting associations that individual turns out to have. Stay tuned.

Second, we have two good news stories and one not-so-good story we would like to share, though even the latter doesn't put it's subject in a particularly positive light.

We start with the good news.

At the beginning of July, the New Brunswick Court of Appeals reserved judgement in the case of Robert McCorkill, who's will leaving his estate to the American-based hate group the National Alliance was challenged by his estranged sister, the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, and the government of New Brunswick. Paulie suggested that, "experienced court observers predicted a six month wait for the decision."

In the end, it didn't even take a single month:

23 June 2015

Paul Fromm and the Council of Conservative Citizens: Canadian MSM Makes Connection

In the early hours of June 22, we published a story that reminded our readers that Canada's own Paul Fromm is closely associated with the Council of Conservative Citizens (CoCC) as both a board member and as the international director. The CoCC is in the news as a result of their connection to the Charleston killer and, falling from that, the financial contributions made by the CoCC president to a number of high profile Republican politicians. At the end of our article, we made the following comment:

At the end of the article we posed the following question:

Well, it looks like Paulie has had just that opportunity:

6 July 2014

July 2014 Bits and Bites: FAN MAIL!!!!.... and other stuff

We frequently receive fan mail here at the blog from our adoring bonehead audience. Some of it comes from longtime readers while others are the result of boneheads finding us for the first time. Let's begin with the latter example first.

A few weeks ago we updated, "A History of Violence" adding a number of new entries, most of which were related to the Southern Ontario "Skinheads." However we did include aligned with McKee's Blood & Honour movement but who, prior to his association with McKee, was the leader of another tiny group which may have never been more than the fevered imaginations of the founder:

Calgary, AB -  Neil Kehler sentenced  in armed robbery

Neil Robert Kehler, the ringleader of group of men who robbed a Domino's Pizza and other business at gunpoint, was sentenced to 5 years in prison:

...ringleader Neil Robert Kehler pointed a single barrel shotgun at the clerk.

The group escaped into a nearby van which had its licence plate covered.
Neil Robert Kehler, 2013 photo

Two nights later they robbed a Shawville Rd. S.W. Super 8 and returned to the same motel on Sept. 6, only to leave after finding no one at the front desk.

A security guard watching video in a monitoring room saw the Kehler and the youth on surveillance cameras, but only later realized he wasn't watching footage of the earlier heist.

The pair were arrested following a Pizza Hut robbery on Sept. 9, while their accomplices were later nabbed by police.

Kehler had been the leader of a very small white supremacist group he called the White Knights prior to his arrest and imprisonment, though it doesn't appear to have been much more than an Internet-based group. Kehler has written that he planned to attend the next "White Pride" march organized by the Aryan Guard, however his arrest precluded his involvement. Upon his release, he became more closely associated with Kyle McKee and his Blood & Honour.

Normally we don't hear from the boneheads we include on the list, though there are some notable exception. However, not long after updating the timeline, Mr. Kehler decided to get in touch:

10 November 2013

What Does "Free Speech" Really Mean in Paul Fromm's World?

It's becoming increasingly common to find Paulie posting or "liking" images such as this on his Facebook profile:

We would note that the quote in the cartoon is
attributed to a man convicted of hiring a hitman
to murder his still credulous wife
so... stay classy.

It really has become impossible for Paulie to deny who and what he is about, but he still occasionally tries to promote himself as a "free speech" advocate. Paulie's antisemitism and his claim of being a free speech crusader have always intersected, but is involvement in a conference in Austin, Texas might be one of the most transparent examples of this relationship:

The conference, which appears to have been organized by a publication associated with Willis Carto (who has a very long history of involvement in far right and antisemitic organizations, of which Liberty Lobby and the IHR are the best known), has assembled a group of speakers who all seem to have at least one thing in common.

They aren't big fans of Jews.

Event co-host Texe Marrs provides further information about the conference on his website:

We'll deal with Marrs and Williamson in more detail in a moment, but we'll deal first with the other speakers who will be sharing the podium with Paulie.

4 September 2013

Of COURSE Paulie is Getting Himself Involved in the McCorkill Case

Really, was there ever any question?

And why might the Southern Poverty Law Center be concerned about the National Alliance getting a hold of a potentially substantial wad of cash?

Oh. Right. The violence stuff.

28 April 2013

Brad Love, Michelle Erstikaitis, and Luka Magnotta

This is going to be a little bit rambling and surreal. Please bare with us.

Most of our readers are aware of who Brad Love is. For those who don't know who he is, he's a 55ish year old man who has been, for decades, mailing racist screeds to public officials. Not just one or 10 or 100, but 1000s (one wonders where he finds the time). His harassment of politicians and public officials goes back more than 20 years in fact (we will provide excerpts from an article below detailing this fact):

'Scurrilous' mail nets 20 days in jail 

Toronto Star - Toronto, Ont
Farrell Crook
Feb 16, 1993 

A Mississauga man has been jailed 20 days for mailing "scurrilous" material involving racial and ethnic minorities to two Toronto-area members of Parliament.

The Brampton judge said he was not imprisoning Love, 35, for the views he holds, but for using the mails to send two MPs scurrilous material.

11 June 2012

Response to the Demise of Sec. 13 in "Maclean's"

Earlier today, we were contacted by "Maclean's" and asked about our take on the demise of Sec. 13. We responded as follows:

We think that the government was incredibly short sighted in their decision to eliminate Sec. 13. It was a useful and cost-effective tool in the effort to eliminate some very vile, hateful, and potentially dangerous rhetoric online and in the public sphere. Now we have only the criminal code which, in a few cases, is like using a machete when a scalpel would have been more prudently utilized.

Those individuals and groups who were called before the Human Rights Tribunal and who were found to have violated Sec. 13 were not innocent lambs who were victimized by Big Brother. They were people and groups who were causing real harm in their communities. Their words did result in harm, and I don't mean hurt feelings. People's homes were vandalized. People have been assaulted. And these criminal acts had, in many cases, began with the dehumanization of fellow Canadians for no other reason than their ethnicity, religion, gender and sexual orientation.

The people who are celebrating this are the extremists on Stormfront and VNN and a host of other racist webforums, but as we wrote on our blog they should consider that now there is only the criminal code and the penalties are more severe than anything Sec. 13 dished out. It should also be noted that racists aren't content with only Sec. 13. Paul Fromm, for instance, has said he and his group will next focus their attention on the criminal code sections regarding hate crimes.

We get the impression that the "Maclean's" in which Sec. 13 will be discussed is coming out this week. We don't expect that our entire response will be published, or if any of it will be for that matter, but if it is we thought we'd include the entirely of our response here.

And as for the responses from the boneheads, we present a small selection:

29 April 2012

Secret Facebook Posts: A Disturbing Glimpse into the Thoughts of Kyle McKee

Although we are troubled (an understatement) that Kyle McKee's actions harmed more people, we are cautiously optimistic that these same actions, as well as the weapons charges, will result in a lengthy prison sentence this time.

Over the course of the past year and a half, we have been privy to McKee's activities on Facebook. And while we've always known that McKee was a dangerous individual, his posts on his own Facebook profile have resulted in some significant actions on our part which we will not discuss at this point in time.

However, as he is now in remand and likely to remain there and, if found guilty of the most recent charges levelled against him, will remain in custody for a significant amount of time, we have decided to share some of the screen shots that we were able to grab.

We first start, as we often do, with McKee's relationship with Paul Fromm:

3 December 2011

Rift Between the Lemire Family and Fromm over Money?

Perhaps we're reading a bit much into this.
Fromm and Lemire at the "George Orwell"
Awards the year Mark and Connie Fournier won.

NOTE: One of our faithful readers on Free
Dominion is stating that this was not from
that year the Fourniers received their award
and has accused us of "document tampering."

As it was Paulie who labelled the picture as such
originally, your argument is with him, not us.

That, and Harry Abrams has nothing to do with
this blog. But please, keep guessing.

Perhaps not.

Paul Fromm and Marc Lemire have a relationship that goes back to at least the mid 1990s when Lemire hosted Paulie's websites on his own Freedom-Site (along with other websites, including the Heritage Front which he would go on to lead, but we're going to touch on this issue again in later articles).

He has travelled with Fromm to events across Canada and has promoted Fromm's speeches and writing on the Heritage Front's magazine, "UpFront: Frontline" (including an article they appear to have co-written) and on the American-based hate site Stormfront. In turn, Paulie seems to have acted as a bit of a mentor to Lemire and has been spoken about his efforts to have Sec. 13 repealed.

27 November 2011

Fromm Upset That He and His Friends Aren't Getting Any Credit

On November 26, Brian Storseth's private member's bill to repeal Sec. 13 from the Canadian Human Rights Act had it's second reading. Should the Conservatives all get behind Bill C-304, and there's no reason to think that they won't, it is perhaps likely that Sec. 13 is living on borrowed time.

One would think that people like Paulie would be jubilant, however such is not the case, for one reason, Sec. 319 in Criminal Code which deals with hate speech is still in place, which means that is their next target:

This might not be a surprise, but we do get a chuckle that Paulie's biggest complaint is that he and his fellow travellers aren't the one's being given the credit.

Who does he and his friends complain have been given the credit?

11 August 2010

If the Aryan Guard and Paulie Hold a Protest in Calgary....

.... does anyone notice?

What is the use of a protest if no one pays attention?

Earlier this week, Paulie was in Calgary with McKee and whatever elements of the Aryan Guard still exist to protest in front of Jason Kenney's constituency office, as well as triumphantly announce the reorganization of the Aryan Guard:

CFIRC was helped by a strong contingent of young men and women from the White National Aryan Guard. After a year of organizational problems, the AG is reorganizing. |”The AG is back and active,” leader Kyle McKee explained.

So the AG is now the WNAG. That's certainly an acronym that we won't be able to make fun of.

Paulie and the Aryan Guard members who are currently not (a) in jail, (b) not on probation, (c) not under no contact orders, (d) actually still willing to associate their good... er.... their names with the scandal plagued gang were protesting Kenney's handling of the Tamil migrants currently on their way to Canada:

The door was abruptly locked, as an ashen face employee looked out at the protesters who chanted no slogans and were entirely peaceful. “I thought a constituency office was supposed to be open to the public,” a bemused protester observed... Twenty minutes into the protest several cruisers from the Calgary Police Service showed up. One officer inquired what the purpose of the protest was and how long it would last. Mr. Fromm indicated that he wanted to hand a letter for Mr. Kenney to the staff at his office. The officer disappeared inside the office. The door was locked. About 10 minutes later, he emerged. Apparently, Mr. Kenney’s employee would come out and accept the letter. The exchange was made under the watchful eye of the policeman. “It really shows how terrified our rulers are of the people,” Mr. Fromm observed.

Once again, Paulie makes it appear as if a bunch of concerned Sunday school teachers came out to voice their mild concerns and were treated as pariahs for their efforts. In reality, the people who did show up to this protest made a point of being intimidating:

But here's the thing we find interesting. No one knew of this protest, and we only found out a few hours ago. There was nothing announcing it to the media. There was no mention of it in the mainstream media. It's as if it didn't happen, or it might as well not have happened.

The point of a protest is sort of to get your cause known through the media, otherwise you're really not much better than the crank who used to shout sexual obscenities outside the Parliament buildings in Ottawa. No one cares.

Of course they did this because they didn't want a counter protest to confront them (and why would they, since the last protest the full Aryan Guard contingent was involved with was outnumbered by a factor of 5 to 1?). As such, their efforts were wildly successful, however it was at a bit of a cost. In reality this is the closest Paulie and McKee have come to mainstream recognition, and we are hardly mainstream ourselves.

But even though the Aryan Guard has reformed, there are a few flies in the ointment. There seems to be a bit of remaining tension between McKee and his group and the much smaller, but more crazily tattooed, WEB:

Should we start taking bets on another implosion again?

1 August 2010

Paul the Poet

One would think a former English teacher would be more creative.

25 July 2010

Paulie Speaking At American Racist Gathering Along With Racist Teabagger

We've been watching Paulie a lot lately mainly because of his current (and inexplicable to us and even his fellow travelers) infatuation with Michelle Erstikaitis. Oh, by the way, he's now promoting her, "art" and an autobiography he's claiming she's writing:

In any case, Paulie isn't just promoting Ms. Erstikaitis' cause. He's also continuing to speak at meetings of organized, violent racists:

According to Billy Roper, Paulie is one of those guest speakers:

Ah, yes. Blood and Honour. Here are a few examples of the fine folks Paulie will be speaking to:

Hey! That's Carolyne in the last picture (one of the targets of the bombing in Calgary last November). Looks like she's moved on quite quickly after her relationship with Sturrup ended. We wonder if immigration officials are aware of her down in the United States?

We've mentioned Billy Roper, the founder and leader of White Revolution, a few times on this blog now. Roper is also currently running as a write-in candidate for governor of Arkansas. He's also someone who claims affiliation with the Tea Party movement and believes that a large number of disaffected White voters will look to him to stem the time of the Black/Hispanic/Jewish menace that he seems to believe exists.

Recently the NAACP have called out leaders within the Tea Party movement to disavow and condemn racist elements that have been attracted to the anti-government rhetoric. In response, some Tea Party activists are claiming that the NAACP is actually the racist organization (as evidenced by the now widely discredited Shirley Sherrod non-story) and have stated that the movement they represent is not racist.

Perhaps ironically, Billy Roper and his followers agree with the NAACP, though instead of believing that racism should be condemned, Roper etal believe it should be (and is in many cases already) embraced:

Bro Ryan is an interesting character as well. Here are some of the tattoos he's talking about that have received compliments:

And a few other interesting screen shots too:

Sadly the pictures aren't very large so we can't see a lot of details, but we would sure like to see a picture of that state senator in the second picture.

13 July 2010

Paul Fromm Goes to Bat For.... Michelle Erstikaitis???: Part III

When we published our last article detailing Paulie's efforts to spring Bernardo groupie and arsonist Michelle Erstikaitis from jail, we mentioned that no where in any published document concerning her long record has there been any indication that she harbored far right beliefs (aside from her infatuation with McVeigh) and that she herself had never indicated any political views.

Hey! Guess what? Paulie has published a letter on Stormfront (as well as the Facebook group he set up in her name) in which Ms. Erstikaitis claims she's in detention because of her political beliefs:

Well that was certainly convenient.

Paulie has had to acknowledge some inconvenient facts about Ms. Erstikaitis' past. Previously, he had only mentioned that she had written a letter to Timothy McVeigh, the terrorist who murdered 168 people (including 19 children) in the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing. That actually wasn't a problem, as a considerable individuals in the, "White Nationalist" movement are either sympathetic to McVeigh or even support his actions. However, problems sort of arise when people actually throw this woman's name into a search engine and learn that not only did she have a thing for Bernardo, but she also tormented the mother of one of his victims (including saying she would kill the mother and yer young son). And the time she tried to burn down her apartment which put at risk a number of other residents.

But don't think for a moment these are actually a big deal. Writes Paulie:

As you can see from the wording of Sec. 753, the Dangerous Offender Law, the state may effectively lock up a person so designated and throw away the key. What is so mystifying in Miss Erstikaitis case is that her crimes have been relatively minor, except for arson, actually a suicide attempt, in her troubled teen years. She has currently been warehoused at the Vanier Detention Centre in Milton for 18 months and counting, without bsil [sic]. She’s been imprisoned longer than any conceivable sentence even if she were convicted for assault where no one was hurt. It’s hard to avoid the conclusion that she’s being punished and jailed for her VIEWS not her relatively minor DEEDS. -- Paul Fromm. Director, Canadian Association for Free Expression

Sadly for Paulie, people aren't falling into line simply because he has asked them to. As in the first article we published concerning this issue, people are beginning to ask questions, including some of Paulie's supporters.

The first image is of a screen shot of Paulie's Facebook group set up to support Ms. Erstikaitis. One of the individuals is not a racist, but a good friend of the ARC Collective who's name and picture we've redacted (though we're sure this person would be okay if we published the original document):

This post in the discussion board has opened up a great deal of discussion on the group's wall, even as Mr. Free Speech Paulie continues to remove posts that don't toe the line and do damage control (each of the next three screen shots are essentially the same, but you'll notice that Paulie removed posts found in the first screen shot when you look at the second):

The discussion about Ms. Erstikaitis and her past is also occurring on Paulie's own profile:

Paulie's supporters are even talking about their concerns off-site:

As much fun as this is for us, we imagine it might be a little embarrassing for our, "White Nationalist" readers. Perhaps those readers would like to share their thoughts about Paulie's efforts on Ms. Erstikaitis' behalf?

10 July 2010

Paul Fromm Goes to Bat For.... Michelle Erstikaitis???: Part II

Hey, remember back in May when Paulie inexplicably decided that Michelle Erstikaitis was in prison not because of the assaults, arson, threats to murder a child and a number of other crimes she was involved in, but because of her political views?

Those views being of the, "White Nationalist" variety. In spite of the fact that in not a single news story has there ever been mention of her holding such views. Oh, and really nothing in the police record... unless he considers having a crush on Tim McVeigh is a valid, "White Nationalist" policy platform in which case we invite other, "White Nationalists" to run with that position.

And remember how even Paulie's fellow travelers decided that, well, no, Ms. Erstikaitis probably should be in prison and perhaps should be declared a dangerous offender based on an extensive criminal record.

Yeah, that was fun, wasn't it?

We thought that since so many people shot Paulie down that he would decide that maybe Ms. Erstikaitis wasn't worth spending whatever capital he possesses in the Canadian, "White Nationalist" on her case. She's clearly a damaged individual who needs to be kept in detention for the safety of the public and for her own safety. Even Bill Noble, not exactly someone with a firm rooting in reality himself, can see Ms. Erstikaitis for what she is. Paulie MUST have come to his senses, right?


Good god he's still on this... and he's made a Facebook group to try and drum up support for her:

Hey, looks like Billy Roper is a supporter. Interesting.

Again, we can't help but note that he glosses over some pretty significant portions of Ms. Erstikaitis' criminal curriculum vitae, characterizing her crimes as mere youthful tomfoolery:

Maybe this would be an appropriate time to reacquaint our readers with Michelle Erstikaitis?

Michelle Erstikaitis: Canadian Dangerous Offender

Michelle Erstikaitis has consented to being designated a Canadian dangerous offender. This is a very rare step for someone to take as that is Canada’s most serious criminal designation. Ms. Erstikaitis told Ontario
Superior Court Justice Todd Archibald that she was confident in her decision to agree to that designation when she appeared in court on Tuesday, January 5, 2010.

She plead guilty to charges of mischief, armed assault and threatening. The accused arsonist stated in court that she would not oppose the Crown’s request to declare her a dangerous offender. That decision could result in her being in prison indefinitely.

