Showing posts with label WEB. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WEB. Show all posts

9 January 2017

Jody Issel, Soldiers of Odin Moose Jaw President, Isn't Even Trying Anymore

You know, if there's one positive thing about Trump's election is that the racists we've been covering here for years have become refreshingly honest about their views. Take this guy for example:

Now this is admittedly an older photo of Jody Issel, but it does sort of capture a particular moment in time, specifically the time he tried to start up an unauthorized chapter of the Aryan Nations' in Saskatchewan. That effort didn't pan out so well, so he threw in his lot with Kyle McKee and the Aryan Guard in Calgary for a while, attending at least one of their "White Pride Day" marches.

A few months after we reported Issel's efforts to start an Aryan Nations' chapter, he contacted us to first beg, then threaten us, to remove his information. We didn't and we still haven't, but at that time he seems to have recognized that being associated with the racist movement wasn't good for his career prospects.

Over the years we kept an eye on him. He was careful, locking down his Facebook from our prying eyes, but there were still a number of times he forgot himself:

Then when the Soldiers of Odin movement found it's way across the Atlantic, Issel found himself in an interesting position in that he lived in Moose Jaw, the SoO were looking for a Moose Jaw city president, and the SoO doesn't actually seem to vet their members or individuals aspiring to positions of leadership. Thus:

Recently, Issel and his merry band of SoO members (four by all accounts) decided to take a stroll about Moose Jaw (at least long enough to snap some photos) to protect the fine folks of that particular prairie community:

The problem here is who will protect the fine folks of Moose Jaw from the people who claim to want to protect them?

Bill Daniels, SOO Provincial President in BC

It's funny, because although he claimed that he wasn't hiding, at the time Issel posted these messages on his other profile, it was locked up tighter than gnat's chuff.

But things have changed on both of his profiles, although this one is the more interesting of the two right now:

So why does Issel feel more comfortable openly expressing his racism?

Take a wild guess:

4 December 2016

Andrew Benson Reappears With Interesting Friends

It seems that in addition to the Goudreau, who recently came to our attention after a lengthy absence, another character whom we had once been keeping close tabs on but whom we lost track of has reappeared on our radar:

Andrew Benson has been somewhat of a political chameleon over the years. He started out as a self-proclaimed Trotskyist....

.... followed by a lengthy stint as a bonehead:

The last time we heard from Benson, he had begun to style himself as a free market libertarian acolyte of Ayn Rand and Ron Paul, though his association with Richard Spencer's National Policy Institute certainly strongly suggested he retained his antisemitic and racist views:
“I am not a fan of political correctness,” said Andrew Benson, 28, who had traveled from Canada to attend. Wearing a black suit vest, red collared shirt and black cargo pants, he looked more like he’d come to his conclusions as part of a teenage rebellion. “I have always had an odd attraction to things that are taboo.”
No kidding?

It seems that Benson is still enamored with this particular brand of nationalism and like other members of the so-called "alt-right" (who are, at the core, neo-Nazis) is a supporter of Donald Trump:

Benson with Milo Yiannopoulos. Photo first posted on Benson's page July 2016.

We found Benson again quite by accident, but we immediately recognized him despite his Russified name as it now appears on Facebook:

17 July 2016

Wildrose Party Leader Brian Jean Photographed with Aryan Guard/Blood & Honour Associate

Okay, the title of this article could rightfully be accused of being click bait and of being  unfair to Brian Jean, but it is also an accurate title.

Much like the late Rob Ford was photographed a an event with an individual well known to those familiar with the racist movement in Canada, so too was Brian Jean, leader of the Wildrose Party of Alberta who posed for this photo with Jonathan Besler we presume at the Calgary Stampede:

Given Besler's attitude toward the current NDP government in Alberta, perhaps we shouldn't be too surprised that he would gravitate towards the Wildrose Part as an alternative....

21 June 2016

June 2016 Bits and Bites: Paul Fromm, Robert Reitmeier, Tyler Sturrup, Canadians United 4 Canada, and Assault on Muslim Woman

A few things have occurred over the past few days that we figure warrant some discussion, though not necessarily stand alone posts.

First on the agenda is another example of Paulie having a bad day, which is generally a good day for most people. He was scheduled to give a speech in Victoria, however the manager contacted him to let Paulie know he was't welcome. Paulie accepted the news with the quiet dignity he is well known for:

Or he whined and claimed his free speech rights have been curtailed while presenting the event as an epic struggle for freedom of expression. I mean, either way, right?

23 November 2015

Article in Calgary Sun Regarding Murder of Mark Mariani

The article published on Saturday lays out much of the evidence (in addition to the released audio transcript that was released a two years ago) used to ultimately convict Tyler Sturrup and Robert Reitmeier, founding members of Western European Bloodlines (WEB) which was, if one can believe it, a more violent offshoot of the Aryan Guard.

We found this line to sufficiently describe the "bravery" of the Master Race once one model example realized he had been caught:

Reitmeier’s last act as a free man is to throw up in front of two cops and a camera....

Looks good on you.

15 July 2014

Bill Noble: Still a Little Bitter

It's been a while since we wrote about the folks who were associated with Kyle McKee's AG/B&H/C18/AARP/WWE/NAMBLA but we certainly haven't forgotten about them. While he certainly has been quiet these days with McKee's one time ally, now rival Max Hynes getting much of the press, he has been quietly trying to reestablish himself.

Part of the reason for the collapse of the Aryan Guard and it's Blood & Honour successor was because of pretty massive egos and the infighting that resulted. WEB broke away from the AG due to "philosophical differences" which appears to have resulted in an attempt to off one of the WEB members with a pipe bomb. When the AG morphed into Blood & Honour, there was already a faction of the movement associated with the Hammerskins and Volksfront who had a preexisting acrimonious relationship with the C18 aligned B&H internationally as well as within Canada. And then McKee's B&H splintered, with one group siding with McKee and the other Jessie Lajoie. By the time of Max Hynes' falling out with McKee, it looks as if Lajoie had reconciled with McKee which, of course, resulted in this:

McKee Associate Convicted and Sentenced in Violent Attack

Really, it's hard to conduct RAHOWA if you continually shoot, stab, or bomb each other in the backs. But hey, don't let us stop you.

One of the more entertaining incidents that occurred during this time was detailed in this blog more than two years ago. Bill Noble, still loosely associated with the McKee faction, had entered into a new relationship with a woman who had more liberal views about human sexuality. Long story short, Noble was photographed at the Winnipeg Gay Pride Festival having a great time.

It didn't take long before Noble was taken to task for his attendance at the event, though he tried to justify it as a sneaky way of proving how intolerant anti-racists really are rather than telling people that he had a blast, made some new friends, and that those criticizing him should jump off a bridge.

Suffice it to say no one bought his explanation and he was booted from the Blood & Honour International forums by the then Canadian moderator and his chief accuser, Jessie Lajoie. And when he learned he had been banned from the forum, Noble threw a hissy fit and went after Lajoie.

Now one would think that two year later Noble might have decided to have let it go and just move on with his life. However, if you believe that you really don't know Bill Noble:

31 May 2014

Southern Ontario Skins: A Cast of Stooges Part III (Trouble in Paradise)

The bromance between Southern Ontario "Skinhead" founder Max Hynes and his newest member Brodie "Bee Fresh" Walsh has continued through it's honeymoon period this week. Here they are wearing matching hats:

Our guess on the next SOS product placement? Beer koozies. Still, it can't be a bonehead photo without at least one person being shirtless, in this case a decidedly doughy Walsh. Really, we're surprised to see Hynes in a tank top as we had grown to suspect that he might have sensitive nipples considering the number of shirtless selfies he takes. He's back to form in the next photo though:

Max, you do understand that you don't have to feel the need to flex in every photo of yourself? It seems you're trying a little too hard.

And, uhm.... you boys know those are walking sticks right? Hard to be menacing when you look like you're into cosplay from "The Hobbit":

And this one is for you Brodie:

But not all is well in SOSville. Our previous article wasn't very well received as evidenced by the well considered, and totally not functionally illiterate, response by Mr. Brodie Walsh:

13 March 2014

Tyler Sturrup Appealing Murder Conviction

Late last year Robert Reitmeier was convicted of murder Mark Mariani. A year previously Tyler Sturrup pleaded guilty and was sentenced to life in prison for his participation in the murder with no possibility for parole for 10 years.

Evidently, Sturrup wants a do-over:

Calgary Neo-Nazi appeals murder conviction

By ,Calgary Sun
First posted: | Updated:

More than a year after pleading guilty to the murder of Calgarian Mark Mariani, white supremacist Tyler Sturrup has had a change of heart and appealed his conviction.

Citing several reasons, including the psychological state he was in at the time, Sturrup has asked the Alberta Court of Appeal to overturn his conviction for second-degree murder.

And in his handwritten notice of appeal, Sturrup cites problems with his lawyer as the main reason he wants to take his case to trial.

5 January 2014

Murderer Robert Reitmeier Appealing Conviction

Not necessarily surprising, mind you.

No doubt this will be difficult for the Mariani family, but unless something truly unexpected occurs, we suspect that the appeal will be rejected. 

Neo-Nazi murderer, Robert Reitmeier, files appeal

Reitmeier was found guilty in November of 2nd-degree murder in 2010 death of Mark Mariani

By Meghan Grant, CBC News Posted: Jan 04, 2014 5:58 PM MT Last Updated: Jan 05, 2014 10:53 AM MT

Neo-Nazi murderer, Robert Reitmeier, is appealing his conviction and sentence for the 2010 random killing of Mark Mariani.

After being found guilty by a jury in November 2013, Reitmeier was sentenced to life in prison with no chance of parole for 13 years. For Mariani's family, news of the appeal isn't sitting well.

20 November 2013

Robert Reitmeier Found Guilty

Rob Reitmeier guilty of 2nd-degree murder, says jury


Self-proclaimed white supremacist charged after 2010 beating death of Mark Mariani

CBC News Posted: Nov 20, 2013 9:53 PM MT Last Updated: Nov 20, 2013 10:09 PM MT

Self-proclaimed white supremacist Rob Reitmeier has been found guilty of second-degree murder by a jury in the 2010 beating death of Calgary man Mark Mariani.

After two days of deliberating, a jury of 11 returned the verdict at 9:51 p.m. MT Wednesday.

They are now tasked with recommending parole eligibility for Reitmeier.

15 November 2013

Tyler Sturrup: “If I have a fucking question about her I’ll make her be dead."

More disturbing testimony today at the murder trial of Robert Reitmeier. Yesterday and today the jury heard recorded conversations between Reitmeier and Tyler Sturrup which appears to refer to the murder. Here are a few excerpts:

Tyler Sturrup and Robert Reitmeier
“I mean you know how much anxiety rips my ... heart out every ... day,” Reitmeier tells his friend in an April 20, 2011, call. “Like I say, they’ve got nothing.

“Talk about being in the wrong place, wrong time, whatever.”

Sturrup reassures Reitmeier that if police had something on them, they would have been brought in for questioning. “They’ve got nothing. I’m not worried,” he adds.

In a call the following day, Reitmeier begins to get uptight again, telling Sturrup that at the beginning of the conversation he was told there was nothing to worry about and now he is saying otherwise.

Reitmeier: Photo taken late (December) 2012
Sturrup said the media reports were starting to get him concerned.

“When I heard the news, I was, ugh, I’m dying a little bit inside,” Sturrup tells Reitmeier. 

“Whatever it is, I mean, they’re not gonna get me in handcuffs for that ... I’ll make them kill me ... I’ll take a couple of cops with me.”

9 November 2013

The Reitmeier Murder Trial: A Third Person

As we thought, video surveillance evidence is playing a significant role in the murder trial of Robert Reitmeier, co-founder of the white supremacist group Western European Bloodlines (W.E.B) which was itself an off-shoot to the Aryan Guard. Despite the defence's efforts to have the video evidence declared inadmissible, the jury was shown videos of Reitmeier and Tyler Sturrup buying beer in the same min-mall as the store Mark Mariani had entered.

But of significant note is this revelation:

Another series of clips showed three people — two males and a female — entering and leaving a nearby liquor store.

We had heard rumors after the arrests of Reitmeier and Sturrup that there might have been a third person who might have had some involvement, though it was never clear what that involvement might have been. We had assumed that it was another male member of W.E.B and based on a comment left on the blog suspected it might have been a member who picked up and moved to Saskatchewan. We were clearly incorrect in that assumption:

The woman in the video looks to us like Reitmeier's wife.

So while it looks like the evidence of Robert Reitmeier's involvement in the murder is becoming increasingly clear, we do now have a lot of questions about C.S.

4 November 2013

Reitmeier Murder Trial Begins

Photo likely taken around
January 2012 while in remand

We had been looking up old websites using the handy tool that is the Wayback Machine last night when we decided to take a look back at one of the sites Kulbashian used to host, Given that Robert Reitmeier's trial began today, we found this part (saved by someone who took over the site and wished to provide evidence to the violent motives of boneheads) to be especially salient (photos were added from our collection):

Lets now talk about the essence of a skinhead; tenacity and violence. How many of you reading this
have been in a fight in the last five years? How many have ever been in a fight outside of high school. You need to ask yourself these questions, and ask yourself if you really have what it takes to call yourself a skinhead. As a skinhead, you should not take shit from anyone. I do not care if there are multiple people, you simply do not take shit from them. So what if you get your ass kicked? So what if you get killed? If you have the aggressive spirit I, and numerous others have, neither of the above will happen to you. How violent are you? How much do you believe in our cause? If some asshole at the grocery store makes a comment such as "Seek Help", do you immediately beat him to the ground? Do you have the animal inside you? Can you do anything it takes?
Remember, the reason niggers are so violent is that they still have the ability to tap into animal instinct, and somewhat lack the ability to turn it off. This is a product of natural selection, and results because niggers are so far behind whites, and every other race for that matter, in an evolutionary sense. Whites can turn on the inner animal, although it takes a bit of practice. It's essentially what the military does to all of its infantry and spec ops. They simply train the soldier until the beast can be turned on. This is the same reason that many of you have never met a "normal" marine, and why most of them act like murders. You, as a skinhead, must turn on the inner animal in order to do what other may deem as impossible, sickening, depraved, and insane. 
Could you claw out an opponents eyes and scrape the pink muscle of the eye socket while optical fluid pours over your hands. Could you stand the "underwater popping sound" as the eye is torn from
the optic cord? 

Could you bash, stab, kick an opponent until their head caves in, their brains varnishing the floor, as their eyes are displaced from their sockets? 

Could you kill thousands of people with an explosive device?

Essentially, I am asking, have you ever seen a body? Can you stand to see the mutilation of the human body without going into shock? Can you inflict the above damage on another's body without going into shock, freezing, or being hindered because of psychological preconditioning? If the answer is no, you can not yet tap into the inner animal, nor will you survive long in what the future will surely bring. If the answer is yes, you will most likely never loose another fight, and you will indeed be an asset to our cause.  

At least whoever wrote this was being honest when compared to other groups (Aryan Guard, Blood & Honour, Tri-City Skins, Heritage Front, etc) who publicly disavow violence but who amongst their fellow travelers both glorify and revel in it.

When the arrests originally took place, the media noted the racist graffiti as evidence of White Supremacist involvement of the crime. A lot of people suggested that such evidence was very weak and at best circumstantial, and we agreed. However we posited that there must be other evidence, such as video surveillance, that ultimately made the arrests possible. Based on the information below, it would appear that we weren't all that far off:

Family fears reason for deadly attack may never be known

By Jason van Rassel, Calgary Herald November 4, 2013 6:03 PM

The jury trial of a man accused in the beating death of Calgarian Mark Mariani may bring about a resolution to the case, but the victim’s sister isn’t sure her family will ever know why he was killed.

Robert David Reitmeier is accused of beating 47-year-old Mariani to death with another man, Tyler Sturrup, in a northwest Calgary alleyway in 2010.

Sturrup pleaded guilty to second-degree murder earlier this year, but went to prison without ever explaining why.

30 October 2013

Andrew Benson: “I am not a fan of political correctness”

During the summer when we wrote about a far-right and antisemitic Catholic organization's list of speakers at an upcoming event in Canada we noted that one of the speakers was American libertarian and frequent presidential candidate Ron Paul. We also noted in one photograph that standing beside Mr. Paul was an individual well known to our readers:

Andrew Benson, who had tried to ingratiate himself to Marxists before sliding into fascism, seemed to have shed another skin and had repackaged himself as a disciple of Ayn Rand as further indicated by his other photographs:

"Rub a bald Ludwig von Mises for luck?"

18 September 2013

A Personal Look Inside W.E.B.

A few weeks back a series of messages were left on the blog detailing one individual's experience with the Calgary-based hate group WEB. Our readers are very well acquainted with WEB and the actions of their members, the most violent action of which was the murder of Mark Mariani, a crime that WEB member Tyler Sturrup pleaded guilty to and WEB founder Robert Reitmeier is still currently awaiting trial.

Though we didn't pass them through moderation when they were posted, we were able to contact the person who left these comments and asked if we could publish them as an article. Though understandably a little reticent at first, the individual felt that perhaps her story could help others who might be vulnerable to the lure of hate groups.

The following is one person's experience. We have attempted to conceal some identities but are under no illusion that those who are more personally acquainted with the characters in this account won't be able to easily figure out whom is being referred to. The story was compelling but raw; we worked with the writer to tell the story with as little distraction as possible while attempting to accurately detail her truth as she understands it.

And with that, we give you an account of one person's personal encounter with the Western European Bloodlines, Calgary hate group.

21 August 2013

Ron Paul, a Neo-Fascist, and The Birchers Are Coming to Canada

A while back we began wondering where Andrew Benson ended up.

Our readers remember who Andrew Benson is, right?

Whenever one of the folks we've paid attention to in the past falls off our radar, we become a little curious to see where they've ended up. Sometimes they are in prison. Other times they've rejected racism and have tried to make themselves useful human beings. And in the case of Andrew Benson, a man who before he identified with racist boneheads had tried to ingratiate himself to radical Marxists, he tries to reinvent himself again.

So the one time communist, then fascist, is now a libertarian:

24 March 2013

Anti-Racist Rally Successful in Calgary

For five years, anti-racists have assembled to stand against members of the Calgary-based Aryan Guard who had attempted to co-opt the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination which takes place on March 21, calling their rally a "white pride march." In those years, the Aryan Guard (which later morphed into Blood & Honour) were outnumbered by as many as 8 to 1. Things became so hot for them in Calgary that they tried moving the march to Edmonton where they had to resort to a game of hide and go seek in order to avoid an equally large number of anti-racists. Efforts to hold a march in London last year met with unqualified failure, though anti-racists were quite successful in their efforts.

So yesterday, anti-racists again assembled along with members of Idle No More in Calgary in a rally to end racism. They met with almost no opposition as most of the membership of the old Aryan Guard, Blood & Honour, W.E.B. are in remand awaiting trial or serving lengthy prison sentences. Only two boneheads showed up, and one of them was Layton Bertsch who even boneheads don't take seriously.

4 March 2013

WEB Founder Tyler Sturrup Pleads Guilty to Murder

Back in October 2012 Tyler Sturrup was reported to be drafting a charter challenge, the basis of which remains unknown. As such this comes as a bit of a surprise:

Former white supremacist pleads guilty in random, deadly attack

CALGARY- A former white supremacist has pleaded guilty in the death of a man who was viciously attacked and found dead in front of a northwest strip mall.

In October 2010, 47-year-old Mark Mariani was approached by two complete strangers behind the mall. They knocked him down and repeatedly kicked and stomped him. Mariani died of severe head injuries, and the motive behind the vicious attack is still not known.

27-year-old Tyler Sturrup entered a guilty plea in court on Monday in connection with the attack—the very day his trial was set to get underway.

“I think we were all preparing for a long, lengthy trial, preparing to go the distance for whatever we needed to do, and it was a shock this turned around like it did today,” says Mariani’s brother, Dino. “We’re all surprised by it.”

In court, Sturrup offered an apology, saying, “I cannot give Mark his life back, I wish I could. But I can take responsibility.

“I deeply regret my past violent and reckless behaviour. I’m sorry for the pain I’ve caused your family.”

Sturrup was sentenced to life in prison, with no chance of parole for 10 years.

While Mariani’s family left court satisfied some justice has been served, there is still another trial scheduled. Robert Reitmeier, the second man accused in Mariani’s murder, is set to face a judge in the fall.

With files from Nancy Hixt

Not sure how this influences Robert Reitmeier's trial, but it certainly makes things a bit more interesting. If we were to guess though, we would imagine that it doesn't look too good for him.

While the imprisonment of Sturrup will not bring back the life of Mark Mariani, at least he's off the streets for a long time and will not be able to hurt anyone. He might be up for parole in 2021, but given his personality and penchant for violence, we hope he rots there.

1 December 2012

December 2012 Bits and Bites

Things here at ARC have been pretty slow, and we couldn't be more happy about that. Still, we thought we'd post a very brief update.

Our readers on Facebook will be aware of items such as this being posted as status updates:

In response to the new Facebook guidelines I hereby declare that my copyright is attached to all of my personal details, illustrations, comics, paintings, professional photos and videos, etc. (as a result of the Berner Convention).

For commercial use of the above my written consent is needed at all times!

(Anyone reading this can copy this text and paste it on their Facebook Wall. This will place them under protection of copyright laws. By the present communiqué, I notify Facebook that it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, disseminate, or take any other action against me on the basis of this profile and/or its contents. The aforementioned prohibited actions also apply to employees, students, agents and/or any staff under Facebook's direction or control. The content of this profile is private and confidential information. The violation of my privacy is punished by law (UCC 1 1-308-308 1-103 and the Rome Statute).

Facebook is now an open capital entity. All members are recommended to publish a notice like this, or if you prefer, you may copy and paste this version. If you do not publish a statement at least once, you will be tacitly allowing the use of elements such as your photos as well as the information contained in your profile status updates...

Most people know that this is all absolutely meaningless. However, some apparently seem to actually believe by merely posting the above, "notice" that their Facebook profile becomes private.

Someone like Paulie: