26 November 2012

Three Men Assault Two Individuals in Edmonton. Hate Crime Alleged

Well. This is interesting.

Four sought in alleged hate crime near Whyte Avenue

Edmonton Journal November 26, 2012 4:37 PM

EDMONTON - Police are searching for four people involved in an alleged hate crime near Whyte Avenue last August.

Police say the group — which included a very large, muscular man with a shaved head, a chubby, shirtless man with a long Afro hair style, and another man wearing a yellow cast and a lady’s blouse — assaulted two people outside a liquor store near 99th Street and 81st Avenue at about 3 a.m. on Saturday Aug. 11.

20 November 2012

Terry Tremaine Starting to Play Nice?

A visit to Tremaine's website now features the following:

That's all well and good, but there appears to be a lot more that should be removed in order to be in compliance.

It's a start, though it looks to us to be just a start.

But consider how many years it has taken to get to this point. All he had to do to avoid his present circumstances was to  remove the offending material. No one said he couldn't be a bigot. He just couldn't post material that demonized another race or religion to the point where it puts members of those groups in harms way.

His supporters present him as a martyr. We view him as a pathetic fool who was used by the likes of Paulie and others.

15 November 2012

Terry Long Comes Out Of Seclusion; Supports Topham

Arthur Topham had an arraignment hearing Tuesday where he pleaded not guilty. He is enjoined from contacting Richard Warman and Harry Abrams but otherwise has no restrictions on his use of the Internet. For now at least. A few interesting points that critics of sec. 13 (human rights code) might consider:

1. A sec. 319 (criminal code) charge appears to compel the respondent to attend quite a few hearings, likely more than anything resulting from a sec. 13 complaint.

2. Failure to appear at one of these hearings may very well result in an arrest warrant, unlike a sec. 13 complaint.

Sec. 13 doesn't look so bad after all, eh?  We suppose this is yet another case where one should be careful what one wishes for.

Paulie has been dutifully updating everyone about the status of Topham, including re-posting Topham's most recent update on Radical Press. We won't include that part since it's really just echoing what he always writes, however Paulie does include a "forward" which really is a blast from the past:

10 November 2012

Curriculum Hateful? Yes. Anything Being Done About It? Not Really.

End of Jewish Plots and Treacheries: Ever since the Prophet’s entry into Madina, the treacherous Jews had vehemently opposed him and his Islamic call, evoking memories of their hostility to the previous Prophet, Jesus Christ, half a millennium ago. The crafty Jews entered into an alliance with the polytheist Quraish in a bid to stamp out Islam. They conspired to kill Prophet Muhammad despite the fact that he was lenient towards them and had treated them kindly, hoping to convince them of Islam’s truth. But eventually as Jewish plots and aggressions increased, he had no choice other than to take up arms against them, in order to protect Islam and the Muslims. At the battle of Khaiber which is famous for Imam Ali’s heroic exploits, the Prophet defeated them ending Jewish intrigues and conspiracies in Arabia.

This is an excerpt from the curriculum of the East End Madrassah in Toronto. To say that such language is disturbing would be to understate how vile it really is. And that this, presumably, has been taught to children?

Let's try this as an experiment:

7 November 2012

Tremaine Going to Jail

It's either 30 days or six months depending on if Terry decides to play nice.

We're trying to see if we can get the reaction from the bonehead community and their supporters (if we do, we'll add it to this article later) but until then here's a story in the "Leader-Post":

Regina man gets jail for racist messages

A Saskatchewan man who refused to stop posting racist messages on websites is going to jail.

On Wednesday, a Federal Court judge sentenced Terry Tremaine of Regina to at least 30 days in jail for acting in contempt of an order of the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal.

Topham Officialy Charged

We've been enjoying the exploding heads on the Obama haters this evening and decided to take the day off from the blog.

Then we checked our email.

B.C. man charged with promoting hatred against Jews on website

We might have more to write about this later.

3 November 2012

And the Basis For the Lemire Appeal Is....

.... sort of pathetic.

For those readers who don't have fantastic eyesight, here it is broken down:

We've said it before here and we'll say it again.

Gotta love public documents.

2 November 2012

Marc Lemire is Appealing

Well, not appealing in any physical sense of the word. Let's face it, the dude should lay off the French crullers.

No, Marc Lemire, former member and the last leader of the Heritage Front (despite his denial) is appealing the recent decision concerning the constitutionality of the Canadian Human Rights Act. BCL beat us to the punch on this, but he also beat Lemire to it so, we're okay with that.