Erstikaitis is accused of assaulting her boyfriend with scissors and throwing a glass plat at his during an argument in Toronto last January. He was not gravely injured, however, she was was in the last six months of a six-year sentence as a long-term offender. In addition, she had served two years in prison after pleading guilty to a 1999 arson fire at a Hamilton apartment building. As a long-term offender, she is required under Canadian law to be closely monitored in the community. The next step beyond ‘long-term offender’ is to be declared a dangerous offender who is a risk to the public.

In the past, Erstikaitis has expressed her admiration for serial sex killer Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka. In June 1999, she was convicted of threatening to kill the mother of Leslie Mahaffy, the mother of one of three girls Bernardo and Homolka murdered. She has also expressed admiration for Oklahoma bomber Timothy McVeigh. She has been diagnosed as a psychopath.

In June 1999, Erstikaitis was convicted of threatening to kill the mother of Leslie Mahaffy. She is the mother of three girls who were murdered.

At her hearing on January 5th, Erstikaitis declined the judge’s advice to seek the advice of an attorney before entering her guilty plea. She stated she didn’t need a lawyer, that she was sick and tired of lawyers and knew more than they did. She told the court, ‘I have a bit more intelligence and education than the average criminal. I have read Martin’s Criminal Code twice.’ The judge appointed her an amicus curiae, otherwise known as a friend of the court, to assist her with her own defense.

Michelle Erstikaitis went on to tell the Ontario Superior Court that hers was a lost cause and she would write a book about being the only female Canadian dangerous offender. Of course, she went on to say she would write a lit of ‘nasty sh*t’ about those who had wronged her.

Female dangerous offenders in Canada are, indeed, rare. The first was Marlene Moore who committed suicide in 1988.

As a biography, Michelle Lyne Erstikaitis, 30-years-old, is the oldest of three daughters of a sex worker, drug addict mother. She lived with her mother until she was about 5-years-old. When she was 8-years-old she was adopted. Over the years, she was hospitalized at least five times with mental health issues including depression, hysteria, psychosis, borderline and anti-social personality disorders. She was a chronic drug abuser and cut herself.

She began writing Paul Bernardo in jail when she was just 13-years-old. When Bernado was on trial for the murders of Leslie Mahaffy and Kristen French in 1995 she began threatening the life of Debbie Mahaffy, the mother of the murdered girl who was her own age. The messages she left on Debbie Mahaffy’s answering machine were sadistic and threatening. At times she pretended to be her murdered daughter. Other times she threatened to kill her and her son. She was convicted of making death threats in 1999.

She poured gasoline around her Hamilton apartment in the fall of 1999 and set it on fire. She was rescued by emergency workers. At that time she was hospitalized in the Hamilton Psychiatric Hospital, then charged with arson, endangering life and breaching her probation. She plead guilty and received a two-year sentence. She was diagnosed as a psychopath at the time, but since she was only 22-years-old, the judge ruled she was a ‘long-term offender’ and sentenced to a six-years of supervision after her release from prison. She was still on supervision when she is alleged to have slashed her boyfriend with scissors about a year ago. That is the incident that landed her in court in January 2010. She has been in custody since January 2009.

At this point, it appears that Michelle Erstikaitis will get her wish and be a rare female Canadian dangerous offender.

So, just to reiterate, Ms. Erstikaitis:
  • Became so obsessed with Paul Bernardo that she began contacting the mother of the victim and eventually threatened to kill her and her son.
  • Poured gasoline in her apartment and set it alight. Keep in mind that there were other tenants living in the apartment building who may have been harmed as a result of her, "tomfoolery."
  • She has been diagnosed as a psychopath.
  • She assaulted her then boyfriend.
  • She was involved in other unnamed violent behavior.
  • And finally, she has ASKED to be declared a dangerous offender.
This is the woman, a human being that is seriously ill and desperately needs to be treated in a secured facility, whom Paulie has decided is a political dissident who's only real crimes really aren't very serious to be concerned about.

But this time Paulie has managed to get a little more support for his latest cause... from people who will believe anything they're told by a prominent member of the, "White Nationalist" movement and who don't know how to use Google: